Leoman... The new DOC HOLIDAY?

Secret Encounters's Avatar
See the thing is you are doing the exact same thing that your accusing him of ur badgering & then going public on & on then posting public info on another social media site. Trust me you got ur point across the 1st , 2nd & 3rd time... Lol. Darlin Im not bothered one bit by u dear & of course you will not show face its expected now. I think ur quite the character & the more you go on & on your making yourself look bad. Italia is anything but a liar she will give it to you straight & it may not be what you want to hear but shes straight fwd.
Lol sensitive or razor burn nope not at all.. Re read my post since ur concerned about me ��. I'll take it as a compliment that you went back to my post. Worry about ur self [Staff edit. M] & ill worry about me �� ok.

Have a fabulous day i know i am!

I publically apologize to Slave if i offended her in anyway i do not believe she is racist. We said our parts and i believe that pretty much ends and should close out this thread. Mods please consider that and every one move forward happy. .
italia's Avatar
I publically apologize to Slave if i offended her in anyway i do not believe she is racist. We said our parts and i believe that pretty much ends and should close out this thread. Mods please consider that and every one move forward happy. . Originally Posted by Leoman
So sorry you’ve been the target of this woman’s ramblings... I believe she did this not only to get attention but she had a bigger agenda in calling me out.

Oh and let me count how times my name was brought up in this thread by a woman that claims I am so unsafe. So unsafe that she loves the way my name taste.. not only in your threads but always on your mind lmao

Thank you for all the love and attention you provide for my existence dear sweet wonderful slave G.

As we can all see who the real busy ones are... hopefully we can get this close so no one else gets bashed

Love always the one you love to envy

Italia San Antonio
winn dixie's Avatar
See the thing is you are doing the exact same thing that your accusing him of ur badgering & then going public on & on then posting public info on another social media site. Trust me you got ur point across the 1st , 2nd & 3rd time... Lol. Darlin Im not bothered one bit by u dear & of course you will not show face its expected now. I think ur quite the character & the more you go on & on your making yourself look bad. Italia is anything but a liar she will give it to you straight & it may not be what you want to hear but shes straight fwd.
Lol sensitive or razor burn nope not at all.. Re read my post since ur concerned about me ��. I'll take it as a compliment that you went back to my post. Worry about ur self [Staff edit. M] & ill worry about me �� ok.

Have a fabulous day i know i am!

Lex Originally Posted by Secret Encounters

Not cool speculating about a members health! You need to back up!
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Yea i am aware that i went too far & asked that it be deleted. Mod was informed after i posted. I said something distasteful & should hve not gone there but like i said i cant delete it the mod can only do so.
well on the brightside i get to see a beauty that i never knew existed on this board id love to meet u and secret encounters one day ill pm u
So sorry you’ve been the target of this woman’s ramblings... I believe she did this not only to get attention but she had a bigger agenda in calling me out.

Oh and let me count how times my name was brought up in this thread by a woman that claims I am so unsafe. So unsafe that she loves the way my name taste.. not only in your threads but always on your mind lmao

Thank you for all the love and attention you provide for my existence dear sweet wonderful slave G.

As we can all see who the real busy ones are... hopefully we can get this close so no one else gets bashed

Love always the one you love to envy

Italia San Antonio Originally Posted by italia
tpepsi's Avatar
Its funny that the people that are in the wrong, are the ones who keep calling for this thread to be closed.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
See the thing is you are doing the exact same thing that your accusing him of ur badgering & then going public on & on then posting public info on another social media site.

No, I am NOT... I am highlighting the fact that men like Doc Holiday and Leoman use shady techniques to try to force women to see them. This topic was APPROVED BY ADMIN prior to me posting it.

Accusing someone of being a racist by either a lady or a gentleman on this board is RUDE and quite manipulative.

If you would like to POSITIVELY contribute to this thread then please do... However, if your sole purpose is just to bash me then I believe that is a violation of the new guidelines.

Trust me you got ur point across the 1st , 2nd & 3rd time...

And, I will continue to make my point... this is MY THREAD...
Already, I have had a lovely discussion with B3 about racism vs discrimination and I have received many pms from several of our men and women on this board THANKING ME for bringing this up.

Lol. Darlin Im not bothered one bit by u dear & of course you will not show face its expected now.

No, I do not show my face. I never have. Nor do I show up at social events where I have been threatened with physical violence. Again, I am not sure why you are commenting on MY FACE... it is NOT the TOPIC of this thread.

