GOP Presidential Debate

I would agree.....if anyone accuses you of hypocrisy without providing 6 links to your posts to prove it, and without offering some pretty simple ideas for you to prove him wrong if you wished to, you'd be entirely justified in telling him he's full of shit. So go for it. Originally Posted by Doove
As anyone who's seen the threads obviously knows, the "6 links" prove nothing at all.

My "hypocrisy" is all in Doove's feeble mind.

Apparently he has some sort of bizarre need to talk about his obsession in multiple threads. Maybe soon he'll just fly away.
You got all the angles figured out; good for you..good luck with that line of thinking...

Oh I will be waiting- trust me true conservatives don't even like Romney and the Tea party damn sure doesn't like him- I really feel bad for Republicans- most of my friends who are republicans really hate their selection- that's sad. Wasn't Perry supposed to be your savior??? Romney will not Prevail one on one vs Obama- you think Independents want to rally behind a candidate who number is super wealthy and really can't relate to the avg Joe- he's Mormon for God's sake and although it's wrong he will lose votes on his faith alone and Romney is very Pro Corporation i.e he's part of the 1%. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Keystone Cops

The Obama administration has been dithering since the summer on the Keystone XL pipeline. For his labor allies, the project could result in 13,000 union jobs, another 118,000 spin-off jobs and some $20 billion in investment.


The Obama administration has been dithering since the summer on the Keystone XL pipeline, a TransCanada pipeline that would eventually bring about 830,000 barrels of crude from Alberta to Gulf Coast refineries in Texas and Oklahoma. For President Obama's labor allies, the project could result in 13,000 union jobs, another 118,000 spin-off jobs and some $20 billion in investment. As an economic booster, that's a good measure better than the administration's record on loan guarantees for green energy companies.

But who needs energy security or job creation when you have environmental activists? In Nebraska on Tuesday, lawmakers opened a special legislative session as opponents of the plan sought to reroute the pipeline. Also raging against the plan are Mr. Obama's environmental constituents, who fear the pipeline would leak or harm forests in pass-through states, despite evidence to the contrary. Mr. Obama played to the fears in his Nebraska interview, noting that Nebraska folks didn't want the extra jobs the project would bring "if it means our kids are potentially drinking water that would damage their health."

The decision to proceed with the pipeline technically falls with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and some expected Mr. Obama might try to keep any decision at arm's length to defray the political fallout. In an interview with Omaha TV station KETV on Tuesday, however, Mr. Obama said that the State Department would be bringing the final report to him and that he would be considering the "health" of the American people, as well as "what's best for our economy short term and long term."

Since the TransCanada Pipeline filed for approval back in 2008, the project has undergone innumerable reviews by regulatory agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation. The State Department's Environmental Impact Review found that the plan would have no significant irreparable effect on the environment. A White House decision is expected by the end of the year
TexTushHog's Avatar
I agree with your assessment but I view Gingrich as someone who talks a good game- he reminds me of the type of person that will talk a lot using big words to make it appear that he is so much smarter than everyone else. I honestly can't see Romney beating Obama- I think he has the image of a super rich person who is out to help the rich and corporations. He is doing a very bad job trying to please everyone- at one rally he had in the summer he got heckled really bad for having the idea of giving corporations tax breaks and now he is talking about being on the side of the middle class and giving them a tax break. It's funny how Romney mentioned that Obama was destroying and hurting the middle class- are you fucking kidding me Mitt- Obama has been giving tax breaks to the middle class since day one.
I agree that most true conservatives don't like Romney but looks like that's who they are going to have to put up with- Cain is toast. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Romney can beat Obama just because 1) he's not a lunatic; and 2) the economy is so bad. Simple as that. Romney won't scare the bejesus out of everybody like every other Republican running except Huntsman.

As for slow walking the XL Pipeline, that may well be an intelligent decision. Whatever he did was going to piss a lot of people off. No sense making that decision in an election year. Plus, the extra time allows for a new option that will entirely reroute the pipeline around the Ogalla aquifer. Presently, the alternative route cuts through the northeast corner of it, which makes no sense whatsoever.
Obama isn't "slow walking" the pipeline; he is playing the Democratic greenies for chumps; if Obama gets elected Keystone pipeline gets Obama approval ! With or without the enviornmental fringes support.

Romney can beat Obama just because 1) he's not a lunatic; and 2) the economy is so bad. Simple as that. Romney won't scare the bejesus out of everybody like every other Republican running except Huntsman.

