New CNN Presidential Poll

Yep, no need to buy any votes in either state. Originally Posted by DSK
That's never stopped the lying liberals from trying to buy votes here in Texas, when they think they don't have enough " absentee " cemetery votes to STEAL an election. That's why they scream like assup after his gloryhole shift about the current Voter I.D. law.
Wow....maybe some boobs will calm you guys down!

Here's the only logical choice at this point

Originally Posted by AllyAllure
How 'bout some motor boatin !!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's never stopped the lying liberals from trying to buy votes here in Texas, when they think they don't have enough " absentee " cemetery votes to STEAL an election. That's why they scream like assup after his gloryhole shift about the current Voter I.D. law. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
This is exactly why I don't read this motherfucker's posts. But every so often, I get curious.

Illiterate. Foul. Vulgar.

And yes, ignorant! (a typical Trumpite!)
This is exactly why I don't read this motherfucker's posts. But every so often, I get curious.

Illiterate. Foul. Vulgar.

And yes, ignorant! (a typical Trumpite!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
But right on the money when it comes to a swishy walking barrow pig like YOU, Mr. DOTY 3 Times. How'd that last Texas Governor's election work out for YOU lyin libs ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is exactly why I don't read this motherfucker's posts. But every so often, I get curious.

Illiterate. Foul. Vulgar.

And yes, ignorant! (a typical Trumpite!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
His posts are more intelligent and more civil than any post you have ever made, AssupBully. Damn, you are SUCH a hypocrite in so many areas.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The last thing I, or any one else on this forum needs to do, is defend his or her intelligence against someone who writes songs about glory holes.

I don't mind your views at all. You never express any. Your singular goal is to try to debase others, and you fail miserably even at that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
did i? that's a matter of opinion and like assholes, we have all our own. i bet everyone not named SpeedRacerXXX cracked up at it. possibly my best yet. but then there's assup's "pig song" .. ahahaha

the smugness of your so-called intellect is appalling. you, like Assup think you are smarter than anyone else who posts here.

wombtard thought that, and got his ass handed to him. he was never able to present any argument that didn't get countered. neither can you.

and when i say argument, i mean something of substance. then of course he'd melt down and just be an asshole about it.

you are on the verge of just that. show me your intellectual superiority. if you bother to look around, i've posted many times and started several threads of actual substance. it's not my fault you never bothered to see it or wouldn't dazzle me with your intellect and refute what i posted.

what have you ever posted in my climate change thread? NADA.
what have you ever posted in my European migrant crisis thread? NADA.

but you know who the real king of merit-less posting is yeah? assup the pig.

he claims to be highly educated, yet the most intelligent thing he's ever posted is SNICK. which isn't even a real word. ahahaa

all you post is meaningless and subject to polling error crap. nice going smarty!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

to the WWE, our resident glory hole composer... your opus is uranus!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is exactly why I don't read this motherfucker's posts. But every so often, I get curious.

Illiterate. Foul. Vulgar.

And yes, ignorant! (a typical Trumpite!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

to the WWE, our resident glory hole composer... your opus is uranus! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
a classic example of the hypocrite intellectual showing how stupid he is.

this forum, unlike any other on ECC, allows the kinda trash talk we all from time to time use.

that would account for every post you've ever made! congrats DOTY emeritus!
better tone it down assup, Ivan the chimp is gunning for your title!

oh the drama! will assup be dethroned? ahahahaha

a classic example of the hypocrite intellectual showing how stupid he is.

this forum, unlike any other on ECC, allows the kinda trash talk we all from time to time use.

that would account for every post you've ever made! congrats DOTY emeritus!
better tone it down assup, Ivan the chimp is gunning for your title!

