Sars_CoV2 In Retreat

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I can give you estimates from experts on the number of lives saved due to the vaccine... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Estimates... hmmm. <scratches head> Not what I think of as the hard science realm. So one first has to estimate, aka model, the numbers without a vaccine to compare to the estimate and model the numbers with a vaccine. Sound about right? <strokes goatee>

Estimates and models, you say. Calling Dr Niel Ferguson?? BTW: You do recall Niel was also the "estimator in chief" for the mad cow disease craze. Right? Perhaps you also recall Niel was a massive proponent of locking everyone into their houses. Well... until he snuck out to bang his hottie (doubtful) GF.

Since it's throw back Saturday (my official decree BTW):
Code Review of Ferguson’s Model

...The model. What it’s doing is best described as “SimCity without the graphics”. It attempts to simulate households, schools, offices, people and their movements, etc. I won’t go further into the underlying assumptions, since that’s well explored elsewhere.

Non-deterministic outputs. Due to bugs, the code can produce very different results given identical inputs. They routinely act as if this is unimportant.

This problem makes the code unusable for scientific purposes, given that a key part of the scientific method is the ability to replicate results. Without replication, the findings might not be real at all – as the field of psychology has been finding out to its cost. Even if their original code was released, it’s apparent that the same numbers as in Report 9 might not come out of it.

Non-deterministic outputs may take some explanation, as it’s not something anyone previously floated as a possibility.

The documentation says:
The model is stochastic. Multiple runs with different seeds should be undertaken to see average behaviour.
“Stochastic” is just a scientific-sounding word for “random”. That’s not a problem if the randomness is intentional pseudo-randomness, i.e. the randomness is derived from a starting “seed” which is iterated to produce the random numbers. Such randomness is often used in Monte Carlo techniques. It’s safe because the seed can be recorded and the same (pseudo-)random numbers produced from it in future. Any kid who’s played Minecraft is familiar with pseudo-randomness because Minecraft gives you the seeds it uses to generate the random worlds, so by sharing seeds you can share worlds.

Clearly, the documentation wants us to think that, given a starting seed, the model will always produce the same results.

Investigation reveals the truth: the code produces critically different results, even for identical starting seeds and parameters...
What's next? Taking a DNA test, repeatedly, to see if you have the sniffles?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Estimates... hmmm. <scratches head> Not what I think of as the hard science realm. So one first has to estimate, aka model, the numbers without a vaccine to compare to the estimate and model the numbers with a vaccine. Sound about right? <strokes goatee>

Estimates and models, you say. Calling Dr Niel Ferguson?? BTW: You do recall Niel was also the "estimator in chief" for the mad cow disease craze. Right? Perhaps you also recall Niel was a massive proponent of locking everyone into their houses. Well... until he snuck out to bang his hottie (doubtful) GF.... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Speaking of Niel and his estimates: So what else happened as a result of those initial estimates, aka pre-vaxx?

State laws in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020

Key take aways:
- Total of 5,578 bills(legislation) produced to change existing laws, in an all fired hurry, aka hair on fire,in 2020
- New York (678 bills) and California (400 bills) lead the way

For a more comprehensive and drill down sets of data that is organized by various groupings
Documenting America's Path to Recovery

Changes in 2020 to laws governing ballot measures

Key take aways:
- 218 legislative bills proposed, 17 passed (17 states)
- This is not counting all of the "Emergency" rulings by local Judges, as was the case in Wilco, for example.

Changes to absentee/mail-in voting procedures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020

Key take aways:
- 37 states and DC changed mail in voting laws, many extra-juditialy

What occurred in January-March 2020?
- China produced several "People dropping dead in the streets" images, articles and videos. All turned out to be false.
- Niel Ferguson produced his estimate, aka model, of fatalities of the covid
- CDC changed the way it coded causes of death it had been using for over 17 years to show the covid as a primary cause

- A group of researches published a paper on January 21, 2020 showing that using the Rapid DNA, aka PCR, test was determinate of detecting the covid, without having any sample of the covid to validate against. BTW: The inventor of said DNA test, Kery Mullis, said using the test for determining viruses was ridiculous BS. But what does a Nobel Laureate know anyway?
- The first case of the covid landed in Seattle on January 15, 2020
- China begrudgingly signed a trade agreement that was actually beneficial to the USA - the country we live in.
- President Trump impeachment articles were delivered to the Senate, after being help up for ~30 days on January 15, 2020.

