What were those "read cards"

Killersalt's Avatar
There should be a rule that you should either be a provider, a Paid Premuim Member, or at least write honest reviews if your sole intention is to start problems. At least this way you could justify your actions. Yet Salty you have none of those except the problem causing skills.

I asked about the red cards not for you to give me a recap of my history with Brooke. Originally Posted by angelinadream
Ok, Angelina is going to accept the red cards and start giving discounts to increase her 1 client a day on the three days she sees clients. There's no need for everyone to continue arguing with each other. Hasn't anyone figured this out by now? I have to agree that this is getting very old.

We all know who's really behind the wheel; we all know that this is how she handles the boards; and it's getting very old. I would really like to come on this board and read some more interesting threads and not have to continue listening to the same old sh.., but, what do I know? I was away from the internet for one full week and when I came back a lot of people had been banned.

Ok, I said what I had to say and I feel so much better.

P. S. This is not directed at anyone in particular; I just had to say it, because it was on my mind.
Raphael's Avatar
If you don't care about my comments about you SaltyDud stop responding to them...
Ok, Angelina is going to accept the red cards and start giving discounts to increase her 1 client a day on the three days she sees clients. There's no need for everyone to continue arguing with each other. Hasn't anyone figured this out by now? I have to agree that this is getting very old.

We all know who's really behind the wheel; we all know that this is how she handles the boards; and it's getting very old. I would really like to come on this board and read some more interesting threads and not have to continue listening to the same old sh.., but, what do I know? I was away from the internet for one full week and when I came back a lot of people had been banned.

Ok, I said what I had to say and I feel so much better.

P. S. This is not directed at anyone in particular; I just had to say it, because it was on my mind. Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva
At least you missed the banning spree congrats!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Ok to remind you I'm not.....Would you like me to PM you the story of how you started in the bizz.....This is not needed nor is it on topic.... Originally Posted by angelinadream

Stop acting stupid.

I know sometimes you are posting from this handle BUT you are also allowing Sofia to post from your account, you are working out of her incall & you are accepting callings on a number which is linked to past reviews of Sofia’s girls.

Yet you are on here screaming "I’m independent"

Sofia was banned for a reason and you are allowing her to use you as a loop hole to gain full access to the board. She is fucking dangerous and when you attempt to leave her, you will find out.

And I for damn sure don’t appreciate the fact that psycho Sofia now has access to the girls area because of YOU.

By way, stop flattering yourself and thinking the other women on the board are hating on you. We see though you and Sofia clear as day.
KoolHandLuke's Avatar
If Killersalt would write creditable reviews, he might become a reputable member... Originally Posted by Raphael
so Rafeal could you give a list of what you believe would make a reviewer reputable? Thanks in advance.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Well so far I have handed out one infraction to someone on this thread. I am watching ESPN highlights so if someone else wants:

1 - To insult another member 2 - Hijack this thread I could hand out more...

I thought "red cards" were only for soccer but if you want to give the 4th 1/2 price or 5th trip free...I am in!!

We have received 2 RTM's regarding this thread.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Well so far I have handed out one infraction to someone on this thread. I am watching ESPN highlights so if someone else wants:

1 - To insult another member 2 - Hijack this thread I could hand out more...

I thought "red cards" were only for soccer but if you want to give the 4th 1/2 price or 5th trip free...I am in!!

We have received 2 RTM's regarding this thread. Originally Posted by DarthMaul

Sounds like a good one to warm up the "newbie" Mod!

Yeah, "red cards" does invoke a bad thing in the sporting world.... didn't even think of that!

onehitwonder's Avatar
Gimmicks lead to problems and misunderstandings. Excellent service and taking pride in who YOU are and how YOU present YOURSELF is tried and true. If YOU need a gimmick...............well you know ................
boardman's Avatar

Please cats and dudes that have avatars like Jesus should not fight. It was just an idea people......
Originally Posted by angelinadream
Jebus loves everyone.........even unruly cats.

lizardking's Avatar
. . . dudes that have avatars like Jesus . . . Originally Posted by angelinadream
Jesus? I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't drink white Russians.

And, to be clear, my avatar ain't Jesus either.
Killersalt's Avatar
Jesus? I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't drink white Russians. Originally Posted by lizardking
He probably wasn't into bowling either.
boardman's Avatar

And, to be clear, my avatar ain't Jesus either. Originally Posted by lizardking
Depends on who you ask, right?
lizardking's Avatar
Point taken.
Wow...is it possible for us to have ONE thread started by AD that doesn't dissolve into a Sofia hating match by Brooke, Amber, Daphne, or Salt? I don't think you people get it. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Let her post what she wants and stay on topic or don't post at all. You post what you want and hopefully she'll stay on topic there as well. Both ways, we all win. Do neither and we all lose, some are just bigger losers than others.

There's no need to accept those old cards. They were an advertising ploy by an old agency and probably only three people even have any of the old ones.