I think ur quite the character & the more you go on & on your making yourself look bad.

I am comfortable with my posts, my marketing plan and in how I run my own business. If you would like to start a thread on how you think I should improve my business then you are welcome to do so.

Italia is anything but a liar she will give it to you straight & it may not be what you want to hear but shes straight fwd.

Italia OUTED ME ON ECCIE, TWITTER, she sent direct message to hundreds of hobbyists AND SHE CALLED MY FATHER & MY EX-HUSBAND to tell them I was SG. She was banned for a year on Eccie, permanently banned from p411 and TER, Ourhome2 banned her for a month.

This is VERY WELL DOCUMENTED and ANY OF THE MODS/ADMINS can verify that Italia was completely out of line and is definitely a danger to any community.

I have always found that the FRIENDS WE KEEP are a good representation of our own character. Good luck with your new bestie.

Lol sensitive or razor burn nope not at all.. Re read my post since ur concerned about me ��.

I never said that I was concerned. I said that your writing was uninspired and that your topics lacked any sustenance or depth. However, I do not have to read things that I find to be uninteresting and boring. So, I do not.

I'll take it as a compliment that you went back to my post.

Well, that is weird. I read every post. It's not a compliment or an insult. I just love to read.

Worry about ur self [Staff edit. M] & ill worry about me �� ok.

I have stayed on topic on my thread. I am not sure why you are accusing me of having an auto immune disorder. I do have a few physical challenges but that has never been one of mine and nor is it your right to discuss.

Have a fabulous day i know i am!

I hope that it continues

Lex Originally Posted by Secret Encounters
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
So sorry you’ve been the target of this woman’s ramblings... I believe she did this not only to get attention but she had a bigger agenda in calling me out.

You have always enjoyed playing the "VICTIM". This is not an emotional conversation.... It is a logical one. You DID OUT ME all over eccie, twitter, by sending hundreds of people my real world information, you contacted my ex husband and my father... all because YOU were having a disagreement with a few hobbyists... I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT...

I am not calling you out. I am ACKNOWLEDGING publicly that you are a dangerous person and the people should be very careful around you.

YOU did this. Everyone knows that you are not safe... Now, if they choose to see you knowing this about YOU then that is their choice as an American in this country.

Oh and let me count how times my name was brought up in this thread by a woman that claims I am so unsafe.

Your name was said TWICE. I didn't think that was so hard to do.... but hey, everyone has different strengths... COUNTING just must not be yours...

So unsafe that she loves the way my name taste.. not only in your threads but always on your mind lmao

Actually, I rarely THINK about YOU per se... The point of the mention of THAT SITUATION was to illustrate a point that even when you were acting like a complete lunatic... I remained calm and did not post... So, for me to post NOW, means that racism & bullying is a very important topic to myself and this community.

Thank you for all the love and attention you provide for my existence dear sweet wonderful slave G.

That is sort of a weird comment. There is no love lost between us so why be fake? Are you always this illogical?

As we can all see who the real busy ones are... hopefully we can get this close so no one else gets bashed

That is LIFE Italia... People either LIKE YOU or THEY DO NOT... Rarely, is it personal when two people DO NOT CLICK. However, it is IMPORTANT TO LEARN HOW TO TAKE THE WORD "NO" GRACEFULLY...

I am hoping that Leoman will be able to learn to be more PATIENT with the young ladies and kinder in his approach...

Love always the one you love to envy

I find that you have a rather deluded version of yourself. No offense, but if I was going to have a mentor and/or if I was going to be envious of someone it would not be you.

You seem to be a very lazy person, you can be quite petulant upon occasion and you never take responsibility for your actions. Now, other may people may find you to be an inspiration and that is fine. However, for me... I find you to be quite lacking.

Italia San Antonio (I out people) Originally Posted by italia
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I publically apologize to Slave if i offended her in anyway i do not believe she is racist.

You only apologized to me because I brought this to coed.

We said our parts and i believe that pretty much ends and should close out this thread.

Threads rarely get closed on Eccie and that is not going to happen because I believe this an important topic.

Mods please consider that and every one move forward happy.