Lets summarize:
  • Tiny
  • 07-15-2023, 09:07 AM
Estimates... hmmm. <scratches head> Not what I think of as the hard science realm. So one first has to estimate, aka model, the numbers without a vaccine to compare to the estimate and model the numbers with a vaccine. Sound about right? <strokes goatee>

Estimates and models, you say. Calling Dr Niel Ferguson?? BTW: You do recall Niel was also the "estimator in chief" for the mad cow disease craze. Right? Perhaps you also recall Niel was a massive proponent of locking everyone into their houses. Well... until he snuck out to bang his hottie (doubtful) GF.

Since it's throw back Saturday (my official decree BTW): What's next? Taking a DNA test, repeatedly, to see if you have the sniffles? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Ferguson’s estimate of 2.2 million was for an UNMITIGATED epidemic. So far 1.1 million have died in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 in the USA as a result of COVID and that’s probably an undercount. Without the vaccines, Paxlovid, monoclonal antibodies, efforts to prevent exposure of people in old folks homes, and brave souls like me who were willing to mask up, wear goggles and face shields and carry semiautomatic assault rifles in public to make sure people stayed 6 feet away from us, how many would have died? Well, maybe, just maybe 2.2 million. For all we know new variants or waning immunity may come along and up that total to over 2 million.

Many of us including me made fun of Ferguson, and our original poster who came in second in the COVID death guess game. Well, it’s Ferguson and adav8s28 who are having the last laugh.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Without the vaccines, Paxlovid, monoclonal antibodies, efforts to prevent exposure of people in old folks homes, and brave souls like me who were willing to mask up, wear goggles and face shields and carry semiautomatic assault rifles in public to make sure people stayed 6 feet away from us, how many would have died? Well, maybe, just maybe 2.2 million. For all we know new variants or waning immunity may come along and up that total to over 2 million... Originally Posted by Tiny
Shouldn't this be posted in the Comedy Central thread? Sure is hilarious.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Without the vaccines, Paxlovid, monoclonal antibodies, efforts to prevent exposure of people in old folks homes, and brave souls like me who were willing to mask up, wear goggles and face shields and carry semiautomatic assault rifles in public to make sure people stayed 6 feet away from us, how many would have died? Well, maybe, just maybe 2.2 million. For all we know new variants or waning immunity may come along and up that total to over 2 million... Originally Posted by Tiny
All well and good, in an indocrinated narrative sort of way, as it was spoon fed to ya. But the biggest speculative question about all the what-about-isms and speculations and conjectures still needs to be asked: What about the freak'n Amish? Glad you asked. Here is a glimpse into the devastation and near extermination of their ilk.
New Study Finds Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism
Published: July 11, 2023

In a new comprehensive study, presented by VSRF founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated, typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.

Across America, the current population of Amish people is quickly approaching 400,000.

The largest concentrations of Amish citizens are 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio.

Amish communities have settled in as many as 32 U.S. states.

Families have an average of 7 kids so the Amish population is growing rapidly.

The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christians who are known for simple living, plain dress, and Christian pacifism.

They reject most conveniences of modern technology and pharmaceuticals and maintain self-sufficiency.

The Amish value rural life, manual labor, humility, and Gelassenheit (submission to God’s will) with a view neither to interrupt family time nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible.

Yet, despite rejecting all modern medicine and pharmaceutical drugs that the rest of the American people have access to, the Amish are among the healthiest in the nation.

As we recently reported, a study conducted by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) found that Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.

The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions.

But the separated communities didn’t avoid catching the virus, however, as roughly 90% of the Amish have been infected with Covid.

These chronic conditions, which many vaccinated children and swaths of Americans suffer from, include auto-immune disease, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, ADHD, arthritis, cancer, and autism.

