Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

Seems like a lot of the ladies are not sure how to clean up their crotch! The odor of stale urine is not a turn-on! I have seen lots of ladies over the years and some of the higher priced ones are not always clean! I have had ladies from Craigslist and BP and they were mostly ALWAYS clean...I, on the other hand, am always fresh out of the shower and like a sweet lady to be also.....Just sayin'! Originally Posted by canoodle
Smell can indicate an infection too. So she may have cleaned but cannot avoid the odor that comes with intercourse. PID is pretty common place for women in the biz who take on volume and get then get a bacterial infection. Personally, if she smells like that I would be polite but tell her she has an odor and then you have to decide whether or not you want to continue the appointment. I love eating pussy as much as men love it, but I will tell a lady if she has an odor and make her aware of it, in a nice way of course.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
There is no nice way to tell a woman her pussy is funky.
We will be mortified.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Our newest superthread. Another topic that been on my list.
I love the fact you added in the topic...wash your ass , wash your cock to the equations... WOOO HOOOO FAIR GAME... Bring it ON...
Some things should go without saying, such as personal hygiene. But sometimes we just have to remind those that neglect. So Iam including in my post here a video. I hope this clears up any misconceptions and doubts you may have of the importance of personal hygiene.

ACP... will u give me a bath? a bubble bath please...glass of wine , some chocalate...
Still Looking's Avatar
ACP... will u give me a bath? a bubble bath please...glass of wine , some chocalate... Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Baby Wipe, Fart, B & J Wine Cooler & Snickers Bar (The one with nuts!) If that qualifies as "chocolate"

It would seem your handle suites you AL! LOL Plus your a fickle cheap date! LOL
ACP... will u give me a bath? a bubble bath please...glass of wine , some chocalate... Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Yeah, I'll do that for ya.
what did you say SL... there was some kind of mumbling going on...
Still Looking's Avatar
what did you say SL... there was some kind of mumbling going on... Originally Posted by Anita Lay
I think its wonderful to have a provider in heat rather than a hobbyist for a change!
someone keeps mumbling something and I am having a romanitic moment with a Gentleman. You get more with kindness than being a cheap date. Such appreciation.
what did you say SL... there was some kind of mumbling going on... Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Yeah, I'll fill that tub with warm water. Put a couple of sprinkles of Bubble bath that smell like mellons. I'll even put a few drops of blue food coloring to give it that Hollywood Spa look. I'll pour ya a glass of wine. I'll keep the bottle next to the tub, so I don't have to run to the kitchen to refill, cause I don't want to miss a minute with you in that tub. I might even get in there with ya, lol.
I will wash you real good baby...the cajun men are spicy.
ahhhhh, ohhhhh , yeaaaa...
bleep , bleep, censored for public viewing.
We are going to need two hours or more...
Balls covered in baby powder is NOT clean. It is just as nasty as if you were covered in dick cheese. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
I shave my balls, lol. I hold a can of AXE spray about six inches away and spray a few shots. Then I kinda jiggle them around a little bit. How's that.
Still Looking's Avatar
I shave my balls, lol. I hold a can of AXE spray about six inches away and spray a few shots. Then I kinda jiggle them around a little bit. How's that. Originally Posted by acp5762