Trumps test positive for stupidity. Corona 19 virus too

Munchmasterman's Avatar
So what are you pretending to be this week? Other than a moron?
Thank you for pointing out trump's stupidity. Only trumpys thought trump was safe in the oval office. My question is what took him so long to get it? And because they don't wear masks, one of them probably gave it to the rest.
And now you pretend a black light can show the virus.
I don't know anyone who wants trump dead. He doesn't have to die to lose.
After the debate and his gang getting covid, that's about all she wrote.

As for the spas?
Never been to one.
But it sounds like you know all about them.
Did someone say the Trumps are "with Covid"?

Other than the antiTrumpers?

It's too bad some of these nutcases posting on here don't have a "black light" in their pocket when the leave one those spas they frequent so they can "light up" their germs! Those of you who want the Trumps to die should look in the mirror!

As was clearly revealed last night .... if the Trump Team can get infected in the Oval Office .... what are your chances in a spa ....

.... or even in a grocery store? Nil! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
A wire?
Who told you to say that? Ob1?

You're down to lying because you're sinking fast.
Is that why Biden was wearing a Wire during the Debate because he has class? Biden is weak classy people aren't weak. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Look at you trying to press buttons.
You mock your own stupidity. You claim
Yssup has been using multiple handles because he has been spanking you since he came back. You use a Russian phrase and you act like trump has class.
He is a flaming douche-bag. A guy from Queens who couldn't make it in Manhattan.
Just like you can't even make it in Ft. Worth.
multiple handles poster - Biden has more class in his little finger than Trump has in his whole little hand.
L-17 - it is for biden to properly crook his pinkie while sipping tea with 'teh' nomenklatura!
all 'teh' DPST sheeples are supporting an Elitist racist who has been sucking on 'teh' public trough all his life. Originally Posted by oeb11
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're full of shit. Nothing can help you.
Look how stupid you are.
Pointing out someone is gay isn't anti-gay, douche-bag. It's like you drinking cum because you like the taste.
And those are traits you have, they aren't what makes you the asshole you are.
s - your depraved, racist, marxist hatred is clear for all to see
And so futile,and pathetic!
Get some professional help - just as blue meanie - your anti-gay imagery gives you away.

you are what you protest against and condemn. Originally Posted by oeb11
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That was a stupid post.
Protesters aren't criminals. You don't know the difference between the 2. Only someone who is out of touch with a dictionary. Someone who thinks all protesters are criminals has his head up his ass.

Now, back to the person you think is fit to be on the high court.
She is already following trump's lead and showing poor judgement. Borderline criminal? Just a matter of opinion.
Lemme get this straight.... You think a brilliant, highly acclaimed federal District Court judge on her way to lifetime tenure on the nation's highest court is a "borderline criminal".

But "protesters" who spraypaint, deface and set fire to public buildings, tear down public monuments, loot and burn down private businesses, and injure or kill hundreds of police officers are NOT criminal.

Thanks for clarifying how depraved and criminal your thinking is!! Originally Posted by lustylad
pleasurem's Avatar
You need the government to tell you what to do all the time? What an idiot, posting nothing but crap!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
No, yous are free to infect your whole stupid country.

Ooops, that seems to be your Presidents job.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Is that why Biden was wearing a Wire during the Debate because he has class? Biden is weak classy people aren't weak. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You might be the must gullible WSND on this board,

What “wire?” Please explain your ridiculous claim, LeviQAnon?

Or is this just another voice in your head?

Keeps drinking that Fool Aid, man!
  • oeb11
  • 10-03-2020, 08:30 AM
Thanks for all the nonsense and waste of bandwidth - yr/hh/multiple handles.

tune up the clarinet or flute - it is time to look at joining 'teh' 'Band"!
lustylad's Avatar
I've used the word "cocksucking" 3 times this year. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It's like you drinking cum because you like the taste. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You're projecting again. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I was going to ask who told you to post your off topic crap but I don'tgive a shit.
You need the government to tell you what to do all the time? What an idiot, posting nothing but crap!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're trying to act like trump. You've taken a profound weakness and are trying to pretend it's nothing.
Until we pushed your face in it, you failed to catch or correct a simple mistake. Now your intentional misspelling just keeps up your old average.

271 times in last 3 months.
Pretty stupid.

Which of those instruments did you play?
Thanks for all the nonsense and waste of bandwidth - yr/hh/multiple handles.

tune up the clarinet or flute - it is time to look at joining 'teh' 'Band"! Originally Posted by oeb11
A wire?
Who told you to say that? Ob1?

You're down to lying because you're sinking fast.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Does that bother you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Chris Christie has it now.

And the Lord sayeth...
  • oeb11
  • 10-03-2020, 10:02 AM
Bill Stepian, Trump's campaign Manager, just became the 10th Covid positive from that Saturday super-spreader event, the press event with the incoming Justice Barret, who ironically is being rushed in so she can vote to kil the Affordable Care Act.

God don't like ugly.

Edit: now Chris Christie has tested positive.

Maybe we need to start counting the Republicans who have NOT contracted Covid this week! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Well CT - from 'teh' party that rejects god - and refuses to utter 'Under god" in 'teh' pledge of allegiance!!
"God don't like ugly , Eh????
for Once - CT may have a real, valid point!