As of May 13th

You are the only one on this forum constantly posting about homosexual conduct.
Are you begging for a dick to suck?
Stupid fucking lemming. Originally Posted by bamscram
I am posting about YOUR and the reach-around crew's conduct EKIM. Have one of YOUR fellow dingleberry picking crew members explain it to YOU, CHIMP !
bamscram's Avatar
I am posting about YOUR and the reach-around crew's conduct EKIM. Have one of YOUR fellow dingleberry picking crew members explain it to YOU, CHIMP ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Bull shit you are just crying for a dick to suck.
You know it and everybody on the forum knows it.
Had any offers?
You are too dumb to wipe your ass if there are dingle berries hanging.
Faggot lemming..
Munchmasterman's Avatar
@70% lies before the election. @70% after. Under-educated and gullible.
Were you the valedictorian of your trump university class? Too smart to get in on the settlement suit?
No surprise the fiery snowball accepts that. What level is unacceptable to you?
Is there an unacceptable level for you?
People who lie are willing to accept other people lying.
Find me a politician that doesn't lie. That should keep your goofy liberal ass busy for a very long time.
No where near as long as trying to find someone who lies as much as trump.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-15-2017, 05:25 AM
They are so happy to have that doofus in office nothing he does will ever matter. He could slap his wife on TV and they would find a way to justify it. So to think him lying matters you're fooling yourself. We started out this administration with lies. Spicy and his photos of the lack of crowds but he tells you its the most ever, and thats a mild lie today.

The end of the year if he ain't got his shit together I bet Republicans start bailing on him. Guys a shit show.
JCM800's Avatar

By somtime in the wee-hours of November 9, it was determined that ...

....The Clintons Lost Again!

I'm sorry your candidate didn't win. It's like the Super Bowl.

There's a winner and a loser. This time the right person LOST! Originally Posted by LexusLover

LL, I think your Clinton obsession has finally taken the lead from your Obama golf obsession.

Try not to lose too much sleep.


YOU OK WID DAT, JCM? Originally Posted by lustylad
Absolutely. You ok with the Russian investigation? ...or like Trump would you rather have it go away?
Trumpolini Lemmings will believe anything Trump says. Anything. They will defend Trump if he declares night is day and water isn't wet.

A pathological lying, paranoid schizophrenic like Trump has the ability to convince fools who believe in him of anything he wants. So sad!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It worked for Hitler.

It seems to be working for Twitler.
firelips's Avatar
Just a quick reminder,
out of 405 statements made by trump, 278 were untrue to some extent.
He lies at an @70% rate.
Un-fucking believable. Both figuratively and literately.

Fact-checking Donald Trump’s NBC interview, claims about firing FBI Director James Comey

By Lauren Carroll on Friday, May 12th, 2017 at 12:20 p.m.

During a May 11 interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, President Donald Trump said he had made the decision to fire FBI Director James Comey prior to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s recommendation. (Yahoo)
President Donald Trump downplayed the significance of the FBI’s Russia investigation and the timing of his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey in an interview with NBC May 11. He also distorted the facts on both points.

Here are Trump’s most notable lines from the interview with Lester Holt, fact-checked.

"Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey."

That’s not what the White House said previously. White House spokespeople, Vice President Mike Pence and Trump himself, in his dismissal letter to Comey, all said Trump was acting on the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein wrote a memo, dated May 9, recommending that Trump fire Comey because of how he handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Trump’s statement that he was always planning to fire Comey is a complete departure from that line — adding to mounting doubt that Trump really fired Comey over the Clinton investigation.

"This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should've won."

That doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. The U.S. intelligence community concluded Russia meddled in the election with the intent to harm Clinton, and by extension, help Trump.

Further, the FBI is investigating any possible coordination between Russia and Trump campaign associates, and both Democrats and Republican members of Congress are seriously examining these questions.

It very well may turn out that there was no improper conduct in the Trump campaign. But there’s enough substance to the allegations that they’ve attracted significant bipartisan and independent attention.