As for slow walking the XL Pipeline, that may well be an intelligent decision. Whatever he did was going to piss a lot of people off. No sense making that decision in an election year. Plus, the extra time allows for a new option that will entirely reroute the pipeline around the Ogalla aquifer. Presently, the alternative route cuts through the northeast corner of it, which makes no sense whatsoever. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Romney can beat Obama just because 1) he's not a lunatic; and 2) the economy is so bad. Simple as that. Romney won't scare the bejesus out of everybody like every other Republican running except Huntsman.

As for slow walking the XL Pipeline, that may well be an intelligent decision. Whatever he did was going to piss a lot of people off. No sense making that decision in an election year. Plus, the extra time allows for a new option that will entirely reroute the pipeline around the Ogalla aquifer. Presently, the alternative route cuts through the northeast corner of it, which makes no sense whatsoever. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Honestly once Romey's past comes out I think many people will be turned off by him- again his recordd as CEO with jos going overseas will be exposed- he flip flops too much- he's super rich- I think he will give him a tough fight but will lose- the man who they should have groomed was Huntsman- by far the most sensible and doesn't have a record of flip flopping- it's funny how Cain is still leading in a lot of polls despite the allegations.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The GOP has a very thin field of credible candidates for the upcoming Presidential election as they did in the previous cycle.

When the dust finally settles and the contender is chosen, he will undoubtedly resort to very vicious attacks on President Obama.

The Republican party does not want what is best for the country as a whole, they primarily only want power and will cater to the upper crust and the rest of the country can have whatever crumbs fall from the table, but only after they have finished their feast.

. . . President Obama will have to put on his brass knuckles and "grind it out" as he put it and he has my full support.
Honestly once Romey's past comes out I think many people will be turned off by him- again his recordd as CEO with jos going overseas will be exposed- he flip flops too much- he's super rich- I think he will give him a tough fight but will lose- the man who they should have groomed was Huntsman- by far the most sensible and doesn't have a record of flip flopping- it's funny how Cain is still leading in a lot of polls despite the allegations.
wellendowedmaninmymouth1911, if the Republicans nominated Huntsman, you'd still vote Odumbo because for you, even though you are African American, it's not about the content of one's character, but the color of one's skin......

As for slow walking the XL Pipeline, that may well be an intelligent decision.
Ummmm, TexHomoHog, sounds like an intelligent decision for one man who puts his personal interests ahead of the interests of the millions of people he is obligated to serve.....

of course, you're more interested in redistributing Odumbo's cum from his balls to your stomach....they do say he likes older white men to blow him so you got a good chance......did your law firm make a big enough campaign contribution yet?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Republican party does not want what is best for the country as a whole, they primarily only want power and will cater to the upper crust and the rest of the country can have whatever crumbs fall from the table, but only after they have finished their feast. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
How is this different than Democrats? I mean, you're right about Republicans, but Democrats are just as bad, or worse. Take of the rose colored glasses and look around, neither party gives a flying rat's ass for you.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-12-2011, 11:56 AM
How is this different than Democrats? I mean, you're right about Republicans, but Democrats are just as bad, or worse. Take of the rose colored glasses and look around, neither party gives a flying rat's ass for you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And how is that any different than Libertarians? Republicans are willing to let the well-to-do get fat while everyone else can just suck it, all in the name of Capitalism.

Libertarians are willing to let the well-to-do get fat while everyone else can just suck it, all in the name of liberty and freedom.

Take off the rose colored glasses and look around.
And how is that any different than Libertarians? Republicans are willing to let the well-to-do get fat while everyone else can just suck it, all in the name of Capitalism.

Libertarians are willing to let the well-to-do get fat while everyone else can just suck it, all in the name of liberty and freedom.

Take off the rose colored glasses and look around.

Doofus! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Did the Libertarians get their own party before the Conservatives?!

Don't ever read or study issues. We like you better stupid and ignorant. Just keep swallowing the warm gue the commies shoot down your throat! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

BTW: Repeal the Bush Tax cuts and screw the working man!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What have you got against liberty, Doove?

What have you got against liberty, Doove?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

commies and liberals think the common man is too stupid and evil to handle his own business......Doofus thinks the moral intellects like him know what is best for everyone, so STFU and get the hell out of the way so they can handle it............
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, ok. No prob. Thanks, Marshall!