I B Hankering's Avatar
its as easy as loading a c130 with all the personnel and equipment necessary for a defensive rescue mission and getting that bird in the air ...

now where in the hell do you propose we land that bird that has an airstrip capable of safely handling it? How about Tripoli? yeah that's only 400 miles away, our troops will be right there, hold on Mr Stevens.

these silly fuckers have all the answers until it boils down to the right answer. Originally Posted by CJ7
Doherty and others, transported by a chartered plane, had already landed at the Benghazi airport, at 1:30 AM, and worked their way to the compound. A second team from Tripoli -- transported by a Libyan C-130, CBJ7 -- arrived at about 5:00 AM on 12 September!!!! If the Libyans can land there in a C-130, CBJ7, you better damn well believe Americans can land there!!!!

". . . a second team was preparing to leave on a Libyan C-130 cargo plane from Tripoli to Benghazi when Hicks said he learned from the Libyan prime minister that Stevens was dead. The Libyan military agreed to transport additional personnel as reinforcements to Benghazi on its cargo plane, but Hicks complained the special forces were told not to make the trip.

"They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it," Hicks told GOP committee staff. Pressed on why, he said, "I guess they just didn't have the right authority from the right level."

Defense officials said Monday that four members of Army special forces were in Tripoli on Sept. 11, 2012, as part of a regular training mission. The officials said they were trying to track down information about the Libyan cargo plane and could not verify whether or not the special forces were told not to get on the plane.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said it is normal procedure for U.S. service members to get permission to fly on another country's military aircraft.

That flight left Tripoli [for Benghazi carrying non-military U.S. personnel] after the second attack on the CIA annex that killed two security officers — Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. [That plane landed in Benghazi.]"


CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 06:19 PM
and assuming a C130 was fully loaded, sitting on a runway, props spinning, 100% ready for take off from a US military base, exactly how long would it take to get from point a to point b, land, unloaded and make it to the compound?

ready set go ... they had 30 minutes

actually , less than that, Clinton didn't get the call until 20 minutes after the attack started.

now, ready set GO !!
I B Hankering's Avatar
and assuming a C130 was fully loaded, sitting on a runway, props spinning, 100% ready for take off from a US military base, exactly how long would it take to get from point a to point b, land, unloaded and make it to the compound?

ready set go ... they had 30 minutes

actually , less than that, Clinton didn't get the call until 20 minutes after the attack started.

now, ready set GO !! Originally Posted by CJ7
You'd make a lousy football coach, CBJ7. You'd concede the game, pack up and go home when the opposing team catches the ball on the first kick-off. Even the Pentagon has conceded -- using 20/20 hindsight -- they fucked-up, but you Odumbo zombies keep defending and deflecting for the worthless, lying fucks you put in public office!

Pentagon officials now say had they known at the time that the first attack in Benghazi would be followed by a second one, they might have made different decisions. David Martin reports.

"Had they known"!!! The assholes in charge should have responded per SOP and with the teams they'd trained to respond on such occasions.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2013, 06:38 PM
You'd make a lousy football coach, CBJ7. You'd concede the game, pack up and go home when the opposing team catches the ball on the first kick-off. Even the Pentagon has conceded -- using 20/20 hindsight -- they fucked-up, but you Odumbo zombies keep defending and deflecting for the worthless, lying fucks you put in public office!

Pentagon officials now say had they known at the time that the first attack in Benghazi would be followed by a second one, they might have made different decisions. David Martin reports.
http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50146467n Originally Posted by I B Hankering

so you couldn't get there either. Thanks
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is amazing the lengths you will go to to defend Obama no matter what he does, no matter how dishonest, corrupt or negligent, CBJ7. Even when he clearly neglected his duty in order to focus on a campaign appearance.

You're an independent? Not bloody likely. You are a dyed-in-the-wool, cast in bronze, brain dead, robotic Obamaton. The worst case of it on here.

I B Hankering's Avatar
so you couldn't get there either. Thanks Originally Posted by CJ7
Your reading skills are very, very poor, CBJ7. The Pentagon conceded they should have responded and been in position to thwart the second attack. They could have "got there"!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
  • 05-08-2013, 07:26 PM
Is that my jack Daniel Tennessee honey Hillary
Benghazi threads: It's what's for dinner...
Johnny Cash would say fuck you Obama and Hillary for letting Americans die and lie.....Cash wouldn't make a joke of it...
Johnny Cash would say fuck you Obama and Hillary for letting Americans die and lie. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Johnny Cash would say fuck you Obama and Hillary for letting Americans die and lie.....Cash wouldn't make a joke of it... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Nothing like quoting the dead that's twice this week.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Johnny Cash would say fuck you Obama and Hillary for letting Americans die and lie.....Cash wouldn't make a joke of it... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nothing like quoting the dead that's twice this week. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm sure, being the rat wang teatard he is, that he was all on board with the song "Man in Black" when it came out, just like Spiro Agnew and Milhouse were. Trendaway, the helmsman on a ship of fools.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-09-2013, 01:23 PM
Your reading skills are very, very poor, CBJ7. The Pentagon conceded they should have responded and been in position to thwart the second attack. They could have "got there"! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

your logistic skills are nonexistent .. god couldn't get there
I B Hankering's Avatar
your logistic skills are nonexistent .. god couldn't get there Originally Posted by CJ7
It had nothing to do with logistics, CBJ7. Odumbo, et al, in their anxious befuddlement, twiddled their thumbs and didn't say "go"! That's a leadership issue, not logistics, but it's just like a libertard to try deflect the blame off Odumbo once again.

1: During the Congressional hearing, Thompson stated that on the night of the Benghazi attack, he contacted the White House about the deployment of a Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), including leaders from state department, special operations command, diplomatic security, intelligence and FBI.

Thompson described the team as being "designed... to get all the options on the table for the decision-makers."

Thompson stated that the White House told him that the option 'had been taken off the table," he testifies.

Chaffetz:: Why was Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) deployment not called into action?

Thompson: "I do not know."

Chaffetz: "Mr. chairman, this is one of the great mysteries," Chaffetz says. "I yield back."

2: Hicks testified that in Tripoli, the DoD had persuaded the Libyans to fly their C-130 to Benghazi. By then the Libyans had provided external security and "we wanted to provide additional reinforcements to Benghazi," Hicks said.

"The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired."

Colonel Gibson of SOCAFRICA was ready to depart with special forces – four agents, when he told Hicks "he had not been authorized to go."

"Gibson was furious," Hicks says. "I had told him to go bring our people home. That's what he wanted to do."

Hicks says Gibson "paid me a compliment I won't repeat here." He has told the committee Gibson said,

'I have never been so embarrassed in my life that a State Department officer has bigger balls than somebody in the military.'
Oh! And don't forget it was HildaBeast who gave Stevens a September 30 deadline in Benghazi to facilitate her political goals while she simultaneously downsized security in Libya.