BigLouie's Avatar
Economic growth is at an 11-year high. Job growth is at a 15-year high. The stock market is soaring. Wages are rising. Gas prices are plummeting. American manufacturing is improving. The uninsured rate is dropping. Yet some are claiming it's an Anti-American economy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good old timey lynching!
Economic growth is at an 11-year high. Job growth is at a 15-year high. The stock market is soaring. Wages are rising. Gas prices are plummeting. American manufacturing is improving. The uninsured rate is dropping. Yet some are claiming it's an Anti-American economy. Originally Posted by BigLouie
TrendingIdiot, along with the rest of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrrr Clan, picks the lies they want to tell and conveniently fabricates a storyline to accompany their deceptive misadventures.

Budman's Avatar
Obama, along with the rest of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrrr administration, picks the lies they want to tell and conveniently fabricates a storyline to accompany their deceptive misadventures.

Idiots! Originally Posted by bigtex
There you go. This is a bit more accurate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And SOOOO grown up!
rioseco's Avatar
Rioseco... go back to Mexico. Originally Posted by ilikefun
I am in Norte Mexico right now, pud puller !
Stay there with your kind.

People like FatTex are just stupid.
Nothing like cheap money and cheap labor to fatten corporate profits.
You are still trying to bullshit your way through an arguement. If you had any proof that I cherry picked the data, then post the data supporting your bullshit. ...you wont because you cant...go ahead, pick a different month...show us what you claim.

Ok here is your real issue. You took a report that goes by month and waited for the one month that supports your claim. Other months do not and maybe next month does not. Just this one month. No one goes on just one month of data but you it seems Originally Posted by BigLouie
LexusLover's Avatar

An increase of 7,634.39 points in 8 years.

FACT JACK Originally Posted by bigtex
You must be a stockbroker.


See the "little blue line"? "It's the economy stupid."

Median income 2008 = $57,569 adjusted for inflation
Meidan income 2013 = $53,713 adjusted for inflation

$4,000 decrease during YOUR MAN'S "occupation" plus the ADDED costs of YOUR MAN'S increased health care costs. Do we need to look at job salaries for the "increased employment" he brags about?

Then we can start examining his "base" .... the minority community he is allowing to be stirred up by this "go to guy" in the Black community ....

Al Sharpton ...

"....demonize the cops so they won't realize what a shitty job I've done for them while I've been OCCUPYING the White House, when I'm not on vacation." I bet these guys are delighted over the increases in their IRA'S:

Please go ambush some more animals while they are eating. There's just a few more days left in ambush season. And I wouldn't want you to lose out on the chance.
LexusLover's Avatar
Economic growth is at an 11-year high. Job growth is at a 15-year high. The stock market is soaring. Wages are rising. Gas prices are plummeting. American manufacturing is improving. The uninsured rate is dropping. Yet some are claiming it's an Anti-American economy. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Link? ...

You certainly won't find that in the Administration's Statistical Base.


See the "little blue line"? "It's the economy stupid."

Oh, yea, and the "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul" ... kicking the can down the road:http://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/r...ebt_histo5.htm

National debt: 2008 = $10 trillion
National debt: 2014 = $18 trillion ... and climbing as we post.

The "peace time" economy of Obaminable added about $8 trillion to our debt in less than six ... that's 6.... years ... or $1.3 trillion a year ... which means by the time he vacates OUR HOUSE his contribution to the future of the U.S. will be a suffocating and staggering $21 trillion or more than DOUBLE when he took office....that is until the full debt service on Obamacare kicks in ... at least $22 trillion.

"It's the economy stupid." Originally Posted by LexusLover
It took LLIdiot 20+ years to arrive but he is finally speaking the Bill Clinton economic team language.

It's true, you can teach an old, mangy, worn out (Idiot) mongrel, new tricks!

LLIdiot, welcome to William Jefferson Clinton's economic world!
LexusLover's Avatar
...welcome to Clinton world! Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you now talking to yourself ...?

Surely you haven't reached your limit of ambush kills while they are eating:

.. it's contagious these days .... the latest trophy kills ....

"It's the economy stupid." Originally Posted by LexusLover

YOUR MAN IS TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS I SEE! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Dow Jones Industrial Average on January 19, 2001 = 10,887.39
Dow Jones Industrial Average on January 20, 2009 = 7,920.66

A decrease of 2,966.70 points in 8 very LOOOOOOOOOONG years.