Sugar daddies?

Bahahahha OMG THIS SHIT MADE MY NIGHT!!!!!! Where do I start? Ok, first of all that site is wack, and so are most of the escort sites...WHY? Because men are cheap! In Ca I could easily get minimum $800/hr. Now in Texas it is a much different story. Let's get it straight, I don't care whether you call yourself a "sugardaddy" or a "hobbyist" or a "trick", the fact of the matter is that you pay to play. Don't think that just because you put a label on "sugardaddy" that it makes it more acceptable to call 24/7 365. It's stalking and psycho and I deal with it everyday. $500 a month??!??! AHAHAHAH I QUIT! That is a one hour outcall with tip then. There will be NO calling, texting, emailing 24/7. You are not entitled to call me just to say hi or, the most common ones as of late, "I saw your new pics just wanted to say they are great!" hmmmm OK do you want to set an appointment? NOOOO they just want to play on the phone. I get enough bs emails, texts, calls, and messages all day long that robs me of my regular life I couldn't imagine putting a "sugardaddy" label to it where the guy feels like he has the right to waste your day away with annoying texts and calls. Lets stick to the basics, crawl before you can walk Texas, we first need to get the guys who actually can follow simple directions that are stated clearly in our ads like, "email me first with all references and/or p411. If you don't have that then don't contact and especially don't call." 90% of my calls never amount to anything. I get little boys looking at my ad that call with their dick in their hand and start asking what I'm wearing. It's a joke. It's hard enough when the rate per hour and all services are clearly listed, why add to it some grey area where you have to negotiate some "deal" each month. It sounds like a lot better deal for the guy, think about it, you want to see a girl x amount of times a month for a set rate...Ok well do the math per hour and see how high that rate would be. The provider will get the short end as a sugarbabby I promise, unless she is Anna Nicole Smith. (and she still got screwed) NO THANKS!! Lets stop trying to complicate all this. I'll make it easy....client sees provider ad, clients READS requirements and follows thru with said requirements. Clients sets time, meets provider, pays provider set rate, gets off, gets out. THAT SIMPLE!! Do I sounds callous? Probably. Do I sound like a bitch? Yea. But the fact is that there are too many providers/clients watering down this industry with unprofessionalism. Trying to blur the lines of business gets us where we are now. I run a tight ship, with that being said if a girl can establish a relationship with a sugardaddy that benefits him and her then go for, but I have yet to see one that didn't eventually evolve into the guy trying to steal more time without paying or one of them becoming a stalker/problem. Originally Posted by Gabriella Golden
When I read this diatribe, I had several thoughts. First, what a beautiful young woman whose despise for those who seek her services is simply sad. And, pragmatically, it just isn't a recipe for good karma. It is an economic argument: giving pleasure for an hourly compensation certainly beats the constraints of a SD/SB relationship.

The writer of that venom is certainly a girl one would want to spend an hour or two with, if at all. I have had two very successful relationships with women half of my age. In fact, both were young enough to be my daughters. Both were serious women who never wanted to be in a position in life to be economically dependent on a man for her security. Both were students and becoming educated was their primary goal. But, both were beautiful young women who understood the pleasure they could provide. I really wanted them to succeed, and they both are succeeding. I made no demands but I wanted to know how their university study was going. Soon it was clear that the newest fashion jean was not a priority, and that I was going to do what I said I was going to do, and that was to treat them like I would treat one of my children. Tuition, books, an allowance for a cheap college apartment, which was shared with other girls - the typical university existence, was offered and given. I never felt neglected or used. To the contrary, both physical relationships lasted several years and I reaped the benefit of sex that was offered without request more often than not. Perhaps it was the realization that I really cared about these young women and they knew it. Perhaps it was because I was the father figure they wanted but never had. Perhaps it was simply they knew I would do what I said I would do. Everything is impermanent, so I never expected that the sex would continue after they go into the work force. It didn't, but I still have two beautiful friends (one is married and the other is engaged - serious relationships they would never have entertained while in school) that are still in my life, but not "in the biblical sense." Don't forget Karma.
Gabriella, just from reading your post, it seems you have some serious issues with the lifestyle you are in.

In the Business World, you seem to lack what we call "people skills". In a business such as yours, (a service industry), this is a very important consideration. Regardless of your good looks, most clients will only put up with so much arrogant distain untill they take their business elsewhere.

But if this is working for you, by all means continue. But if your personality is that which comes forth in your writing, you probably should have a plan 'B' ready.
Jackie S, I have been with a slew of guys obviously, and I can promise you age does not equal experience. Many have just been doing it longer, not better. There are very few guys in their 30's that I have to school on how to kiss and go down on me....can't say the same for many of the older ones. Of course, that applies to different areas as well. I find 95 percent of the men in the country states are fabulous at every age.

