Do you have change for a $20 ????

  • Sami
  • 03-26-2012, 11:21 AM
OMG you are a nut!!! Where do you find this crazy stuff?

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Fancyinheels's Avatar
In the future they will put computer chips in our ass to read CC as they swipe them in our ass cleavage... LOL Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

Damn, I was going to say that! Would frequent flyer discount cards be punched out with our nipples?

I have never been asked for change. I am one of the ladies who advertises in $50 as well as $100 increments, $250, $300, $500, add $50 for outcall, etc., and 99% of my gentlemen callers either leave the exact amount or enough of a tip to be certain that it's not because they didn't have a ten.

There's a psychology in this reflecting retail thinking: $250 has a connotation of being so much less than $260, or $14.99 makes people believe that they aren't paying $15 for something. (The TV commercial for JC Penney with Ellen DeGeneres trying to buy a Titanic-era fancy hat satirizes the concept well.) I suppose I could take a poll: Anybody who wants me to raise my rates for convenience in cash handling, raise your.... hands.

wcdann's Avatar
I always have the agreed amount handy when i get there plus some extra. Now ive never ran across this with an eccie provider but in BP some providers will up sell on you after you get there and if they do that to you I would have no problem asking for change depending on the cercumstances
There's a psychology in this reflecting retail thinking: $250 has a connotation of being so much less than $260, or $14.99 makes people believe that they aren't paying $15 for something. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I agree. As the shopper, I might pull the trigger on $250, but not $260. I know, it's only $10, but if my allowance is $250, then $260 is too much. Occasionally, I'll say to myself, "Well, let's splurge this week and go to $300." But for that rate, I'd like to see someone who I perceive has skillz in that range rather than one in the former range. I know intellectually that you can't categorize ladies' skillz by their rates. But, part of justifying a higher than normal expense rate is: (1) seeing a lady I would not otherwise consider, and (2) expecting much better skillz.

but in BP some providers will up sell on you after you get there Originally Posted by wcdann
Yeah, she says, "Oh you want to get laid in addition to spending time with me? That'll be $200 extra." lol
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
It's so true - I was 280 for awhile in Vancouver. Not quite 300, but "above" 250. Also an ATM friendly number
Sweet N Little's Avatar
OMG you are a nut!!! Where do you find this crazy stuff? Originally Posted by Sami
Well since Ive met you, I guess there's no denying it
I get most things form Google & a warped brain

I'm thinking of changing my amount to 194.21 just to mess with people.
  • anita
  • 03-26-2012, 04:07 PM
Nobody ever asked me for change. If amount is more than needed, they leave it as tips. They understand I am not a mobile fried chicken joint. They always come prepared.
I'm thinking of changing my amount to 194.21 just to mess with people. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I've saved the $.21. Only $194 left to go. If I give you two benjamins can you give me the change?
Some of the posts in this thread are hilarious!!!! I always go prepared($$$$$) into a session....... Funny story as I read some of the ladies posts.... I saw a lady in Okc and she was running a special... In her donation I left her an extra .50... As I was leaving the session and getting on the elevator she called and told me " You left too much in the Donation and I OWE YOU CHANGE"...... This has never happend to me in the Hobby and reading other ladies posts..... DAMN SURE DID CATCH ME OFF GUARD!!!! I just laughed and told her I know what I left and she didn't OWE ME ANYTHING......
Nobody ever asked me for change. If amount is more than needed, they leave it as tips. They understand I am not a mobile fried chicken joint. They always come prepared. Originally Posted by anita

I am dying laughing right now!! Mobile fried chicken joint!
Well since Ive met you, I guess there's no denying it
I get most things form Google & a warped brain

I'm thinking of changing my amount to 194.21 just to mess with people. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
That won't bother me, I'll just round up to 194.25 - I always have quarters with me!!
  • anita
  • 03-26-2012, 08:33 PM
I am dying laughing right now!! Mobile fried chicken joint! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
;-), nice picture by the way. The one you use as your avatar.
Redd- I have done that myself a few times...sometimes, it just really takes a girl back when she finds a large tip and she has to make sure it was intentional. I especially stop them if it is over $50.

To date, I have only given change once, even with a non ATM friendly amount, and it was because he was trying to tip too much and I knew he really didn't have the money to do so.... I insisted he take the tipped amount back. He was shocked and made a remark that I had just tipped 'him'! lol I told him he was just that good...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That won't bother me, I'll just round up to 194.25 - I always have quarters with me!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
no need, I will just let you work for it Ed

@ Redd, Ive actually done that too a few times , I think they thought I was retarded

Does Anita have a nice ass or what?? Dayumm

;-), nice picture by the way. The one you use as your avatar. Originally Posted by anita
Why thank ya! Nice ass!!
no need, I will just let you work for it Ed

OMG!! I will not be able to look at Ed now without thinking of him doing that!! LOL

Does Anita have a nice ass or what?? Dayumm

, Originally Posted by Sweet N Little