I am happy... If you are not then that sounds like a personal issue. Besides, didn't you decide to PUT ME ON IGNORE?!? Originally Posted by Leoman
Originally Posted by Leoman
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
well on the brightside i get to see a beauty that i never knew existed on this board id love to meet u and secret encounters one day ill pm u Originally Posted by Leoman
Sounds like the THREE OF YA'LL are a MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN!!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Its funny that the people that are in the wrong, are the ones who keep calling for this thread to be closed. Originally Posted by tpepsi
I couldn't have said it better myself!!! Lol

Your amused slave,

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Tpepsi i nvr came for this young lady i was being genuine & even said i didnt doubt her & if he doesnt get the hint now hes a dumb ass so when did all that make me in the wrong or rude? Yes i replied distasteful after i felt attacked & i will not be anyones verbal punching bag. Ive had several ladies msg me saying how i got put in the middle of the crossfire.. So if u think im in the wrong i can respect how you feel. I DID hit below the belt on the last post & that i can apologize for so, Slave im sorry for putting that personal info that was wrong & nasty of me. I am women enough to apologize when im wrong..
I also feel im not gonna back off bc ur doing the same behavior ur accusing him of. When i feel bullied i dont back down especially bc my FIRST post had no ill intent. If u actually knew me you would know that & since u obviously dont know me i even put in parenthesis not taking anyone's side, not doubting you, then saying if he doesnt get it then hes a dumb ass. So tell me how was i rude to begin with. I even suggested for us to make a list of dns list in ladies room.. ?? Yet im the bad guy, nope i think not. Now this is beyond petty for both of us to continue. Im out ✌ & will continue my happy little life

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Tpepsi i nvr came for this young lady i was being genuine & even said i didnt doubt her & if he doesnt get the hint now hes a dumb ass so when did all that make me in the wrong or rude? Yes i replied distasteful after i felt attacked & i will not be anyones verbal punching bag. Ive had several ladies msg me saying how i got put in the middle of the crossfire.. So if u think im in the wrong i can respect how you feel. I DID hit below the belt on the last post & that i can apologize for so, Slave im sorry for putting that personal info that was wrong & nasty of me. I am women enough to apologize when im wrong..
I also feel im not gonna back off bc ur doing the same behavior ur accusing him of. When i feel bullied i dont back down especially bc my FIRST post had no ill intent. If u actually knew me you would know that & since u obviously dont know me i even put in parenthesis not taking anyone's side, not doubting you, then saying if he doesnt get it then hes a dumb ass. So tell me how was i rude to begin with. I even suggested for us to make a list of dns list in ladies room.. ?? Yet im the bad guy, nope i think not. Now this is beyond petty for both of us to continue. Im out ✌ & will continue my happy little life

Lex Originally Posted by Secret Encounters

I do not MIND you disagreeing with my opinion on this thread... quite the contrary. I like strong women and I enjoy healthy discussions... I also like to joke and talk shit (I grew up surrounded by men)... If I offended you thenI am sorry....

I tend to be playful and sarcastic because the people in my family seem to have fun verbally sparring in that manner... Nor, do I want you to hold back if you feel strongly about something... It truly will not upset me...

Don't worry about the other either... We were bantering and you were frustrated... No hard feeling from me at all...

One thing that I have I have not shared was that in 7 years on this board there was only ONE OTHER GUY that called me a RACIST because I wouldn't see him..he STARTED A THREAD about it and when that did not work he then outed FIVE ladies 10-31-2015 all over back page in 5 cities all over Texas... LUCKILY A GENTLEMAN on E saw it and sent me a pm...

I was at home studying for one of my massage exams... It took TWO DAYS for myself and about 4 friends to get 4 of the ladies personal information removed from BACK PAGE and another 2 to remove mine because a Crawler had caught one of the back page ads that he had created about me... We had to bring in LEGAL HELP at that point to get my personal information removed....

You WILL NOT FIND A POST about this... You will find his thread about me if you search for it... The mods and I were able to keep most of that information PRIVATE...

When I say that there are certain people have patterns of behavior that are uniqie and dangerous... I am not crazy at all. I am just determined to make sure that other ladies never go through that type of situation.

So, no worries Beautiful and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday...

Your affectionate slave,

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... have a nice day ... im not with the drama ... goodbye Originally Posted by Leoman
... im not with the back and forth ... goodbye Originally Posted by Leoman
... we said our parts lets end it at that ... Originally Posted by Leoman
... can we go our ways ... Originally Posted by Leoman
... i dont have anything else to say ... Originally Posted by Leoman
... We said our parts and i believe that pretty much ends ... Originally Posted by Leoman
well on the brightside ... Originally Posted by Leoman
I can't begin to imagine the ORDEAL it must be to get this guy to leave when his time is up.

As always, CAVEAT EMPTOR, ladies.