There's is NOTHING sexier than a great female "O"... I'm not hung up on how it happens. Just wanna be there when it does!!!How true. I think I need that tattooed somewhere.Originally Posted by Sisyphus

I prefer cock. Or hands. Or mouths. Nothing really rivals or replaces human touch. There's so much that works me into a frenzied arousal other than just the direct sensations. The smell of their skin, the moaning, being able to feel their heart pound in their chest, burning eyes, hot breath, fingers digging into you. Originally Posted by Lauren SummerhillOr kissing off the beads of sweart on their shoulder or arm, that slightly salty taste that is unmatched. You know that the passion is there. It brings me back to Thursday morning. No machine can do that.
Toys are more of an emergency no-other-options relief for me when I have an itch that needs to be scratched and no way to get laid. The orgasms aren't nearly as powerful, and rather then quench my sexual appetite, it give me mild reliefs and makes me miss having someone in my bed that much more. Originally Posted by Lauren SummerhillWould a couch or a dinning room table suffice?
Would a couch or a dinning room table suffice? Originally Posted by discreetgentCouches, chairs, tables, floors, showers, cars, in theaters, alley ways, on patches of grass, hell even a restaurant a few times - I'm not picky about surface or space when seeking orgasm. When the charged hunger is there - whose got the patience to wait for a bed?
Couches, chairs, tables, floors, showers, cars, in theaters, alley ways, on patches of grass, hell even a restaurant a few times - I'm not picky about surface or space when seeking orgasm. When the charged hunger is there - whose got the patience to wait for a bed? Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill:: sigh ::
Or kissing off the beads of sweart on their shoulder or arm, that slightly salty taste that is unmatched. You know that the passion is there. It brings me back to Thursday morning. No machine can do that.Originally Posted by SR Only