Dagny, you're not even close. This election was about misguided fear and anger instigated by a corrupt news source with a political agenda. Nothing more. You doubt this then tell me why my original challenges have gone unaddressed?
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
SIGH, OK I’ll play one more time and after that needs to be by PM. I’m pretty sure that I’m close with the TEA party being: “CUT SPENDING, CUT TAXES, LESS GOVERNMENT”.
I D.E.W. not advocate that those entities stop doing business, though I can see their political agenda so why do you have a problem with ONE TV station giving another point of view? Or/and different research or even that they tell us about the bills being voted on in Congress? I thought the idea was to get as many places as possible so that the truth can come out. It is a lot easier to control people if the “Pravda” is the only news source, but really, this is America so if we have another one, get over it!
Let’s say a guy loses his job and the wife says” great we need to spend our way to prosperity!” Let’s hire a limo to the private jet & go out on the town (Paris) and I need a mink full length coat for this date. This guy doesn’t need a TV show to tell him this is crazy he can figure that out himself and he can be in fear all by himself.
Maybe the reason we don’t “address” your points is that we have been doing our homework too. We have our sources, history, books on economics, philosophy, more history, The Founding Fathers, The Constitutuion. Then there is the communist manifesto, Saul Alinsky and rules for radicals et al.
We know that spending more than people can make doesn’t work. And taking what they earned more than 10% makes them a slave to the government.
If I were to ask any one of you today what's wrong with our economy, what would you say? Most people I know don't have a clue, and I bet you don't either.
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
I am pretty sure with all my homework done in the last 20 years, I have a really good clue about what is wrong, and yes I have a firm idea of what we can do to fix it, you just wouldn’t like the answers.
Now, where did these jobs go? Did they just get sucked up in to giant job pool in the sky? Hardly. Here's the facts. Since 2001, 3.5 million jobs have been sent overseas by large corporations looking to save a few bucks on labor costs
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
OH those bad, evil humans who behave in human nature! Go figure!
EVERY Single HUMAN including the hobbyists on this board, want to find the best widget/service for the lowest price.
So cut taxes on those corps and they will bring those jobs home, Corps don’t pay taxes they just pass it on to the consumer.
Are these jobs ever coming back? No fucking way in hell. The only way they would ever come back is if we were willing to turn the United States in to a third world country. Well willing or not, it's already happening. We are now in a race to the bottom
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
I disagree, pass the FairTax and not only will our US companies bring their jobs home, but companies around the world will surge into the USA too.
So I ask you. You still want to give corporations a 4.5% tax cut without some sort of legislation that ensures they create American jobs?
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Now, since this means we are out of the widget making business completely at this point, hence why we don't really make anything here anymore. It's just not cost effective. So how does one solve this problem? The only tried and true way to solve this problem is stimulus money.
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
It has been tried, but never works (if you would check your history you would know that)
Still want to stop spending? Go for it. You're going to get a first hand look at what a 25% unemployment rate really looks like very soon.
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Yes, I want to stop government spending! It is not the gov. job to make jobs. ( nor hinder jobs but they are really good at that!)