"(Comey) said it once at dinner and then he said it twice during phone calls. … I said if it's possible, would you let me know am I under investigation. He said you are not under investigation."

We have to take Trump’s word for it as of now. We know with certainty that the FBI investigation involves the Trump campaign. But we have no way of knowing whether the FBI is investigating Trump personally, nor do we know what Comey told Trump.

"The other thing is the Russians did not affect the vote. And everybody seems to think that."

Trump is overstating what’s publicly known. The January intelligence community report found that Russian actors interfered in the election, though they did not tamper with vote tallying. But the intelligence community did not assess whether Russia’s actions actually had a measurable impact on the election outcome in other ways, such as affecting public opinion.

"I don't know if it's an FBI investigation or if it's Congress, if it's the Senate and the House."

He should know. All three — the FBI, the Senate and the House — are investigating.

"We consider it to be a highly significant investigation," Andrew McCabe, now the acting FBI director, said at a May 11 Senate hearing. There are also Russia-related inquiries from Congress: The House intelligence committee, Senate intelligence committee, House oversight committee and the Senate judiciary committee.

Other intelligence agencies, as well as the Treasury, are also involved in the Russia inquiries to some degree.

"But we fired (Michael Flynn) because he said something to the vice president that was not so."

Trump was making the point that he fired Flynn from his role as national security adviser because he lied to Pence, as opposed to any sort of improper involvement with Russia on Flynn’s part. But Flynn misled Pence about his conversations with the Russian ambassador, so the two issues are inseparable.

Regarding the fact that Flynn received payments from the Russian government: "Obama perhaps knew because he had clearance from the Obama administration."

Trump is correct that Flynn got security clearance during President Barack Obama’s administration, even after he was forced to retire from his role as Defense Intelligence Agency director in 2014.

But there are still two things wrong with Trump’s assertion.

First, reupping someone’s security clearance is a routine process conducted by agency bureaucrats, so it’s highly unlikely any details of that review would have made it to the Oval Office. Additionally, Flynn did not disclose the foreign payments on his application form, according to House intelligence committee members who reviewed relevant documents.

"I have no investments in Russia, none whatsoever."

Lawyers for Trump released a letter May 12 saying Trump does not have any income, debt or investments related to Russia, with a couple exceptions: Trump hosted the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, a $20 million deal facilitated by Russian real estate mogul and billionaire Aras Agalarov. He also made millions selling a 17-bedroom Florida mansion to a Russian billionaire.

We can't independently examine the extent of Trump’s business dealings in Russia, in part because he hasn’t released his tax returns. But journalists have pulled together examples of Trump seeking out business opportunities in Russia or with Russian buyers throughout his career.

Notably, Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., said in a 2008 real estate conference that "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets."

"This is a public meeting," regarding his May 10 Oval Office meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

This was a private White House meeting, closed to the American press. We only have photos of the event from Tass, a Russian government-run news agency, and the official White House photographer.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hard to believe..... NOT
It worked for Hitler.

It seems to be working for Twitler. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It worked for Obama too, and you fell for it more than anyone, lol.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I know it's not too important to you to tell the truth but here are Obama's numbers.

Out of 597 statements, he was untruthful 150 times. That's 26%
of the time. Trump was untruthful 71% of the time.

Out of 293 statements, Clinton was untruthful 76 times. That is 26% of the time.

Looks like it worked so well for trump, people like you believed a guy who lies 7 out of every 10 statements he makes. And when you're informed of the truth you keep going with fake info that you'll defend till the end.

You're going to believe what ever you want, but don't pretend the truth matters to you. And don't pretend you don't have an arbitrary double standard for the truth.

It worked for Obama too, and you fell for it more than anyone, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I know it's not too important to you to tell the truth but here are Obama's numbers.

Out of 597 statements, he was untruthful 150 times. That's 26%
of the time. Trump was untruthful 71% of the time.

Out of 293 statements, Clinton was untruthful 76 times. That is 26% of the time.