During testimony before the PA Senate, expert health advocates shared details on why there have never been any reports published regarding the health of Amish children in general.

“After decades of studying the Amish, there’s no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative,” Kirsch testified.

“It would show that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.”

Leading American cardiologist, and friend of Leading Report’s, Dr. Peter McCullough has dozens of peer-reviewed published works related to the rise of chronic conditions among the public.

McCullough has testified before the U.S. Senate and before legislatures throughout the U.S. regarding the dangers of mRNA jabs.

Kirsch and McCullough joined top attorney Thomas Renz and medicolegal death investigator Graham Hetrick on a panel of experts who testified before the Pennsylvania State Senate.

The experts all noted that chronic conditions are soaring among the American people.

However, they concluded that these conditions are non-existent among unvaxxed Amish communities.

According to the VSRF study, not one single Amish child could be found who had suffered from cancer, autism, heart disease, or other conditions that are on the rise among American children.
Imma pick actual observed science over conjecture, speculative and ridiculous BS.
No need to set your alarm clock. Feel free to wake up at any time.
The single most harmful thing the medical community has done is pushed a low fat high carb diet on the masses to prevent heart disease. All it has really done is increase Diabetes.

While some vaccines have been quite helpful, such as polio, we have gotten to the place where they want no disease and want to vaccinate for everything. The result seems to be immune systems that can't operate normally and makes people more susceptible to all illness.
The single most harmful thing the medical community has done is pushed a low fat high carb diet on the masses to prevent heart disease. All it has really done is increase Diabetes.

While some vaccines have been quite helpful, such as polio, we have gotten to the place where they want no disease and want to vaccinate for everything. The result seems to be immune systems that can't operate normally and makes people more susceptible to all illness. Originally Posted by farmstud60
That's pretty much it. The bottom line is you can't restore health, maintain health or improve health through chemicals which means Vaccines and Pharmacological drugs. It's Diet, Exercise and Supplementation. Doctors can't make money off of that so they have limited to no knowledge in that area.
  • Tiny
  • 07-16-2023, 08:23 AM
All well and good, in an indocrinated narrative sort of way, as it was spoon fed to ya. But the biggest speculative question about all the what-about-isms and speculations and conjectures still needs to be asked: What about the freak'n Amish? Glad you asked. Here is a glimpse into the devastation and near extermination of their ilk.Imma pick actual observed science over conjecture, speculative and ridiculous BS.
No need to set your alarm clock. Feel free to wake up at any time. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Please Google “Amish COVID.” You’ll find that isn’t true. Certain Amish communities were devastated by COVID in 2021, in part because most of the adults wouldn’t get the COVID vaccine. Most Amish kids receive vaccinations against various diseases. Amish children do get diabetes, cancer and autism. The incidence of diabetes is lower because they do physical work instead of spending all day on their cell phones. And they don’t eat as much junk and fast food. It wouldn’t be surprising if the incidence of cancer is less given they’re probably exposed to less chemicals in food and the environment. They do use pesticides, but don’t smoke. In one study one out of every 271 Amish children had autism. This is lower than the general population, perhaps because of lifestyle factors and the way their parents bring them up.

We could become Amish WYID, for the health benefits, but it would really cut down on our PFP opportunities. We’d be laughingstocks in the eccie community too, tooling up to AMP’s with a horse and buggy. On the other hand some sugar babies might get really turned on banging Amish, especially if we dressed up in our Sunday go-to-meeting clothes
  • Tiny
  • 07-16-2023, 08:48 AM
That's pretty much it. The bottom line is you can't restore health, maintain health or improve health through chemicals which means Vaccines and Pharmacological drugs. It's Diet, Exercise and Supplementation. Doctors can't make money off of that so they have limited to no knowledge in that area. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well, part of my supplementation is vaccines. Lots of them.
Well, part of my supplementation is vaccines. Lots of them. Originally Posted by Tiny
Good, keep taking them. Eventually you'll glow in the dark and you won't need a flashlight if there's ever a Blackout.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Please Google “Amish COVID.” ... Originally Posted by Tiny
First and foremost; I wouldn't touch the Googlie in any way, shape or form intentionally. Not even while wearing a rubber apron, knee high muck boots, arm pit length rubber gloves and a face shield. In short, even if I looked like you going on a provider date, sans the two KN95 masks ;-)

