Musings on the escort industry

An argument that has been made against prostitution is that it damages the women. My observation is that many of the escorts are indeed damaged people; however, I don’t think their sex work did it. The damage arose due to their experiences prior to entering the industry. The fact that society treats them as expendible doesn’t help. Originally Posted by Absinthe1912
I have yet to meet a human being who's not at least a little damaged, prostitute or not.
Rudyard K's Avatar
From the Yahoo Dictionary:

"Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire."

I think this is the most accurate definition. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Wait a minute!? We are supposed to be getting sex?
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  • 03-15-2010, 09:00 AM
I have yet to meet a human being who's not at least a little damaged, prostitute or not. Originally Posted by Natalie
Well we must invite you to the next forum party. We are all perfect.

and you think the best light to present something you are selling is candle light? since I am not selling anything guess I need to put the candles out ...giggle
....I like setting the mood and atmosphere, interesting thing is with me you never know what you will find each time I open the door...I really enjoy my pass time

So a Lady that does not understand that they are providing some part of a fantasy needs to find something else to do with their time!

Always a sensual time where reality exceeds expectations!

"What did you expect", she demanded? I expected soft music and candle light, I told her.

"Yeah?" She countered, "Well, who told you it was going to be like that?"

Damn! What a rude question!

If you want to sell the product, you have to present it in the best light.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
An argument that has been made against prostitution is that it damages the women. My observation is that many of the escorts are indeed damaged people; however, I don’t think their sex work did it.The damage arose due to their experiences prior to entering the industry. The fact that society treats them as expendable doesn’t help. Originally Posted by Absinthe1912
That's like spreading propaganda that many a escorts are "damaged". I think escorting would do more harm than good if that's the case then.

That's like saying that the men who do see escorts are damaged as well, no?
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I have yet to meet a human being who's not at least a little damaged, prostitute or not. Originally Posted by Natalie
You have a point, Natalie.
Wait a minute!? We are supposed to be getting sex? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
No, no, no we aren't talking about the women here, just the idea of prostitution in general. We just get paid to sit around and quote poetry.
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  • 03-15-2010, 02:07 PM
That's like spreading propaganda that many a escorts are "damaged".

. Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
Seriously Ms Morgandy....when are you going to hike that skirt up, spread those legs wider and leave the replying to silly accusations of providers being damaged to the more blunt amongist us.


Ladies enter this business for economic reasons. There can be made an argument that they may actually be more pragmatic than their sisters who chose to give it away. I am not sure how that can be viewed as damaged.

Do you know the number one reason why prostitutes make less money in relative terms than at the turn of the century?

It is a supply and demand answer.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
If that's the case, "we're all whores, some of us just get paid, some don't".
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  • 03-15-2010, 02:16 PM
If that's the case, "everyone's a whore, ". Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
I can live with that. I have never met a person (noteperson, not woman but person) who wasn't. Met plenty that do not have the good sense to realize it!
some get paid, some don't". Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
I think we all squeak by. So I would phrase ''some get paid better than others, much better!''
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I can live with that. I have never met a person who wasn't. Met plenty that do not have the good sense to realize it!

I think we all squeak by. So I would phrase ''some get paid better than others, much better!'' Originally Posted by WTF
Everyone comes with a price.
And make sure that your shoulders are strong enough, as I'd love to hike my dress up and wrap my legs around them. Should I still wear the stilettos?
Dang, NicoletteM, you look HAWT in that blue dress! If I didn't think you were such an angel, I would have to say you were a "devil with a blue dress on." She-devil that is.
That's like saying that the men who do see escorts are damaged as well, no? Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
Some men would admit to this.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Dang, NicoletteM, you look HAWT in that blue dress! If I didn't think you were such an angel, I would have to say you were a "devil with a blue dress on." She-devil that is. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Some men would admit to this. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The operative word here is "some".