Are there any good tv shows out there?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Amazon Prime is new to me and it appears to offer a lot. You guys know what the rate is?

Oh and I watched all The Wire seasons and thought that was a great show. I wish NYPD Blue was available to watch, I loved that show.
swarley69's Avatar
I have Amazon prime for free shipping and the video was free . I believe I pay like 80 bucks a year. It's worth it if you do a lot of online shopping.
Extant with Halle Berry on CBS is a pretty good Sci-fi show. She also wears some Sexy tight shirts. Looking as good as ever.
I have Amazon prime for free shipping and the video was free . I believe I pay like 80 bucks a year. It's worth it if you do a lot of online shopping. Originally Posted by swarley69
And now there is Amazon Prime Music. Tons of music included.

I love my Prime, not just for the's great to have household supplies like laundry detergent, paper towels, etc. delivered to my door. Free two day shipping. Sign up, get a month free and see if you like it.
Amazon Prime is new to me and it appears to offer a lot. You guys know what the rate is?

Oh and I watched all The Wire seasons and thought that was a great show. I wish NYPD Blue was available to watch, I loved that show. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

NYPD Blue is available.... I am looking for the cheapest route for this one..

I really enjoyed that series.
The Newsroom
Impractical Jokers

Does anybody remember The Joe Schmo show?? I wish I could find it on netflix or some other way. Originally Posted by Daddio
I'll check those out. I like stuff like...

I like mystery and not so much cop detective shows. I LOVED DEXTER!
NYPD Blue is available.... I am looking for the cheapest route for this one..

I really enjoyed that series. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
I hate cops shows....boring and not mysterious enough.
I liked breaking bad as well. I watch justified when its on as well but I couldn't get into weeds. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Isn't that a cop show?
My Favorites
1. Breaking Bad
2. Walking Dead-fucking awesome show
3. Weeds
4.Sons Of Anarchy
5.Nip Tuck-Great for a series

Each one I thought I would never watch and did and loved it.
I MISS DEXTER. IT WAS EXCELLENT!! Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
I'll check out Weeds. Does anyone know if 6 Feet Under is good?
Current Shows
The Americans
Boardwalk Empire
True Detective
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
Orphan Black
Masters of Sex
Archer(30 min comedy)

Finished/Old Shows
Breaking Bad
The Wire
The Shield
Friday Night Lights
Battlestar Galatica(new version)
West Wing Originally Posted by Sidelineqb10
Thank you! Orphan Black reminded me of Ringer which didn't come back for a second season
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Breaking Bad isn't a cop show but Justified is.

I don't know if the others got the drift of what you like but I did and am trying to think of shows I've seen that line up with that lol.

I'm still gonna list shows I think we're good though
Eccie Addict's Avatar
NYPD Blue is available.... I am looking for the cheapest route for this one..

I really enjoyed that series. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Do you know where cause I haven't seen it?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-19-2014, 08:54 PM
I'll check out Weeds. Does anyone know if 6 Feet Under is good? Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Six feet under is good for the first couple seasons. Falls off later on. Kind like Dead like me did.
Damn you all...I'm binge watching Ray Donovan now and I'm hooked! Jemma, it's not like monstery like Dexter, but it's really good only, two season though.

House of Cards was my addiction a couple of weeks ago...definitely great to watch back to back.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Do you know where cause I haven't seen it? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
NYPD Blue is available on Amazon Prime (haven't checked Netflix).

HULU Plus was horrible. It had commercials even after having paid forthright premium access!