Both terms are illusions, conjured up by tricks who want to think this is more than what it is...paying for sex... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I disagree, I have a provider that always gives me IHOP, sex and pancakes!
I disagree, I have a provider that always gives me IHOP, sex and pancakes! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Mmmmm maple syrup and whipped cream, yummy.

I've found that some providers actually enjoy sex, maybe not with me, but that's why I pay. DED said it best, 'sex without IOP, she may get my money. But she won't get it twice' paraphrased. Service is more than just a hole, or multiple holes, to sick your dick in. If I'm going to see someone I'd prefer a connection of more than just flesh. Your brain is the largest sex organ in the human anatomy. IJS
  • YSD
  • 12-25-2014, 02:28 AM
Here here H. Hardhat, I couldn't have said it better !!
Gfe/IOP, someone will
fall in love & buy a ring
the way this sounds.
HeywoodJ's Avatar
Why does IOP feel like this????

Heywood J
Captain.Classic's Avatar
good topic.

For me, IOP has been rare. I've had decent GFE but only rarely a good IOP to go along with it. I guess the difference is chemistry, really. If she's feeling you, she'll give you a good IOP. If not, well, you get the "experience" but not much else.

That's why I'm not always sold on some providers saying there's no YMMV. I think your M definitely V's depending on chemistry.