A record Black Friday!!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
McCain, Congratulations on your Moderna pick, up 20% on Black Friday. Looks like things won't be looking so Black around the McCain household this Christmas. I'd say a gift certificate for a Moderna vaccine or booster would make a great stocking stuffer this year, but since they're free I won't. Originally Posted by Tiny
Thanks, Tiny. Black Friday is kind of a new tradition lately with my buddies that was started a few years back. We basically decided to call it black out Friday and meet up for that one day a year and act like dumb ass 21 year old drunks and forget about RL matters for the day. There are no cell phones allowed and it is just a day of the year to catch up in person.

I knew about the market crashing but I didn't know how MRNA and PFE were doing. Most of my investments are not in those two stocks so when I checked my accounts yesterday when I arrived home, I thought there was a glitch in one of my accounts and it was a mistake (it has happened before with this company) so I didn't think much of it. The 1st account was a loss but nothing drastic because it's my conservative low risk account.

I checked my other account later to see whether the glitch had been fixed. Well, it was the same amount of bright green from hours earlier. I then confirmed that damn, I made over 6 figures in the worst trading day of the year. I wasn't expecting that type of return from those two stocks for at least 3 or 4 weeks. So yeah, my black out Friday was pretty damn awesome for my wallet.
bambino's Avatar
Thanks, Tiny. Black Friday is kind of a new tradition lately with my buddies that was started a few years back. We basically decided to call it black out Friday and meet up for that one day a year and act like dumb ass 21 year old drunks and forget about RL matters for the day. There are no cell phones allowed and it is just a day of the year to catch up in person.

I knew about the market crashing but I didn't know how MRNA and PFE were doing. Most of my investments are not in those two stocks so when I checked my accounts yesterday when I arrived home, I thought there was a glitch in one of my accounts and it was a mistake (it has happened before with this company) so I didn't think much of it. The 1st account was a loss but nothing drastic because it's my conservative low risk account.

I checked my other account later to see whether the glitch had been fixed. Well, it was the same amount of bright green from hours earlier. I then confirmed that damn, I made over 6 figures in the worst trading day of the year. I wasn't expecting that type of return from those two stocks for at least 3 or 4 weeks. So yeah, my black out Friday was pretty damn awesome for my wallet. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You just said you had 2000 shares. Did they go up 50pts Friday? No they didn’t;

Pfizer shares were marked 5.25% higher in pre-market trading to indicate an opening bell price of $53.50 each. Moderna (MRNA) - Get Moderna, Inc. Report shares, meanwhile, surged 8.2% to $295.8 each.

Those increases don’t add up to a 6 figure profit on 2000 shares.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You just said you had 2000 shares. Did they go up 50pts Friday? No they didn’t;

Pfizer shares were marked 5.25% higher in pre-market trading to indicate an opening bell price of $53.50 each. Moderna (MRNA) - Get Moderna, Inc. Report shares, meanwhile, surged 8.2% to $295.8 each.

Those increases don’t add up to a 6 figure profit on 2000 shares. Originally Posted by bambino
I said I had over a 1,000 shares in both MRNA and PFE each and that I had more in MRNA than in PFE. I never said the exact number of shares I owned in each. Should I have been more specific to your liking or is this just another futile lame jelly attempt to call me a fraud again? I hope so, put a hundy K bet on it and we'll see whether I'm full of shit or not. I love making easy money.

Edit: Just read your edit (I will quote you this time before you change it again). That's funny. It just kills you that I said I was going to make a killing off those two stocks. Read above. Perhaps you don't understand that over a thousand shares does not mean exactly a thousand shares. Good lord dude. The jelly (jealousy) is strong with this one. haha

Your stock price numbers aren't even correct. If you are going to go through the trouble of trying to make me look like a fraud, don't be lazy about it. At least pull the correct fucking stock price for the two damn stocks I am referencing. I highly recommend that you don't go to your usual sites that you get information from. They don't seem to be very accurate. Or maybe you are completely unaware of the simple fact the pre-market prices actually change when the market opens and stock prices fluctuate during the trading period until it closes for the day. Forget that hundy K bet. You don't even understand how the stock market works. You probably don't even have a hundy bucks. LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
What should be discussed is why Viacom stock has been dropping. Recently it moved from $ 40 to $ 32.61 on no news at all and hit a 52 week low. Good earnings reports, very low P/E, continually adding streaming subscribers.

And many of the great old shows like the Rifleman are there.

Book me 1000 shares Dan 0
Clay Media's Avatar
Just Google the word "looting". Staff Edit are having their own Black Friday 100 percent off sale. Of course the media can't state the common denominator in all of these lootings.
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2021, 06:08 PM
What should be discussed is why Viacom stock has been dropping. Recently it moved from $ 40 to $ 32.61 on no news at all and hit a 52 week low. Good earnings reports, very low P/E, continually adding streaming subscribers.

And many of the great old shows like the Rifleman are there.

Book me 1000 shares Dan 0 Originally Posted by VitaMan
Some recent insider buying too, at around $36 per share.

