Uncle Han bites the dust

LexusLover's Avatar
when I missed the "s" on Rhoades and a week later are Originally Posted by CJ7
Still can't spell Rhodes ... can you?

A problem with idiots like you is when you get caught in your own bullshit you have this ...

... I was just kidding ... blah, blah.

Works for your bimbos, but that's where it ends.

I'm the last person on here that jumps people for their grammar, spelling, etc, .. "form issues" ... this is the internet and it's like texting ... and (please concentrate) some of "audio" command typing ... so "see" and be "sea' ... etc. .... I don't give a shit ....

until a shit like you has nothing of substance to challenge a statement and then

you employ the "spelling bee" mentality ... like speedo ... who tries to discredit someone because they made a typo ... my "Road Scholor" for little speedo britches ... was NOT a typo ... it was recognizing his status as a truck driver living in a trailer park community.

.. you know. trailer trash? ... pretending to be more "intelligent" than others and something he is not.

Then you take up name calling. You started the name calling first .. btw. You don't like it?

Then grow up. Start conducting yourself as a reasonable adult with factually supported ideas that can make a positive difference in this country. Quit stirring shit dust up. It has a tendency to blow back in your face.

I learned a long time ago on "boats" ...

... be careful over what side you throw the slop ......
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 05:15 PM
fine by me, anything you say "him rustling him up something"
LexusLover's Avatar
fine by me, anything you say "him rustling him up something" Originally Posted by CJ7
yes, of course, .. Mr. ..."I missed the "s" on Rhoades" anything you say!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 05:26 PM
yes, of course, .. Mr. ..."I missed the "s" on Rhoades" anything you say! Originally Posted by LexusLover

at least you didn't miss the S in THEM when you were trying to spell THEN

see how that works little boy?
Let's redirect this thread back to where it belongs, that being poor ol' Uncle Lower Than Whale Shit!

Marshy, was that you? Glug, Glug, Glug, Glug!
  • 06-12-2013, 07:43 PM
don't collect evidence do you... Your specialty is stealing...and try to cover it up
All I can say to ham bone is adiofuckingus wonder who he will morph into next.
Uncle Han will return........................ .. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Trendy is correct, Uncle Han will return under a new name but when he does return, you can bet he will be just as obnoxious as he has been by all of his other names.

Hey Trendaway, poor ol' Unc Han is "Trending" gone.

Once again!
It is only a matter of time before UH returns..........

The forum is a better place with the posts of Uncle Han !

He was despised by some because he offered a stinging rebuke of Obama cultists AND he was factually correct on the issues. Not one of the Obamazombies successfully disputed his facts and analysis.
It is only a matter of time before UH returns......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Trendy and I finally agree. He seems to be a "UH" Coog too!

Even ol' Unc Han finally saw the light and switched over to the UH avatar just prior to leaving. I give you my permission to use it as well. The more the merrier! Eat 'em up!!!
The forum is a better place with the posts of Uncle Han ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

The fact that you hold that opinion tells readers all they need to know about you. (Not that there are many participants in this forum who don't already recognize you for what you are.)

He was despised by some because he offered a stinging rebuke of Obama cultists AND he was factually correct on the issues. Not one of the Obamazombies successfully disputed his facts and analysis. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Completely wrong, moron. The guy was simply a nuisance who spammed the forum every day with a half-dozen or so new threads, each containing nothing more than a link or a cut-and-pasted article or blog. He never even made a pretense of trying to offer any cogent commentary of his own -- just shit-slinging. But then, you wouldn't see anything wrong with that, now, would you? (And I'm far from being an "Obama cultist," or an "Obamazombie.")

It is only a matter of time before UH returns....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
But you're probably right about that! It's like trying to exterminate rats and cockroaches. The damned things just keep coming back.

(Now sit back and watch this stupid buffoon, in a fit of spite, spam the forum with a whole bunch of new threads whose titles are screamed in ALL-CAPS!)
JCM800's Avatar
Trendy is correct, Uncle Han will return under a new name but when he does return, you can bet he will be just as obnoxious as he has been by all of his other names. Originally Posted by bigtex
lol ....and deny he was ever Uncle Han.
He was despised by some because he offered a stinging rebuke of Obama cultists AND he was factually correct on the issues. Not one of the Obamazombies successfully disputed his facts and analysis. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He had neither facts nor analysis.

He had nothing but verbal abuse for anyone that was not an inbred bigot like himself.

And that fact that you can't tell the difference speaks volumes about you.
Uncle Han posted commentary backed up with facts and analysis from reliable sources that are widely read. He offered it up with a healthy dose of verbal bitch slapping.............he was extremely good at it...............better than most....................that is what annoys those whom he bested.

Almost everyone who posts regularly in this forum is guilty of bitch slapping in their posts.

The fact that you think otherwise makes you look silly.
Triple snick