So I still do not consider this a MAJOR TP win. Originally Posted by chefnerd
I don't consider it a major TP win either unless Brat wins in November. If Brat does win and the ousting of Cantor was largely orchestrated by the Dems, then they look absolutely foolish.


4. The only reason Kantor lost this election was the democrats wanted him to lose. Kantor got hit by the left and the far right. This could not and would not happen in a closed primary... Originally Posted by flghtr65
So is the primary situ the same in the Mississippi Senate with Sen. Thad Cochran and tea party-backed Chris McDaniel?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-14-2014, 06:38 AM
More crawfishing on your part. My question to you was did you still support Rand Paul for President in 2016? He is not running for President as of yet. If he stays anti intervention ....then yes. I do not consider him a Tea Turd. This is a Tea Turd. Folks like you who support wars and tax cuts at the exact same time.
Originally Posted by WTF
No a Tea Turd wants to cut spending , yet supports every chance they get to enter a war.
Don't tell me that you are concentrating on 2014 now! I'm telling you I'm not concentrating on 2016 now...all I did was speculate. A whole lot can happen between now and then. My point about about 2012 TEA Party Convention is to prove to you that there has NEVER been a national TEA Party Convention that put a Presidential Candidate on a ticket. And my point is that the Tea Party will never be a national Party. You are just like the Jesus want all the credit for the wins and you want to blame others for losses. Yet you insisted that they were dead You are lying. I said they will never win a national election. As I have shown when I said Rand Paul would not win. Nothing has changed in my views....the Tea Party will never win a national election. and now you've crawfished again to say the are just a non-national outfit AFTER you crawfished again and clarified by non-national you meant put out a Presidential candidate on the ballot.

Now, somehow, you are putting Ted Cruz into the conversation. Now that guy is the Tea Party's Tea Turkey. Not Rand Tea Fucks support war you do not want to pay for. If the GOP nominates him....then the Tea Party will for sure take a national whipping.

Originally Posted by gnadfly

You Tea Cunts are dead as a national party. Old white men are on the decline....that is your majority. That is wtf you bring to the GOP....old whitey's.
More crawfishing from WTF the moronic buffoon! I hope you construct houses better than you construct arguments. Nope you insisted they were dead, now you are changing the story they won't win a national election, which you insist is only the Presidency. Guess what, I agree with you the TEA Party won't win the Presidency. They have never held a National Convention and put a Presidential Candidate on the ballot. Duh, buffoon.
flghtr65's Avatar

Originally Posted by gnadfly
More crawfishing on your part. My question to you was did you still support Rand Paul for President in 2016? He is not running for President as of yet. If he stays anti intervention ....then yes. I do not consider him a Tea Turd. This is a Tea Turd. Folks like you who support wars and tax cuts at the exact same time.
Originally Posted by WTF
No a Tea Turd wants to cut spending , yet supports every chance they get to enter a war.
Don't tell me that you are concentrating on 2014 now! I'm telling you I'm not concentrating on 2016 now...all I did was speculate. A whole lot can happen between now and then. My point about about 2012 TEA Party Convention is to prove to you that there has NEVER been a national TEA Party Convention that put a Presidential Candidate on a ticket. And my point is that the Tea Party will never be a national Party. You are just like the Jesus want all the credit for the wins and you want to blame others for losses. Yet you insisted that they were dead You are lying. I said they will never win a national election. As I have shown when I said Rand Paul would not win. Nothing has changed in my views....the Tea Party will never win a national election. and now you've crawfished again to say the are just a non-national outfit AFTER you crawfished again and clarified by non-national you meant put out a Presidential candidate on the ballot.

Now, somehow, you are putting Ted Cruz into the conversation. Now that guy is the Tea Party's Tea Turkey. Not Rand Tea Fucks support war you do not want to pay for. If the GOP nominates him....then the Tea Party will for sure take a national whipping.

You Tea Cunts are dead as a national party. Old white men are on the decline....that is your majority. That is wtf you bring to the GOP....old whitey's.
Originally Posted by WTF

WTF, I agree with you on your definition of the Tea Party. They certainly are guilty of being for getting involved in Wars and lowering taxes at same time. Bush is not a tea party republican but was guilty of lowering taxes and getting involved in two wars at same time. This along with the Wall Street meltdown put the USA into the steepest recession since 1929.

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  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 05:59 AM

WTF, I agree with you on your definition of the Tea Party. They certainly are guilty of being for getting involved in Wars and lowering taxes at same time. Bush is not a tea party republican but was guilty of lowering taxes and getting involved in two wars at same time. This along with the Wall Street meltdown put the USA into the steepest recession since 1929. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Bush was a Tea Party Republican leading our soon to be Tea Party idiots before there was such a thing. They were lock step with him on Iraq and tax cuts , then they cut an ran when he bailed out the banks....then the dumb fucking Tea Nuts made fun of OWS because of, get this, they were protesting the bank bailout! For some reason these idiots want to now take their frustration out on Mexicans, Homo's and women....and they wonder why I say they are not a national movement? National fucking bowel movement of a bunch of old white men trying to prove they still can. That has the makings of a good song..

The ignorance of these stupid Tea fucks is what is so dangerous. That is why I slap folks like JD and gnadfly upside their fucking empty drum of a head every chance I get. They vote and cheer on politicians that do stupid shit and then turn around and call them RINO's like they had no fault in the process. Whirly was trending Romney and then when he lost acted as if he was a terrible candidate. The week before he was cheering him on!