Any idea why the share price ran up from 37 to 100 during January to March of this year?
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2021, 06:19 PM
Moderna (MRNA) - Get Moderna, Inc. Report shares, meanwhile, surged 8.2% to $295.8 each. Originally Posted by bambino
Moderna was up $56.24 on Friday.

Here's what McCain posted on 11/15/21:

With as many shares of both Moderna and Pfizer I bought 6 months ago, I hope they force every motherfucker on the planet take the damn shots even though I don't even believe the government should force people to take it. BUT, I care a hell of a lot more about the size of my wallet so there's that. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Six months earlier, on Monday, 5/17/21, Moderna closed at 160.43. The share price is up $169/share since then. 100%+ profit in a little over 6 months. Nice.

Gop is what it is and no gop mods need apply
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2021, 06:33 PM
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Correct Tiny, but Bambino has a hard time not changing his focus so he will stick with the amount of shares I own to call me a fraud, so I'll quote myself on 11/19 because he believes over means exactly.

Good for Austria. I hope all countries do the same. I don't even buy stocks usually. I buy only mutual funds and ETFs. The only stocks I own individually now are Moderna and Pfizer. I didn't buy over a 1,000 shares of each of those stocks for a bullshit 10% return. I expected to get 4 or 5 times my money back and the beauty of it is though, I'll make a lot more than that when I sell every single share of those blouses in a few months. This shit is easier than even insider trading. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Now does it make sense Bambino how I made a little over 6 figures in one day from these two stocks?
If you have money you don't try to impress ignorant racist clueless rednecks on a ignorant...site ugh. Just have fun with the ignition racist...dah
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If you have money you don't try to impress ignorant racist clueless rednecks on a ignorant...site ugh. Just have fun with the ignition racist...dah Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I agree, but this guy hates me so it's more fun for me. But there is another place to do that so I'll leave it out of this forum.

What should be discussed is why Viacom stock has been dropping. Recently it moved from $ 40 to $ 32.61 on no news at all and hit a 52 week low. Good earnings reports, very low P/E, continually adding streaming subscribers.

And many of the great old shows like the Rifleman are there.

Book me 1000 shares Dan 0 Originally Posted by VitaMan
I'm guessing debt repayment issues and cash flow problems. But that's just a guess. I don't even have to look it up to know they are about to be hit with a lot of class action suits that will spell out exactly what damages they are being sued for though because they must have not been transparent enough about something to take that kind of hit while more people are at home with the TV on the last almost going on a couple of years now. They should be killing it with paid ads revenue alone.

I don't know much about the company's financials though so my guess is just that.
VitaMan's Avatar
No those lawsuits have nothing to do with Viacom the company.

They are from lawyers trying to get money out of the investment bankers like Goldman Sachs. When the stock collapsed after Mr. Hwangs fund got margin calls. and couldn't meet them, the lawyers are saying the public should have been informed at the same time as the investment bankers....hence accusing Goldman and the other brokers of doing insider trading. Meantime stock went from 100 to 40.

A broker has a right to sell out a client if they don't meet a margin call....no obligation to publish that information. However this instance might have a little catch to it, as somehow it was set up so Mr. Hwang and the banks held the shares together. Don't know exactly how that was set up, but something like that.
VitaMan's Avatar
On the other point, too many members here are interested in trying to play "gotcha", or trying to make points for themselves or score runs. It must do something for them.

It's a national forum, but how many participants are there.....maybe 40 at most ? I am on here because I spend most of my working time at the computer, stop at this site for a break, and move on. It's a meaningless site. But not for the virulent posters.

At least ECCIE makes a few bucks off the activity.
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2021, 07:53 PM
No those lawsuits have nothing to do with Viacom the company.

They are from lawyers trying to get money out of the investment bankers like Goldman Sachs. When the stock collapsed after Mr. Hwangs fund got margin calls. and couldn't meet them, the lawyers are saying the public should have been informed at the same time as the investment bankers....hence accusing Goldman and the other brokers of doing insider trading. Meantime stock went from 100 to 40.

A broker has a right to sell out a client if they don't meet a margin call....no obligation to publish that information. However this instance might have a little catch to it, as somehow it was set up so Mr. Hwang and the banks held the shares together. Don't know exactly how that was set up, but something like that. Originally Posted by VitaMan
So that's probably why it shot up from 37 to 100 in under 3 months, market manipulation by Hwang. If memory serves me correctly, Hwang entered into derivative contracts with banks and/or brokers that enabled him to benefit as if he owned shares in individual companies. But the existence of these contracts wasn't made public - only the bankers and Hwang's firm knew about them. And the bankers only knew about them to the extent of their business with Hwang. So for example Credit Suisse might have thought all Hwang's exposure to the derivatives was with them, when he was doing the same thing with 5 or 10 other banks. As a result he was able to become hugely leveraged. And the rest is history. For one of Julian Robertson's famed tiger cubs it was a huge fall. And if he were doing things like running up Viacom stock by 250% by buying massive amounts of shares or contracts for the shares it was only a matter of time before he fell.