Looks like it worked so well for trump, people like you believed a guy who lies 7 out of every 10 statements he makes. And when you're informed of the truth you keep going with fake info that you'll defend till the end.

You're going to believe what ever you want, but don't pretend the truth matters to you. And don't pretend you don't have an arbitrary double standard for the truth.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I think you're lying right now and I can tell ya I am not falling for it.

You're right.
Dems lost the election.
The repubs will lose a president.
Actually they don't have one now. Mike Pence will probably do a decent job.
And keep thinking the donkeys are milling around the edge.
I'm sure you remember how they killed off the mammoths.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Mammoths, huh? Two things killed 'em off...climate change and hunting (by humans). Sure can't recall the donkey adding to their demise though...

Just google the phrase, twit ("Donkey on the Edge") and you'll get it.....(maybe). Jeez, whatta maroon.

(Do I need to explain that one, too?)
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Of course you think I'm lying. You've already shown you aren't very good at discerning the truth. From a practical standpoint, I don't violate my own standards on telling the truth and it's easy to check on these.

So here you go, "Jim".
You can sit in your comfort zone and think I'm lying or you can follow the links and see the truth about lying.

Because if you aren't going to be "falling for it" for me then you're just "falling for it" with somebody else.

I think you're lying right now and I can tell ya I am not falling for it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Of course you think I'm lying. You've already shown you aren't very good at discerning the truth. From a practical standpoint, I don't violate my own standards on telling the truth and it's easy to check on these.

So here you go, "Jim".
You can sit in your comfort zone and think I'm lying or you can follow the links and see the truth about lying.

Because if you aren't going to be "falling for it" for me then you're just "falling for it" with somebody else. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hahaha, oh that's epic. Suppose you explain how they arrived at those stats besides someone's opinion. Anyone can make a graph and put numbers on it. Since they all lie, assume they all lie equally until a method more precise is implemented. Talking about falling for bullshit.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
How did hunters kill them?
One of the ways was stampeding them off the cliff.

So that's all you had to comment on?
Out of all this;

Because you elected the person in the post above. I didn't vote for him. He's your guy.

You didn't address a single issue in the post so there's not much to talk about. What has he done for America? Not for repubs or conservatives. /QUOTE]

It's easy to prove you wrong. If you were right I would spend half a day pounding on iffy, she-be-a-bitch and assorted others. Including you.
You tell me what I'm thinking instead of asking and describe the topics I chose to discuss nothing but the need to argue. Then you say I twist a word here or there and launch into a mindless debate.
So according to you by your description, lexus liar, dicksuckingklansman, wacky cunt, lusty loser are my ilk since they, and now you, are the people I debate with. You have shown you don't have the balls to piss them off. All your cowardly self can do is criticize them by their interaction though me.

You also show your lack of skills at observing your surroundings.
If you think our arguments are about a twisted word here or there then add stupidity to your flaw list.
There's no need to address issues (with you, Munch) because you epitomize the left's mindless mantra of "exist to resist". No matter what the debating point is, twist a word here or there and breathlessly debate it (no matter how much you might sound like idiots; ie: Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, etc...)

On occasion you'll make a valid point; it's true, you actually will....yet you'll cloud it in the same breath with Michael Moore-like nonsensical ravings. That's also true...whether you choose to admit it or not.
The easy to see difference? My nonsensical ravings are obviously that. I don't pretend they are true or judge other people based on them. Only a true moron bases their general assessment of a person and everything about them based on the opinion they have of a travel ban. And whether you chose to admit it or not, that puts you at an instant disadvantage. You think you're smarter than more people who voted for trump based on who they voted for? Not only an instant disadvantage but you get your major moron card too. You take me on thinking you're talking to the dnc? Go ahead and try.
This was your freeby. You came in making claims about me without any examples of my supposedly negative behavior. That means you're he-be-a-douche-bag with less offensive language or the lying loser in a dress. Neither like to carry a large supply of facts in their wallets and frequently try to pay with a check (that's a metaphor for offering up opinion as fact) and both like to pay bail with a check (a metaphor for trying to build on the opinion and pretending it can support things the same as fact)