The one Bush in office that had to good sense to raise taxes while the economy was good (and thus set up Clinton for a smooth economic ride) and they up and revolt and get him thrown out of office by backing Perot!
Bush was a Tea Party Republican leading our soon to be Tea Party idiots before there was such a thing. They were lock step with him on Iraq and tax cuts , then they cut an ran when he bailed out the banks....then the dumb fucking Tea Nuts made fun of OWS because of, get this, they were protesting the bank bailout! For some reason these idiots want to now take their frustration out on Mexicans, Homo's and women....and they wonder why I say they are not a national movement? National fucking bowel movement of a bunch of old white men trying to prove they still can. That has the makings of a good song..

The ignorance of these stupid Tea fucks is what is so dangerous. That is why I slap folks like JD and gnadfly upside their fucking empty drum of a head every chance I get. They vote and cheer on politicians that do stupid shit and then turn around and call them RINO's like they had no fault in the process. Whirly was trending Romney and then when he lost acted as if he was a terrible candidate. The week before he was cheering him on!

The one Bush in office that had to good sense to raise taxes while the economy was good (and thus set up Clinton for a smooth economic ride) and they up and revolt and get him thrown out of office by backing Perot! Originally Posted by WTF
WTF is on a roll this AM.

+1,000,000 x 2
Bush was a Tea Party Republican leading our soon to be Tea Party idiots before there was such a thing... Originally Posted by WTF
God, from 2003 to 2009 on aspd and eraps you called GW a neo-con. Now he's a "Tea Partier." Make up your tiny mind, dumb shit. BTW, the only thing you are slapping is your own johnson.

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  • WTF
  • 06-16-2014, 06:18 AM
God, from 2003 to 2009 on aspd and eraps you called GW a neo-con. Now he's a "Tea Partier." Make up your tiny mind, dumb shit. BTW, the only thing you are slapping is your own johnson.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
From 2000 thru 2004 GWB was led around by the real neocon Dick Cheney.

GWB , like Ronald Reagan is the reason for you Tea Pukes. Both , by slight of had , got you to think it possible that you could get something for nothing.

First Reagan gave you a tax cut , and raised then military spending, then took back some of the tax cuts and charged the rest to the deficit.

Bush just cut taxes and spent on the military and old folks' drugs. The old white constitutes. He charged it all to the deficit.

Now numbnuts like you complain about the deficit or Ben fucking gazi! Good Lord what a group of idiots, wanting to dress up in 1776 gear and drink Tea
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now this gets interesting. According to our "experts" the Tea Party did not exist until Obama became president but somehow George Bush was a "tea party" president??? How is this possible? Only in the fevered mind of an Obamaton is this possible. George W. Bush and his father were never conservatives and considering how well they spent money, they were not Tea Party anything. As for going to war, didn't Clinton try to start a war with Sudan, Iraq, and Afghanistan when he was president? He just didn't do it right. Clinton wanted a show that he tried to do something and failed miserably.
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  • WTF
  • 06-16-2014, 02:08 PM
Now this gets interesting. According to our "experts" the Tea Party did not exist until Obama became president but somehow George Bush was a "tea party" president??? How is this possible? Only in the fevered mind of an Obamaton is this possible. George W. Bush and his father were never conservatives and considering how well they spent money, they were not Tea Party anything. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you know what a precursor is Teach?


/prɪˈkɜrsər, ˈprikɜr-/ Show Spelled [pri-kur-ser, pree-kur-] Show IPA
noun 1. a person or thing that precedes, as in a job, a method, etc.; predecessor.

2. a person, animal, or thing that goes before and indicates the approach of someone or something else; harbinger: The first robin is a
[COLOR=#009900 !important]precursor[/COLOR]
of spring.

3. Chemistry, Biochemistry . a chemical that is transformed into another compound, as in the course of a chemical reaction, and therefore precedes that compound in the synthetic pathway: Cholesterol is a precursor of testosterone.

4. Biology . a cell or tissue that gives rise to a variant, specialized, or more mature form.

Bush was a Tea Party Republican leading our soon to be Tea Party idiots before there was such a thing. ! Originally Posted by WTF
See when I say before there was such a thing that is an indication that you were gay before you knew it. A bunch of idiots crying about a deficit that created. What a joke our Tea Nads are.

. George W. Bush and his father were never conservatives and considering how well they spent money, they were not Tea Party anything. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yet you voted for GWB twice or are you going to tell me you voted for Gore and Kerry
unless a t.p. approved candidate wins cantors' previous position the victory will be fairly worthless...if the t.p. cannot set the agenda they'll continue to be a pain in the ass for republicans but will have no real power except to say no....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, if the Republicans would say "no" more often, I might have some respect for them. Like "no" to NDAA, the Patriot Act, pork barrel spending, runaway defense spending, stupid wars, Wall Street and corporate bailouts, etc. But they tend to say "yes" to infringements on liberty as much or more than the Democrats.

Dave Brat won. The Democrats plan to push out Cantor with a TEA Party candidate (alleged by some here) makes them look ever more inept.

Again, Assup said that a TEA party candidate won't win. WTF the moronic buffoon still thinks the TEA Party is dead.

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  • WTF
  • 11-05-2014, 05:46 PM
Dave Brat won. The Democrats plan to push out Cantor with a TEA Party candidate (alleged by some here) makes them look ever more inept.

Again, Assup said that a TEA party candidate won't win. WTF the moronic buffoon still thinks the TEA Party is dead.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
They are dead nationally....if they ever even had a pulse.

If you could understand what I had written , maybe you'd quit lying about what I have said.
You say a lot of things. Then you refine it after posters poke holes in your arguments and make fun of you. Eventually you may, repeat, may narrow down what you said or reword it to match your "original meaning" that it may have some truth in it.

That's what makes it so fun to read your posts, you moronic buffoon.

But I'm not lying what you said and I believe you often don't fully comprehend what you've written.