oh the drama! will assup be dethroned? ahahahaha

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, technically, since the last DOTY poll ( 2016, NOT 206 !! ) was set up to fill the vacant DOTY position, ( due to EKIM'S butt buddy woomby running away in tears over his treatment here ) and the runner-up getting the ' Vice-DOTY " position to ASSUME THE POSITION in the event that the DOTY winner ran off like woomby did. And that poll was WON !!! by Lil Cotex, with assup coming in second. So by Lil Cotex's departure, the DOTY Emeritus AND THREE TIME DOTY AWARD WINNER IN HIS OWN RIGHT ! has now become DOTY....AGAIN !!! Mebbe he'll hold the crown longer than the last two. And he can always make EKIM's day by appointing EKIM to the " Vice-DOTY " position that his butt buddy and hero denied him . After all the work EKIM did WKing for woomby and working on woomby's " grass roots " election efforts to be denied a title he could proudly show tohis simian relatives.... no wonder EKIM is still raging after all of that ! Mebbe if assup the narcissist could " share some glory " ( not gloryhole ! ) with EKIM by naming EKIM his " Vice-DOTY, then EKIM would " mellow out " .
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, technically, since the last DOTY poll ( 2016, NOT 206 !! ) was set up to fill the vacant DOTY position, ( due to EKIM'S butt buddy woomby running away in tears over his treatment here ) and the runner-up getting the ' Vice-DOTY " position to ASSUME THE POSITION in the event that the DOTY winner ran off like woomby did. And that poll was WON !!! by Lil Cotex, with assup coming in second. So by Lil Cotex's departure, the DOTY Emeritus AND THREE TIME DOTY AWARD WINNER IN HIS OWN RIGHT ! has now become DOTY....AGAIN !!! Mebbe he'll hold the crown longer than the last two. And he can always make EKIM's day by appointing EKIM to the " Vice-DOTY " position that his butt buddy and hero denied him . After all the work EKIM did WKing for woomby and working on woomby's " grass roots " election efforts to be denied a title he could proudly show tohis simian relatives.... no wonder EKIM is still raging after all of that ! Mebbe if assup the narcissist could " share some glory " ( not gloryhole ! ) with EKIM by naming EKIM his " Vice-DOTY, then EKIM would " mellow out " . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Bah! he won it by filling the vacancy. i say it's time for him to legitimately reclaim the crown!

bambino's Avatar
Bah! he won it by filling the vacancy. i say it's time for him to legitimately reclaim the crown!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hey, is that Asswipes lover, the Bulgarian cocksucker? He worked at BK until they fired him for sucking cock behind the dumpster. True story. That's why Asswipe emulates him. Pigs love sucking cock around garbage. Notice the cum on his beard and between his eyebrows.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
did i? that's a matter of opinion and like assholes, we have all our own. i bet everyone not named SpeedRacerXXX cracked up at it. possibly my best yet. but then there's assup's "pig song" .. ahahaha

the smugness of your so-called intellect is appalling. you, like Assup think you are smarter than anyone else who posts here.

wombtard thought that, and got his ass handed to him. he was never able to present any argument that didn't get countered. neither can you.

and when i say argument, i mean something of substance. then of course he'd melt down and just be an asshole about it.

you are on the verge of just that. show me your intellectual superiority. if you bother to look around, i've posted many times and started several threads of actual substance. it's not my fault you never bothered to see it or wouldn't dazzle me with your intellect and refute what i posted.

what have you ever posted in my climate change thread? NADA.
what have you ever posted in my European migrant crisis thread? NADA.

but you know who the real king of merit-less posting is yeah? assup the pig.

he claims to be highly educated, yet the most intelligent thing he's ever posted is SNICK. which isn't even a real word. ahahaa

all you post is meaningless and subject to polling error crap. nice going smarty! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No I do not consider myself smarter or less smart than most people on this forum. Although I am definitely smarter than you have shown yourself to be. When I resort to toilet humor then I will have sunk to your depth.

I fully expect my opinions and arguments to be countered. That is what a true forum is about. I try to defend my OPINIONS with as much factual information as I can find. You are too ignorant to understand what is opinion and what is fact. What I find ridiculous about you is very evident in this thread. All I did was put a link in to a poll. At no time did I say anything about the poll being right or wrong. At no time did I say anything disparaging about either Trump or Clinton or how they fared in the poll. At no time did I say it was more accurate than the Rasmussen poll. I posted it so people might start an open discussion with opinions both pro and con.

Maybe you have made posts over time that are positive and relevant to the thread. I am only going by your more recent posts which are garbage. Global warming? Fact. Take a trip on the National Geographic Explorer or Orion to Antarctica and see for yourself how global warming has upset the balance of nature there. European migrant crisis thread? Didn't see it. I simply don't comment on several threads, especially ones started by people like you who don't want to discuss issues but rather force their OPINIONS on others.