You....and many other American voters.... were opposed to the possibility...that eventually became a between-the-eyes reality those wee hours of November 9th, 2016...that Donald John Trump was actually going to be declared the winner . An upset of epic proportions few, if any, predicted.That is correct. Right before the election when trump was getting ready to lose, he stated the elections would be rigged and his loss was a sure thing. That's how the world would know the fix was in.
I stated that if trump won, that was the way we would know the elections were rigged. I was stunned he won. I never said he was not the president elect. I would have accepted any legal way to change the results. I would not support mob rule.

It's been six months hence and that opposition (that became outrage) has yet to soften. On the's stiffened to a level of hostility few have seen in our history toward any president and his administration.And you think it's because he won the election?
And that because Clinton supporters are pissed? You are missing a major point that makes you closed minded and stuck supporting issues that you are told to.

Dems want unification? On their terms?
Who controls congress and the presidency? Stop and think here. Who has the power? Suddenly you just lost all arguments for blaming the dems.
You blame the party with no power for everything and refuse to admit the party with all the power are victims of themselves.
Is that twisting a word here or there? Or existing to resist?
This is called critical thinking. The facts are clear without spin. I feel an unbiased answer is obvious.
But I'm not perfect. Never claimed to be. Let me know if I missed something or am looking at things wrong. What do you think? This is the kind of place I form my opinions of people. Can they act in the interest of the country? Do they have a clue what that means? And of course you had nothing to say about you not understanding how our government works. I won't say you don't have valid points,
I'll just say I can't recall seeing any.

Democrats want unification....but only on their terms....they've made that crystal clear. Well, to quote The Golden One..."Elections have Consequences." The Dems and their loyalists have nothing left going forward but to wail and gnash their teeth until.....
They won't have to do anything. Somehow I think the deed has been done and once again the after the fact actions will screw the pooch.
Three Years and Seven-plus months before you and the rest of America's pud-knockers can do anything about it again. lol

That's where you're wrong.
It's that long till the next election.
Jackie likes to talk about counties turning red. He doesn't have a fucking clue. Last words of wisdom. Trump won the election because he got the right 80,000 votes. Just 80000. That's how many votes he won by in the 3 states that decided the election.
You knew he got beat by a total of 3 million or something like that, right? And you have nothing good to say about trump,
only you're glad Clinton lost?
The under-educated base.

Time for you uys to take a break and go on a lengthy vacation IMO. Maybe lose a few pounds...change your diet. Do something positive before y'all start overloading our health system with never-before-seen numbers of stroke and heart attack victims. Y'all are a buncha donkeys on the edge and its just a matter of time before your kind start cratering over things you have no control over.
All you came up with was your bullshit.
Mammoths, huh? Two things killed 'em off...climate change and hunting (by humans).You came so close. You almost weren't stupid. You knew the 2 things that killed them but you couldn't figure out that when I said "they" I was talking about humans and not climate change. You continued down in your stupid spiral when you couldn't grasp the word "how" also means method.
And finally because you didn't ask anything and assumed everything, you missed the point that the donkeys are still at the top. Not dead in the pile at the bottom.

After all your pompous bullshit and your sniveling about "nonsensical ravings", you throw in a quote from Shrek. And then act like I'm supposed to give a shit about your favorite movie.

Sure can't recall the donkey adding to their demise though...

Just google the phrase, twit ("Donkey on the Edge") and you'll get it.....(maybe). Jeez, whatta maroon.

(Do I need to explain that one, too?) Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
You skipped every issue you brought up. Except for your quote about asses.

Whether or not you want to admit it, you're lexasliar in a dress. Just as hypocritical, just as pompous, and a cross dresser to boot. I answered your extremely flawed "logic (whether you choose to admit it or not, you were stupid for not asking anybody who didn't vote for trump how they felt)" and not a peep out of you.
Except for a quote from "Shrek"
What a fucking douche-bag.