Republicans Well On The Way To Destroying Your Healthcare!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Once again StandinInShit needs to have it explained in a language he can understand ..... "destroy" your healthcare? ..... not hardly .....we would rather refer to it as "fixing" a stupid, unworkable, skyrocketing cost health plan with a better one ..... one that let's you choose your plan and let's you actually afford it I said in another post ..... Democrats get into office and create the mess, Republicans get elected to clean up, or in this case, "fix" Ohdummy's mess ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Some republicans claim they are making healthcare better, it's the if you keep saying it over and over our uneducated deplorables will believe it even if it's not true theory! Nobody that actually studied the plan and looked at coverage and cost thinks that it is better, it's nothing but a republican redistribution of health subsidies from the poor to the rich in the form of tax breaks. Pathetic but typical Republican socialism.
Some republicans claim they are making healthcare better, it's the if you keep saying it over and over our uneducated deplorables will believe it even if it's not true theory! Nobody that actually studied the plan and looked at coverage and cost thinks that it is better, it's nothing but a republican redistribution of health subsidies from the poor to the rich in the form of tax breaks. Pathetic but typical Republican socialism. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Letting people keep more of their own money rather than seizing it and and redistributing it to the poor is now considered socialism? Where in the fuck did you go to school? HuffPost U?

No wonder they call you StandinStupid!
Hey nobody "actually studied the plan and looked at coverage and costs" with Odummer's plan either ..... thus the famous immortal words "We have to pass it so we can find out what's in it" from your hero the lady Senator from California ..... and then the big lies "If you like your doctor you can keep him" and "This will be health care that everyone can afford." ..... Obamacare was a trainwreck from day one, it never worked and it became an unbearable burden on those who were "forced" to take it ..... what you can't seem to grasp is Trump is offering a new plan, one that doesn't force anything on anyone, it will actually be cheaper for everyone ..... and you can understand that once you get past your "everything is a tax break for the rich" and "I can be for this plan because it was Trump's idea" ..... once you rid yourself of those stumbling blocks, and at least TRY to have an open mind, I know it's hard, it just goes against the liberal way of thinking .....
Spoken like a dumbass with no clue. Wait till you need that Obamacare. It won't cover shit. My son was in a high risk pool. We paid 1200 a month and they covered everything. Now he has bummer care and they deny everything he needs including a wheel chair. He used to have physical therapy 3 time a week. Now he is only allowed 25 sessions a year. Half of his meds aren't covered. Between his meds therapy and wheelchair I will spend about 20 k out of my pocket this year.
So why why don't you shut your dumb cock holster and talk about some you actually know about. And give me back my
High risk pool insurance.
BigLouie's Avatar
1. The ACA was first written by the Heritage Foundation in 1989. 2. The ACA became the GOP's official platform to fight off the Clinton's single payer plan. 3. The ACA was first rolled out at the state level in 2006 by Republican Governor in Mass. where it enjoys a 62% approval rating. The GOP's biggest problem was when the Black dude said 'OK Let's try it your way' and they didn't know how to be decent human beings and work with him on THEIR idea. Their personal hate for Obama, lack of compassion for the poor and evilness have them introducing a bill that lines the pockets of the rich and covers less people.
Thankfully I have good retirement insurance and I would never have ever taken Obamacare if it was offered to me, so I will never need that "shit" .....but I do feel bad for those who were given a bum rap and had it crammed down their throats .....
And thank you to EX CEO, who brought it to my attention that Pelosi is the Lady Speaker, and not the lady Senator from California, as I erroneously stated in an earlier post ..... sorry, that was my mistake .....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2017, 01:58 PM
Thankfully I have good retirement insurance and I would never have ever taken Obamacare if it was offered to me, so I will never need that "shit" .....but I do feel bad for those who were given a bum rap and had it crammed down their throats ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Ok either had Obamacare or you pay'd a fine.

Funny , you're probably one of those silly fuckers that when asked want to get rid of Obamacare but wants to keep/improve ACA
Nope never had Odumbocare, but I did have Blue Cross Blue Shield all the years I worked until retirement ..... and if I didn't have any insurance and Ofuckedupcare was my only option ..... I'm sure I'd gladly elect to pay the fine .....
flghtr65's Avatar

They are replacing Obamacare with Trumpcare and fixed nothing!

