The people are rising up, what is Obama's next move?

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The U.S. Justice Department would receive $64 million to hire about 40 additional immigration judges to reduce the backlog of cases that is slowing the process of deportation. Originally Posted by boardman
The "judges" won't be on the bench til next year.
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  • Seedy
  • 07-09-2014, 02:56 PM
The "judges" won't be on the bench til next year. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yea, and then the cocksuckers will ask for more money, because they already squandered the money for judges. Fuck all those shit eating bastards.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yea, and then the cocksuckers will ask for more money, because they already squandered the money for judges. Fuck all those shit eating bastards. Originally Posted by seedman55
Then they have to screen, test, and hire border agents, who will then have to be trained and then field qualified. They will probably be "productive" about the time the "ALJ's" are "on-line" ... next year.

Oh, yea, the "juvies" get court-appointed attorneys, which will also burn up the taxpayer dollars.

Allowing a crisis to fester created an "annuity" for Obaminable's buddies.
a big reason congress and Obama cannot come to an agreement on an immigration bill, beside the fact Obama does not compromise, is that there is a complete zero trust that Obama would execute the enforcement aspects of any bill Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

The "judges" won't be on the bench til next year. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My guess is the number of judges don't mean squat.

1. The illegal aliens simply don't show up at court. In my earlier post ABCNews followed some illegal aliens including a minor to the border. The Feds put them on a bus to Baltimore. The aliens didn't show up for their court date and they weren't at the place they were supposed to be staying. Like so many they "vanished into plain sight." Kid will show up in the nearest ESL program.

2. Like the Tsarnaev clan and Obama's aunt, the judges don't care about actually deporting anyone, they're interested in following the "letter of the law." The aliens will be appointed lawyers and it'll be years before they are kicked out, if ever, and not until they suck out the appropriate amount of benefits.

Thanks, Obama!
LexusLover's Avatar
My guess is the number of judges don't mean squat. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It does when his goal is to put as many folks as possible on the government tit before he moves out.