The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If we taje away all guns, we could stop school shootings. But that would be an over reaction to a what is really a minuscule problem. Same thing here asshole Originally Posted by WTF
If some asshole like WTF doesn't have an ID, then he shouldn't vote.
I believe you have characterized a mass school shooting as a miniscule problem - I think you are the asshole.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
John Kerry called voter fraud? You mean voter fraud happens on boyh side's of the aisle? Say it ain't so! None of you numbnuts can come up with widespread voter fraud that hasn't been cauhht. In other words you are wanting to Jim Crow your way back to victory. Originally Posted by WTF
Not Jim Crow, just the SCOTUS. Its just one of those facts. And hell yeah it happens...... in every election...on both sides, of course. Duh!

I B Hankering's Avatar
I didn't have to qualify by post with a "single individual's vote." The reasonable person reading that would already understand that given that the picture shows a single voting booth (as opposed to say an elected official) and compares it to a single gun.

But hey, you must have such amazing mind reading powers that you can tell someone what they meant by what they posted even though they say clarified otherwise. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Oh, but you did need to be more clear in your post.

It doesn't take a mind reader to conclude your post in question was "unreasonably" ambiguous.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-11-2013, 05:52 PM
If some asshole like WTF doesn't have an ID, then he shouldn't vote.
I believe you have characterized a mass school shooting as a miniscule problem - I think you are the asshole. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If you haven't noticed by now...let me be clear, I don't give a chit wtf you think.