Texas Republican Platform 2010

Rudyard K's Avatar

The last sentence of the article?...

"Our research shows that the more tax incentives and less regulation you have, and the less likely businesses are to get sued, the more likely it is they'll want to come and prosper in your state."

Who would have thought?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Not the conclusion of the author. Some lobbyist being quoted. And a whacko lobbyist at that. I know this group well form legislative battles in Austin.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a "think tank" funded by James Lineinger. He's an veritable founding member of the vast right wing conspiracy. His pet issue is to undermine public schools. They also get money from the Charles Koch Foundation and have Wendy Gramm on their staff or board (I forget which). She was with the SEC. In addition to her disgraceful tenure there, her claim to fame in the business world -- other than being Sen. Phil Gramm's wife (remember him, the one who was all for deregulating banks and big businesses so they would be fail safe!!) -- was being a member of the Board of Directors of Enron when it went belly up. She lends new meaning to the old saying that "If all the economists in the world were laid end to end, it would be a good thing." I forget what the outcome was of the suit against her and the other directors, but she keeps a low profile these days. All you have to do to run her off an issue, understandably, is utter the word "Enron." After that, she has no credibility at all.

They're some other tort reform nuts on their payroll, too, most notably Arlene Wohlgemuth, that are well known in Texas political circles for various antics like the Memorial Day Massacre. But I'll just stop there.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Soooo, you don't like them. Well, they must be doing something right.

Hell, you don't like most of us down here.