Halloween Party 3.0

I'm coming as the invisible nun
dearhunter's Avatar
How can it be a fun party without missi hart? Are you telling me that TSs are not invited to the party either?
Wow how can a thread about a party get turned into a discussion about.... Hell what is the discussion even about? TS? Baseball? Who likes who or who has beef with who? Im lost. ANYWAYS i will stay on Topic, Marley my dear i cant wait! Been working to hard and sure could use some fun! Have no idea what i will be coming as... so many choices!!
dearhunter's Avatar
KB, it is very important to stay on topic........might I suggest you go to the party as a TS?
So i got to thinking, one of the only bad things about Halloween... is when you go somewhere and someone has your exact costume on. Or you go to a party and there's more than one girl dressed in the theme of your costume, maybe not the same... but still the same them. We all know they make many versions of a "cop" costume or "Nurse" Sooo i was thinking maybe everyone should post what they are going as. If you dont want to reveal your costume and want it to be a suprise, thats cool. U can pm me and i can add it to the list so no one knows it is you coming as that. Or you can just keep it secret 100% and just look at the list so you know what has already been taken. I would love to see a variety vs a bunch of bumble bee's flying around lol. So here are the costumes that have been bought/chosen so far...

Red Riding Hood
Burlesque Dancer

Lone Ranger

The other gal's are still undecided, but will update the list when i know more. ;-) And i am really leaning toward 10/24... is this a problem for anyone? I prefer 10/25 but i think Friday's are hard for a lot of you guys! And remember, anyone that can be screened and is a eccie or p411 member can come. ANYONE, just pm me
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I am aiming for dirty NUN
dearhunter's Avatar
I've got dibs on the Liberace costume
Whispers's Avatar
Just impose a "One Of" Rule at the door and don't let anyone in if they have a costume already represented. You are going to have too many people to begin with and it helps with crowd control and encourages people to arrive early so they can get in. There are always too many "Pimps and Hos".... Well... considering the Ho costumes.... there should be no limits.... but only 1 pimp...
sixxbach's Avatar
Marley has always had some great parties and I have no doubt this will be another stellar time! She is a great host and well, those booobies......

I gotta ask, what kind of food are you going to have that night?

Can't wait to see you again, it's been too long!

SofaKingFun's Avatar
Year Before Last...

This Year's Possibilities...

A Cheeto-

El Batman





Lol love those costume ideas :-) still don't know what I'm going to be. So many choices and everyone wants to be unique. Never been to a marley party but I'm excited!!!
Ive decided along with the costume contest for the ladies, i should do something for the guys. So other than hot women, free food and alcohol... i will be doing a raffle with a long list of great prizes that you WONT want to miss out on AND as far as the costume contest.... YOU guys will be the judges... there will be a winner announced at the party. BUT i also think it would be fun to do an online version as well. Take pictures of each girl from the party, crop her head to make it a little more difficult to know who's who (so we dont have people voting for the person vs the costume) and then do a poll on here. I think that would be fun!

Updated costume List

Red Riding Hood
Burlesque Dancer
Lady Bug

Lone Ranger
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-05-2013, 08:13 PM
For some ideas y'all might want to check out these sites. Not to buy per se but just for ideas. If you would want anything from Lingerie Diva you should be able to enter a Promo Code of "Diva10" for a 10% discount.

Still Looking's Avatar
Hey Marley I was thinking of putting a chair on my head and coming as a stick of gum! Does that qualify as a costume? Also if were allowed to make reservations I'd like to request Kaylee Blue and Alden Sky.

I've never been to a social or part so I'll be wearing a disguise. Thinck anyone will know its me?

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-05-2013, 08:40 PM
^^^^ The fifth Beatle - SLingo