
I've seen Pipe on several occasions, and speak to him via Facebook and email often. He is one of the kindest men in this hobby and to call or accuse him of being a pimp or anything remotely close to it is absolutely absurd.
... I am a fucking taliban warlord.. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Now here's a rumor I can start...
I have a twitter account affixed to my hobby name that I use as a inner approach to connect and have people get to know me personally. I let those that I'm close with outside of the hobby on my personal FB page, but any mingling of hobby discussions is don't through pm.
Oh, and Valerie! U r fucking hot
BossHogg50's Avatar
Oh, and Valerie! U r fucking hot Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Yes!! My thoughts xactly
Hell yes!
Can't we all just get along?
DDlover's Avatar
I have a hobby Facebook but I don't seek out clients there. Everyone must pass the same screening. I am 23 years old and my rate is 300/hr. There are private facebook groups but none that I was invited in were run by Pipefitter or any pimps. I've met Pipefitter before on a couple if occasions and he was very nice and helpful to me once on a trip I made to Huntsville. Originally Posted by Angelie Kornikova

I'm sure you are very good at what you do. But at the end of the day, I don't trust a hooker with my private information. Identity theft being just one concern. That's what's good about facebook groups. You get invited in by some "John in charge", and the women are young, hot, enthusiastic, economically priced, and grateful. Well, that's my experience.
bladtinzu's Avatar
And pretty much saying every chick on facebook is forced into prostitution is fucking retarded. I can deal with moody women, cunty women, bitchy women, but acting retarded is just fucking stupid beyond any abilities of logical reasoning I have ever come across..
vicinms's Avatar
Now this is what I'd call a showcase thread - showcase of ECCIE rule violations that is! Some of these will be discussed individually with members, but as a reminder:

1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others
3 - Disrespect to others
4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff. Too many of these to count!
6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Plenty of hijacks too!
9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums.
15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use.

I probably missed a few, but those that this applies to should get the idea. If you are unclear on any of these, it wouldn't be a bad idea to to read the full list of rules below or send me a PM if you have questions or concerns.
bladtinzu's Avatar

I've seen Pipe on several occasions, and speak to him via Facebook and email often. He is one of the kindest men in this hobby and to call or accuse him of being a pimp or anything remotely close to it is absolutely absurd. Originally Posted by Valerie

And I know Val will not say the same about me.

And come on Vic.. I can put up with a lot of things but ineptitude and conspiratorial theories rank up there with "Things that set Blad off"..
Most exciting discussion on ECCIE I have come across in a long time. Its laughable to me that old/fat/hags charge crazy rates all over eccie. I have brought it up before on the MS boards how the nasty/hag network attacks the new providers when they show up with lower rates. Next thing you know the new girl is charging three times what she was glad to be getting a few weeks prior. Then once the newness wears off she is starving. I for one think keeping all FB groups far away from the fat/hag network is the best thing that can happen. These women are some of the most spiteful hookers on earth. They cant stand for anything to threaten their crazy overpriced hooker world where they are still relevant. Its the dawn of a new age gentlemen where we hold all the cards and the fat/hag network withers on the vine and goes the way of the dial up. Its like the old saying "There is nothing more spiteful than a hooker scorned". I guess thats a saying. Anyway props to you Bama dawgs for standing up and helping change the game.
We have a hobby FB account, but truthfully there does not seem to be much activity. Of course, we may just be looking in the wrong areas. Twitter and FB do allow for "contact" beyond ECCIE and works towards building a better friendship/relationship between the providers and hobbiest.....just our opinion...
bladtinzu's Avatar
Most exciting discussion on ECCIE I have come across in a long time. Its laughable to me that old/fat/hags charge crazy rates all over eccie. I have brought it up before on the MS boards how the nasty/hag network attacks the new providers when they show up with lower rates. Next thing you know the new girl is charging three times what she was glad to be getting a few weeks prior. Then once the newness wears off she is starving. I for one think keeping all FB groups far away from the fat/hag network is the best thing that can happen. These women are some of the most spiteful hookers on earth. They cant stand for anything to threaten their crazy overpriced hooker world where they are still relevant. Its the dawn of a new age gentlemen where we hold all the cards and the fat/hag network withers on the vine and goes the way of the dial up. Its like the old saying "There is nothing more spiteful than a hooker scorned". I guess thats a saying. Anyway props to you Bama dawgs for standing up and helping change the game. Originally Posted by BassCat


We have a hobby FB account, but truthfully there does not seem to be much activity. Of course, we may just be looking in the wrong areas. Twitter and FB do allow for "contact" beyond ECCIE and works towards building a better friendship/relationship between the providers and hobbiest.....just our opinion... Originally Posted by GulfCouple
Honestly it depends on your area of loaction. I travel a lot. In Alabama the force is strong in the facebook groups/chicks.. In Arkansas not so much, Florida.. Orlando and Tampa are booming but every where else is a desert for now. Calicornication.. GOLD I TELL YOU!! GOLD!!!!!!! Tennessee.. Honestly who the fuck cares about Tennessee anyway??
bladtinzu's Avatar
And for reference here..

25 Years of experience for a hooker..

Listen to the link and die laughing