Naomi, my point is that eventually all are still considered hookers. If you make a guy wait 3 months but give it up when you know the money will stop, you are still being paid for sex. Makes no difference if he leaves it on the night stand or mails a monthly check. Sex for money is all the same thing IMO. It's a different set of rules maybe, but the basic label still applies. You can be one guy's play thing or hundreds of them, but it is what it is. If you are only with a guy for his money you are one of two things lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
well the most expensive escorts after all are wives :-) especially financially dependend ones.
Gabriella, just from reading your post, it seems you have some serious issues with the lifestyle you are in.

In the Business World, you seem to lack what we call "people skills". In a business such as yours, (a service industry), this is a very important consideration. Regardless of your good looks, most clients will only put up with so much arrogant distain untill they take their business elsewhere.

But if this is working for you, by all means continue. But if your personality is that which comes forth in your writing, you probably should have a plan 'B' ready. Originally Posted by Jackie S
nevertheless the lady is right on many occasions. she tells it how it is. Most escorts don`t. So we should honor the ones who are capable of attracting clients with honesty. The most embarrassing of all escorts are the ones pretending to have a splendid career outside of this business while all they do is ...well.... pretending. Or luxury escorts who charge more money than i do , but have so lousy amateur photos on their page someone wonders who seriously wants to waste money on someone pretending to be luxury when she cannot even afford a great photographer. Or have their nose up so high they don`t realize in what league they are REALLY playing.
Right! That's what I am referring to. When you literally don't advertise any more because that ONE guy is paying ALL of your bills. I could never do that with a child as it would take too much time, and would be rather hard to explain to others in my life. Originally Posted by London Rayne
True, and a real sugardaddy also helps you with your career. I had some for several years. The longest was 7 years. Without his help i would not have been able to study the way i wanted. finding a good sugardaddy is a rare catch. Some people pretend to be helpful while in reality all they are helping is their own narcissistic comfort zone.
Naomi4u's Avatar
nevertheless the lady is right on many occasions. she tells it how it is. Most escorts don`t. So we should honor the ones who are capable of attracting clients with honesty. The most embarrassing of all escorts are the ones pretending to have a splendid career outside of this business while all they do is ...well.... pretending. Or luxury escorts who charge more money than i do , but have so lousy amateur photos on their page someone wonders who seriously wants to waste money on someone pretending to be luxury when she cannot even afford a great photographer. Or have their nose up so high they don`t realize in what league they are REALLY playing. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Amen sister!!!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
True, and a real sugardaddy also helps you with your career. I had some for several years. The longest was 7 years. Without his help i would not have been able to study the way i wanted. finding a good sugardaddy is a rare catch. Some people pretend to be helpful while in reality all they are helping is their own narcissistic comfort zone. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Naomi4u's Avatar
well the most expensive escorts after all are wives :-) especially financially dependend ones. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Yes ma'am ....

How about a 42 year old stuck in a 22 year old's body? Just because one is young in age doesn't mean that they're immature... Just sayin.. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

i agree. but maturity comes with a level. The level of maturity a 24 year old one can handle differs from the level of maturity a 35 year old one can handle. So , referring to the myth of the "oh so mature 21 year old" it all depends on who you compare yourself to. If a 24 year old one tries to compare herself to me, a 35 year old one, then i am sorry. There is NO WAY EVER she can be possibly more mature mentally than me. It has a reason why old married men search young lovers. BEcause young women do not have the maturity to make a distinct decision PLUS they are easy to influence and handle, and have yet to learn the lessons, we at our age have already learned. If the same guys would make the same propositions to me, they would get me pointing a finger on my forehead at my best, and a cats verbal scratch at my worst :-).And old guy can sell a young woman any garbage any day - and she believes it. And - university education does not equal maturity. I have encountered taxi drivers who are more "mature" than some same aged "Harvard and Yale Offsprings".
As Timothy Leary once said: "You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind".
Before I learned about "this", I tried briefly to be a Sugar Daddy to a 24-year-old. The first 3 weeks were great until the rent and power were due, $600 for teeth work, $100 for something every other day, 5-6 phone calls a day and 10-15 texts a day. I found and had a few "dates" and realized I didn't have to call anyone the next day, only leave a review (LOL). I changed my phone number and have never looked back.

My advice for the ladies is if you get a Sugar Daddy, don't bother him constantly.