Health care costs will continue to's just back to ER visits for poor folks. Originally Posted by WTF
True for both sentences. The expanded Medicaid for the 31 states that took it goes away after 2020 with the Trumpcare bill being pitched by Paul Ryan. Poor people would lose their coverage from the expanded Medicaid and end up back in the ER when they get sick.
flghtr65's Avatar
1. The ACA was first written by the Heritage Foundation in 1989. 2. The ACA became the GOP's official platform to fight off the Clinton's single payer plan. 3. The ACA was first rolled out at the state level in 2006 by Republican Governor in Mass. where it enjoys a 62% approval rating. The GOP's biggest problem was when the Black dude said 'OK Let's try it your way' and they didn't know how to be decent human beings and work with him on THEIR idea. Their personal hate for Obama, lack of compassion for the poor and evilness have them introducing a bill that lines the pockets of the rich and covers less people. Originally Posted by BigLouie

Excellent post Lou. The republicans could not handle losing to Obama twice by 15 million votes.
flghtr65's Avatar
Spoken like a dumbass with no clue. Wait till you need that Obamacare. It won't cover shit. My son was in a high risk pool. We paid 1200 a month and they covered everything. Now he has bummer care and they deny everything he needs including a wheel chair. He used to have physical therapy 3 time a week. Now he is only allowed 25 sessions a year. Half of his meds aren't covered. Between his meds therapy and wheelchair I will spend about 20 k out of my pocket this year.
So why why don't you shut your dumb cock holster and talk about some you actually know about. And give me back my
High risk pool insurance. Originally Posted by profish
Most people, if not all aren't paying 1200 per month if they are getting a subsidy from the government. A silver plan from BCBS or Humana is not going to cover what your plan that you paid 1200 a month for covers at the state high risk pool. A silver plan from BCBS or Humana is not going to cost 1200 a month that was purchased at for the family of 4 and income >$24,000 and < $94,000. If you are paying $1200 a month for an Obamacare policy and you still have to pay 20K out of pocket, then that is a problem.

State high risk pools were not working for lower income people and that is why you had so many people uninsured before the ACA law was passed. Most lower income people can't afford to pay $1200 a month for health insurance.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well the nightmare scenario is here, republicans repealing Obamacare. Say hello to high risk pools, drops in benefits, higher premiums, cancellations of coverage, all because you rednecks were stupid enough to vote for a con man pussy grabbing white nationalist klansman racist homophobic delusional lying orange egomaniac asshole Donald Trump for president, now you will have to live with it, suckers! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
The Republican Party has nothing to do with my healthcare and it has nothing to do with my health insurance which is a completely different thing. However, my premiums increased under Obama and my deductible went up.

I think you need help but I don't know if it requires a brain surgeon or a proctologist.
LexusLover's Avatar
Most people, if not all aren't paying 1200 per month if they are getting a subsidy from the government. Originally Posted by flghtr65
So you want the taxpayers to subsidize your premiums.

State high risk pools were not working for lower income people and that is why you had so many people uninsured before the ACA law was passed. Originally Posted by flghtr65
That is simply NOT TRUE. The ONLY REASON the "mandate" was passed was as an attempt to FORCE PEOPLE to purchase health care coverage. Do you know what that means?

One has to remove from the exaggerated numbers of "uninsureds" those persons who didn't want to buy health insurance coverage, not those who couldn't afford it. The dumbass concept of FORCING PEOPLE to pay for something they didn't want in order to "spread the costs" to the carrier among those who DIDN'T NEED INSURANCE was the kind of stupid thinking Liberals apply to humanity.

That's why premiums increased ... to spread the costs of benefits among THOSE WHO CAN PAY ... and SUBSIDIES with taxpayers' money ... added to it ... the costs for those who WERE ABLE TO PAY ... either through job coverage or open market coverage. The stupid part is .... the fine was less than the premiums.

Here's a perfect example: Toll roads and "EZ Tags" ... if the FINE & COSTS of sneaking onto the Toll Road was less than a charge on the EZ tag account ... no one would get an EZ TAG!

But Liberals don't understand "human nature"! They try to "engineer" it!
BigLouie's Avatar
However, my premiums increased under Obama and my deductible went up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is because you got 8 years older. It was going to happen no matter what