Now I don't know about "certain" Amish communities. I do know there are various "levels" of Amish-ness when it comes to technology etc. from personal observance and inquiry. That being said, I looked at the articles and noticed 2 glaring items: 1) all were written in late 2020 and early 2021, which as you may recall was during the height of the Nina "Screaming Myrtle" Jankywitz, head of the Disinformation Governance Board at DHS, aka government sponsored disinformation (generating) board (though we did not know about that board at the time), as well as intense censorship of Americans 1st Amendment rights by the government - as evidenced by the current court case rolling along regarding their intense interference in social media platforms in the 5th US Circuit Court system.

In other words, the articles were produced at the zenith of the government sponsored terrorism of our society with their censorship, disinformation campaigns and general fear mongering to usurp laws and concentrate more power to themselves. While the study I posted was well past the "Fog of War" of the covid and involved an actual study and review of data which was reviewed in the sunlight of Freedom, in an open records environment. So in essence, the exact polar opposite of what was occurring in he 2020-2021 time frame, aka reign of terror by the government.

2) When you look at the government sponsored messages, aka Mocking Bird Media and it's regurgitation, you likely notice that the two main, i.e. base level reporting, sources comes from AP and Rueters. Seems that most all of the others regurgitate them. That's just how that particular echo-system operates.

Adjacent observation: You might have noticed that the Amish tend to have, on average, according to the article, 7 children (quite a recurring Biblical number actually). While I'm sure they do enjoy the process of producing them, they do it more as a hedge against your basic God's wrath sort of things like plagues, locusts and Demonicrats, not to mention the free labor pool.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, part of my supplementation is vaccines. Lots of them. Originally Posted by Tiny
You will never convince these fools that the Covid vaccines are safe and highly effective. Facts simply don't matter.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah, But ya still got "Covid" right? I never took the vaccine. I ignored every recommendation the CDC put out. I never contracted Covid. In fact I haven't had a Flu Shot in over a decade and haven't had a Flu. You have no clue what they injected in you but you can bet it's a chemical concoction that doesn't belong in the body. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I know EXACTLY what was put into my body and how the vaccine works. You obviously do not. I tested positive for Covid but did not have any symptoms. It is very possible the same might have been true for you.

I can give you hundreds or even thousands of articles on how the Covid vaccines work and how they are safe and effective but you will never change your mind on the subject. To repeat what I and others have said -- don't get the shot but don't condemn those that have gotten the shot, which is around 80% of those in this country.
I know EXACTLY what was put into my body and how the vaccine works. You obviously do not. I tested positive for Covid but did not have any symptoms. It is very possible the same might have been true for you.

I can give you hundreds or even thousands of articles on how the Covid vaccines work and how they are safe and effective but you will never change your mind on the subject. To repeat what I and others have said -- don't get the shot but don't condemn those that have gotten the shot, which is around 80% of those in this country. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You can't tell me anything about how these Vaccines work. If you really knew what you are talking about you wouldn't be so convinced they are safe and effective.
I know EXACTLY what was put into my body and how the vaccine works. You obviously do not. I tested positive for Covid but did not have any symptoms. It is very possible the same might have been true for you.

I can give you hundreds or even thousands of articles on how the Covid vaccines work and how they are safe and effective but you will never change your mind on the subject. To repeat what I and others have said -- don't get the shot but don't condemn those that have gotten the shot, which is around 80% of those in this country. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

And you don't have a clue that what your reading is not accurate. I got fully dosed with Moderna Covid vaccination and still got Covid. There is nothing with the way the human immune system works that will provide me any benefit to taking more Covid vaccine boosters.

The first Cruise ships that were not allowed to dock any where because of passengers getting Covid. As many as 50% passengers had Covid but never showed any symptoms. Of those that had symptoms it was a small percentage, less than 5% that were extremely severe.

All of the crap that you post totally ignores the reality of the Cruise ships, and pulls numbers out of thin air to support the outcome they want.