When a reference goes bad

No, but I do like Armani suits. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
How fortunate. I have one. I look damn good in it. Since you're the client, and I do love when the client specifies an outfit, I'll fulfill your request. Now, boxers, briefs, or thong?
PS Further reply - with all the ass kissing and fakery that goes on in review land, maybe women feel pressured into speaking well of bad men. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland

and, men are afraid to give an honest review if they plan to rely on her for a reference later on. I have always hated both references, and reviews for that reason as well as the fact that I think both are a huge invasion of privacy for all.

I have never asked a potential client for a reference. I prefer to not be reviewed, so I would feel like a hypocrite asking a client for what is pretty much their own version of the same thing .I do not mind giving a client a ref if he needs one, and I do understand that this is how most women stay safe . I just feel that my clients already give me enough information on themselves to know who they are not, and the rest I prefer to trust my own feelings on.

I would rather spend the half hour or so that it would take to get in touch with his refs on the phone with my potential client instead.This way I am able to form my own opinion. I would hope that my client would show me the same respect , and spend some time getting to know me instead of relying on a few words in a review which may or may not be accurate.

I do respect that references , and reviews can offer security for some.They just creep me out on a personal level, and I do believe that with some extra effort neither one has to be necessary.
don't know what Woody's are, but ladies, I don't discuss rates. I do screen and require at least two references. I don't show my face in pictures until we've met. I prefer at least two hours of notice. I like to get an intro letter from a lady to know if we'll click. I can discuss longer term meetings (overnight) but I do require a deposit. So ladies book early and book often, don't miss my retirement tour, ending May 2050. Originally Posted by SR Only

Are you sure you do not want to make that 2070.It may take until 2050 for the economy to improve
Are you sure you do not want to make that 2070.It may take until 2050 for the economy to improve Originally Posted by Becky
We know I'm in the oldest profession. There will always be demand. You ladies just can't get enough of us. Sometimes we just feel like we are pieces of meat. It's all so ... tawdry.

BTW, scratch Edward on his belly for me.
I never get personal in references, I just let the lady know if he generally behaved himself. Even that is somewhat subjective though: the most difficult client I ever had gave me a good reference beforehand. To be honest, I got lukewarm feelings from him through our phone and email conversations, but I went against my instinct and saw him anyway. Maybe behavior that I found offensive wasn't offensive to her (and this was more than just "chemistry" or "connection").

BTW, scratch Edward on his belly for me. Originally Posted by SR Only
Edward requires two weeks advance notice, three verifiable references, and a note from your mother before any belly scratching will be considered.
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Edward the leg humper.
Edward requires two weeks advance notice, three verifiable references, and a note from your mother before any belly scratching will be considered. Originally Posted by Becky
Please ask Edward if he'd make an exception for me. He wouldn't like my mom anyway.
Edward the leg humper. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Now please keep your rather odd fantasys about my dog to yourself.


Natalie it is nice to see you back
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