Guest123018-4's Avatar
"blacks stilt suffer from racism"......yep they need to stop suffering from being racist and get on with life.
markroxny's Avatar
I did note that you did not have any convincing counter evidence to the Occupy WallStreet allegations I made. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Until you acknowledge that there were guns at tea party rallies, I don't have to.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
How many crimes ocurred with guns at tea party events?

How many arrests ocurred at tea party events?

How much public funding was required to clean up after tea party events?
markroxny's Avatar
How many crimes ocurred with guns at tea party events?

How many arrests ocurred at tea party events?

How much public funding was required to clean up after tea party events? Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Wait, I hope you are not trying to compare a political party Rally to an OWS Protest are you?

A Rally and a Protest are 2 different things.

And before you even start, I'm NOT an OWS supporter. Their initial protests were admirable, but they have since gone on aimlessly without an attainable goal. I don't support protesting just for the sake of protesting. I far prefer protests that get results that can be quantified much as the civil rights marches of the 60's did.

But at least you are acknowledging that there were guns at the tea party rallies. Though, i'm still not sure why.
  • Laz
  • 10-25-2012, 08:47 AM
Until you acknowledge that there were guns at tea party rallies, I don't have to. Originally Posted by markroxny
Fine there were probably guns at a lot of tea party rallies. They were most likely there legally and no one cares since they were not used improperly. The Tea Party supports the constitution including the second amendment.

Now why does this bother you. You should complain that these gun carrying members were not there when Gabby Giffords was shot. They might have been able to save some people.
markroxny's Avatar
Fine there were probably guns at a lot of tea party rallies. They were most likely there legally and no one cares since they were not used improperly. The Tea Party supports the constitution including the second amendment.

Now why does this bother you. You should complain that these gun carrying members were not there when Gabby Giffords was shot. They might have been able to save some people. Originally Posted by Laz
Oh that would have been real pretty. Citizens all shooting at each other.
The real political thugs are the on the left - unions beating up people, NBP in militant fatigues, the list goes on....today we find this Romney supporter hospitalized because he was a gay Republican...the intolerance of the left is an established fact.

LovingKayla's Avatar

That doesn't mean that blacks don't suffer racial attacks. Originally Posted by markroxny

Or whites, or Asian, or Mexicans. Get over this pitty party for blacks. Racial hatred of ANY kind is horrible. Blacks are no longer the only victims. Not that you ever were the only ones.

It's ok nipples. We know you have a natural handicap, and we forgive you.
joe bloe's Avatar
Wait, I hope you are not trying to compare a political party Rally to an OWS Protest are you?

A Rally and a Protest are 2 different things.

And before you even start, I'm NOT an OWS supporter. Their initial protests were admirable, but they have since gone on aimlessly without an attainable goal. I don't support protesting just for the sake of protesting. I far prefer protests that get results that can be quantified much as the civil rights marches of the 60's did.

But at least you are acknowledging that there were guns at the tea party rallies. Though, i'm still not sure why. Originally Posted by markroxny
They are similar events. Both are examples of public gatherings of people supporting a particular political view.

The Tea Party gatherings were fully permitted and complied with all ordinances. The sites were left cleaner, after the event than before. There was no vandalism. No one was arrested. No one was raped. No police vehicles were defecated on. The Tea Party rallies provided visual evidence of the basic nature of the people attending.

The Tea Partiers are the backbone of America. The Tea Partiers are the law abiding, hard working, decent, honorable people that make America great.

If every American was like the Tea Partiers America would be Heaven on earth. If every American was like the OWS mob, America would be Hell.
Got that right............

The Tea Partiers are the backbone of America. The Tea Partiers are the law abiding, hard working, decent, honorable people that make America great.

If every American was like the Tea Partiers America would be Heaven on earth. If every American was like the OWS mob, America would be Hell. Originally Posted by joe bloe