Thank you Massachusetts!

Rudyard K's Avatar
I fly out of Washington today. After reading this thread, I'm kissing the ground when I land in Canada lol

Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

I fly out of Washington today. After reading this thread, I'm kissing the ground when I land in Canada lol

Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Please take me with you! I'd love to be with Lauren in Canada. Spooning and snuggling in Tronoto, yes.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Please take me with you! I'd love to be with Lauren in Canada. Spooning and snuggling in Tronoto, yes.
Originally Posted by SR Only
Women talking politics makes me hornier then hell...... Originally Posted by Hercules

So why will the unions get a special tax break?
Glad I am an independent thinker and do not drink from the koolaid of either party. Thank you Lonesome Dove for your thoughts. I do tend to agree. Just wish folks would actually do their own research than listen to the talking heads and 30 second sound bites from both parties. Talk to your Dr not a politician. Talk to a Vet who relies upon the VA for their on going health support to determine if you want the private sector out of public health care. Ask questions like, Why is it that one of the most popular employer benefits in Europe is Private Health Insurance?

Our representatives need to analyze the problem and then bring all individuals, irrespective of political affiliations, into the discussion.

The ground swell of anger is based more upon our representatives not listening to their constituents and doing their own thing. I wanted change how our Government worked. However, what I got was the same ol thing. Power corrupts and from what I see these knuckle heads forget who they represent.


Oh and TexTushHog, thank you for your comments. You really got my dander up sitting in my hospital bed at MD Anderson going through my second round of Chemo. Here I was feeling sorry for myself and you got me so repulsed that I felt that I had to respond to your kool-aid drinking response.

ASS is signing off.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

So why will the unions get a special tax break? Originally Posted by Ansley
PAC money.
Brown shirts.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Ansley, good question.

- why did Nebraska get extra money to pay for Medicaid

- why did Lousiana get $300mm for "stuff"

- Why did plastic surgeons dodge a surtax but some poor bastards who run tanning booths get hit with one in the proposal

Now, in an attempt to be objective, one can make the argument that when labor negotiates, it does so against the "entire" compensation package, including benefits such as health. So, if your union leaders gave up your raise ( theoretically) and substituted a better health plan, it may not be fair to change the terms of that contract in the middle of it.

I think what has most so riled up is the process. As mama once told me, most people like hot dogs, but you would never eat one if you saw how they were made. We are watching hot dogs being made regarding Health Care.

So why will the unions get a special tax break? Originally Posted by Ansley
Ansley, good question.

- why did Nebraska get extra money to pay for Medicaid

- why did Lousiana get $300mm for "stuff"

- Why did plastic surgeons dodge a surtax but some poor bastards who run tanning booths get hit with one in the proposal

Now, in an attempt to be objective, one can make the argument that when labor negotiates, it does so against the "entire" compensation package, including benefits such as health. So, if your union leaders gave up your raise ( theoretically) and substituted a better health plan, it may not be fair to change the terms of that contract in the middle of it.

I think what has most so riled up is the process. As mama once told me, most people like hot dogs, but you would never eat one if you saw how they were made. We are watching hot dogs being made regarding Health Care. Originally Posted by Judge Smails
I like all BEEF hot dogs, the other kind just has WAY to much PORK in it for me.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Hebrew National hot dogs are made only with the front half of the cow as well.
Now, in an attempt to be objective, one can make the argument that when labor negotiates, it does so against the "entire" compensation package, including benefits such as health. So, if your union leaders gave up your raise ( theoretically) and substituted a better health plan, it may not be fair to change the terms of that contract in the middle of it. Originally Posted by Judge Smails
Now, if in fact that was the case, that would be objective., But it isn't. The "Cadillac tax" provision (i.e., a tax on plans that cost over $23,000/yr) wasn't supposed to even go into effect until 2013, which would have given plenty of time to renegotiate plans. But the unions didn't even like that so they cut themselves a deal to get exempted until 2017 (an probably annually thereafter) and to exclude vision and dental coverage from their calculations.

That is one of the problems with this POS bill -- it is just a series of special deals and will do absolutely jack shit to slow the growth in the cost of health care.
Now, if in fact that was the case, that would be objective., But it isn't. The "Cadillac tax" provision (i.e., a tax on plans that cost over $23,000/yr) wasn't supposed to even go into effect until 2013, which would have given plenty of time to renegotiate plans. But the unions didn't even like that so the cut themselves a deal to get exempted until 2017 (an probably annually thereafter) and to exclude vision and dental coverage from their calculations.

That is one of the problems with this POS bill -- it is just a series of special deals and will do absolutely jack shit to slow the growth in the cost of health care. Originally Posted by pjorourke
And THAT is exactly my point that I did not make clear like PJ did his. Unlike what some have posted that they view my thoughts as being, I am not for more government spending in anyway. I view the current Health Care debate as back room, low-brow politicking that serves only special interests. The needs of the American public is not served by this POS bill.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
discreetgent's Avatar
LD you know you are in trouble when it takes PJ to write a whole paragraph to clarify what you said

re: healthcare

Fundamentally there are at least 2 major problems with healthcare in the US, but I think that most of the political spectrum will agree that 1. cost and 2. large numbers of uninsured people are both problems. One could solve cost without solving the number of uninsured, solving the number of uninsured without solving cost seems to be impossible.
LD you know you are in trouble when it takes PJ to write a whole paragraph to clarify what you said

.... Originally Posted by discreetgent
True, true I cannot argue with that point except it was two sentences... ahhh, perception is a funny little animal! I should be able to make my point clear myself but whatdoiknow, right?
discreetgent's Avatar
True, true I cannot argue with that point except it was two sentences... ahhh, perception is a funny little animal! I should be able to make my point clear myself but whatdoiknow, right? Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
If you count his entire post it was 4 sentences LOL