I know I'm sounding mean, but I'm really a nice guy. Originally Posted by pipefitter73
sugar daddy?? sorry, but for that amount of money i really rather work at walmarts and save myself the trouble of asking YOU for a few bucks extra. And - talking from the inside out - did you not know that making an escort fall in love with you is guaranteed to give you everything for free and some? You can even be married and she will not make any trouble (unlike so many others ...;-) ) So ; Darling, if you lack the financial capabilities you have to work on the personal ones and the looks and become a real Casanova instead. Then a 100 for an occasional dinner might be really appreciated :-).
Naomi4u's Avatar
i agree. but maturity comes with a level. The level of maturity a 24 year old one can handle differs from the level of maturity a 35 year old one can handle. So , referring to the myth of the "oh so mature 21 year old" it all depends on who you compare yourself to. If a 24 year old one tries to compare herself to me, a 35 year old one, then i am sorry. There is NO WAY EVER she can be possibly more mature mentally than me. It has a reason why old married men search young lovers. BEcause young women do not have the maturity to make a distinct decision PLUS they are easy to influence and handle, and have yet to learn the lessons, we at our age have already learned. Originally Posted by ninasastri
That is you.. but

I know 35-45 year old women that are very immature and make very careless decisions.

My friends are a lot older than I am and I find myself having to play mommy often.

Age ain't nothing but number dear.

Just sayin.
When I read this diatribe, I had several thoughts. First, what a beautiful young woman whose despise for those who seek her services is simply sad. And, pragmatically, it just isn't a recipe for good karma. It is an economic argument: giving pleasure for an hourly compensation certainly beats the constraints of a SD/SB relationship. Originally Posted by Legal Tender
Respect is a two way street. While i respect most of my clients and most of my clients respect me, i see a big fat hypocrisy in what you just wrote. You demand respect from a professional whose services you most likely seek in secrecy? Or how many professional escorts do you invite over to your mothers on the weekend? so , in reality, clients offer disgrace on various reasons.
And i know what i am talking about since i am one of the rare happenings in this business who is not a hypocrite -i do not live a life with double standards. In my life close friends and family know what i am doing sometimes on the side. It was a tough road getting there. Most clients wives do not know what they are doing. So - disrespectful? Well, why are you paying? For secrecy i assume. Why is the majority of clients (if not all) married? Would they defend an escort in front of their wives? No? Most of them even degrade them even more. Would they help an escort or rather save their own asses if they are encountered by LE? Ha? No? So think twice before posting something derogatory or analyzing someone elses agendas. Who is innocent throws the first stone. please. Friendships in this business always have some sort of bitter aftertaste.

Most women like her are writing such things because of the poor experience she had with clients. I am not talking about the gentlemen out there, there are a lot of them otherwise i would not meet them on a daily base. The reason why i charge money for what i do and not give it away for free like a regular GF is because no one of the people who seek my services can meet my standards of what i aspire in a BF. WHich means legitimacy, and non secrecy and a holistic relationship. I charge because people only want PART of me. Same like a psychotherapist charges. You don`t go in psychotherapy because you demand a real relationship w ith mutual consent. But you want all the attention to yourself without having to do plenty. ANd such a thing is a service. And part of that service considered is SECRECY. I have been in relationships with clients who did not have to pay for me, nor do my private boyfriends. But that is written on another page. But someone sneeking secretly to see me and then screaming "I WANT RESPECT" is something hard to handle, don`t you think? If you want respect you have to GIVE IT first. Be political! Advertise for sexworkers rights, run around tell your friends you see them and why. Then come back.
Naomi4u's Avatar
LOL. ^ +1
Tried it...hated it! When you have someone literally being your sole source of income, you are expected to put your life on hold to tend to his every want and need regardless of what you have going on. I guess if you were a single woman, no children, not in school, and could afford to be at someone's beck and call this would work. It would never work for me. I am far too independent for that type of lifestyle. I tried it for 3 months and honestly, I prefer being able to leave and not come back until I am asked lol.

Lea, that site is a total joke. Most won't even cough up $300 an hour yet claim they make 400k a year. I met a Dentist there who was formerly a client of a friend of idiot! Originally Posted by London Rayne
the best solution to that problem is having more than one sugardaddy. But you are right. The SDs i had were the ones i also was in love w ith and had legitimate relationships with. It happened i got to know them in that business and so they paid me to stay out of it for the duration of their relationship. It is rare and mostly its like a marital arrangement. Guys can cough up a lot of money for wives . So why should i get less?
Pay, get off,get out!!! Wow I bet your GFE sessions are something. I just love seeing a provider with alot of anger built up in her. Let's see I have 3 nice and gentle providers or maybe I should see the get off get out girl. Man I can never make up my mind. I guess trick might be the best word. Originally Posted by burkalini
My read was a little different: I appreciated her unvarnished honesty and figured that "in real life" with paying customers that she was absolutely GFE. In fact, I wonder how much of what is said by providers here really is honest *when it may pay for them not to be.* For example, how many providers **really** enjoy sex with their clients, esp DATY etc. And why on earth would any of them *ever* say anything to the contrary of that here? Anyone with a brain would not.

It is often said that "it is just a business." And that's a part of business.