Of course you think I'm a raging Liberal which just shows off your ignorance.

The FACT is that if I had to choose between Trump or Clinton, with no other options, I would choose Trump. Surprised?

And with that, I am through trading posts with you.
bambino's Avatar
No I do not consider myself smarter or less smart than most people on this forum. Although I am definitely smarter than you have shown yourself to me. When I resort to toilet humor then I will have sunk to your depth.

I fully expect my opinions and arguments to be countered. That is what a true forum is about. I try to defend my OPINIONS with as much factual information as I can find. You are too ignorant to understand what is opinion and what is fact. What I find ridiculous about you is very evident in this thread. All I did was put a link in to a poll. At no time did I say anything about the poll being right or wrong. At no time did I say anything disparaging about either Trump or Clinton or how they fared in the poll. At no time did I say it was more accurate than the Rasmussen poll. I posted it so people might start an open discussion with opinions both pro and con.

Maybe you have made posts over time that are positive and relevant to the thread. I am only going by your more recent posts which are garbage. Global warming? Fact. Take a trip on the National Geographic Explorer or Orion to Antarctica and see for yourself how global warming has upset the balance of nature there. European migrant crisis thread? Didn't see it. I simply don't comment on several threads, especially ones started by people like you who don't want to discuss issues but rather force their OPINIONS on others.

The FACT is that if I had to choose between Trump or Clinton, with no other options, I would choose Trump. Surprised? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well, if you're a believer in climate change, how could you vote for Trump over Clinton? Clinton wants to shut the coal mines down, Trump supports the coal industry. Something doesn't jive.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No I do not consider myself smarter or less smart than most people on this forum. Although I am definitely smarter than you have shown yourself to me. When I resort to toilet humor then I will have sunk to your depth.

ahahaha sure you are. prove it.

I fully expect my opinions and arguments to be countered. That is what a true forum is about. I try to defend my OPINIONS with as much factual information as I can find. You are too ignorant to understand what is opinion and what is fact. What I find ridiculous about you is very evident in this thread. All I did was put a link in to a poll. At no time did I say anything about the poll being right or wrong. At no time did I say anything disparaging about either Trump or Clinton or how they fared in the poll. At no time did I say it was more accurate than the Rasmussen poll. I posted it so people might start an open discussion with opinions both pro and con.

Maybe you have made posts over time that are positive and relevant to the thread. I am only going by your more recent posts which are garbage. Global warming? Fact. Take a trip on the National Geographic Explorer or Orion to Antarctica and see for yourself how global warming has upset the balance of nature there. European migrant crisis thread? Didn't see it. I simply don't comment on several threads, especially ones started by people like you who don't want to discuss issues but rather force their OPINIONS on others.

then counter me smarty. Global Climate Change .. as they refer to it now, is not just bad science or rather inconclusive science to be fair, is a FRAUD. you don't even know why they no longer call it "global warming". i'll tell ya smarty, because going all the way back to the 1970's the so-called alarmists claimed the Planet was warming at an alarming rate. well .. it's NOT. the best data even the proponents can show .. if that .. is that the temperature of the planet, since the 1970's has risen 1.5 to at most 2 degrees. so much for that eh? ahaha so they had to re brand it "Climate Change". clever of them actually since they can pretty much pin anything on this FRAUD.

remember the "hockey stick" graph? proven to be FALSE.

see, smarty? you aren't even up on the current terminology! go do your homework. i'll make it easy for ya! i'll bump my thread. read it. you might learn something. like the truth.

The FACT is that if I had to choose between Trump or Clinton, with no other options, I would choose Trump. Surprised? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

No. i am not. that implies you know her real history and what she is really about. and that's not a very pretty picture is it?

if there was ever a candidate in bed with all that is wrong with politics today, it's Hillary Clinton.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey, is that Asswipes lover, the Bulgarian cocksucker? He worked at BK until they fired him for sucking cock behind the dumpster. True story. That's why Asswipe emulates him. Pigs love sucking cock around garbage. Notice the cum on his beard and between his eyebrows. Originally Posted by bambino
don't even ask what he was doing with the tartar sauce! ahahahah