A Toy Drive in Connection with the Gentleman's Club Holiday Party

saxet54's Avatar
For those of us (me) who may be clueless, what are appropriate gifts for 10-17 y.o. kids in the $25 range? Also, the practical side of me wants to ask if clothes/books are discouraged; although I guess the safe way would be to simply get gift cards. Additionally, gift cards are preferred from what fine establishments? Finally, what time are the evening's high points to be commenced just in case I am not present when I win & you need to contact me?
I found some gift ideas by age range on Amazon:

Toys & Games: 2+ Years
Toys & Games: 5+ Years
Toys & Games: 8+ years
Toys & Games: 12+ years

And Target has a "Hot Toys" List for 2010. You can find info about each items' age appropriateness by clicking on the descriptions.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Wait...my eyes glazed over halfway through the thread...who did something illegal?

Many fraternities and sororities, radio stations, community groups, etc host charity date auctions and raffles. I've participated before and it's a lot of fun. Getting together with friends from a fantasy message board in a fun setting for a holiday celebration is far from a legal infraction, no question. And using it as a chance to put together a generous gift for some kids who could really, really use a break? Who would possibly object?

I couldn't be more excited. See you guys there!
Whispers's Avatar
Ages we need gifts for are 10-17 yers old.... 3-1 ratio of boys to girls....
eglrdr's Avatar
And if someone would like to get something for Sophie, Natalie & Maddie for volunteering to help with this:

saxet54's Avatar
Did the Target scene already, although it's difficult to imagine teens still playing w/Lego's! Also, IMHO there are some strange toys out there now. Do kids play board games these days?
I love board games - my siblings and I all played several different games religiously growing up, and we still play get into all-out wars over midnight Monopoly every Christmas. It's a holiday tradition.

But I really don't know much about teenagers now. I still have 2 sisters in their teens, and they both seem to enjoy board games, but they're also uber-addicted to their iPhones, Facebook, video games, etc. I think board games are nice ideas because it's something the kids can use to interact with other children and share and play as a group, but still feel some sense of ownership, which can be really important to children who don't have much to call their own.

OT: Thanks a lot, eglrdr. Now I'm going to be stuck on my Macbook all night long, adding items to my newest wishlist find. Sigh. My life is so hard sometimes.
Ages we need gifts for are 10-17 yers old.... 3-1 ratio of boys to girls.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Sports equipment?
Remote control vehicles and batteries?
Poker chips?
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Howzabout assloads of Legos?
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 12-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Whispers's Avatar
Barnes & Noble Gift cards.

Nice Diaries for Girls.

R/C Toys.... (with batteries)

Vans Gift Card/Certificate

Hot Topics Gift Card....

Foot Locker or DSW Gift Cards.....
Whispers's Avatar
1 3 Gold Card Card to Palacios (Free Admissions)
2 3 Month VIP Card to Perfect 10
3 30 Minutes with ????SURPRISE GUEST?????
4 Hour with Miss Sophie Bella

5 Hour with MaddietheCoEd should donations exceed $750
6 4 hour Dinner Date with Natalie Reign should donations exceed $1250

7 Another Surprise is in store! But only if we get the donations moving..... The guys on the invite list already have a clue!

7 Prizes...
6 Winners...

(Disclaimer: Ladies Normal Screening requirements must be met. Ladies can't win themselves or other Ladies (My Party My Rules!) Winner need not be present to win! Any Prizes not claimed will be claimed by me or Ztonk for our personal plesure! Like anyone isn't gonna claim their prize!)

Here is how we will conduct the raffle/drawing...

The First three Tickets Drawn will be for the Table Dances and VIP Cards.... If the Winner wants to take a chance.... He can pass and have his ticket put BACK in the Mix for a chance at one of the other prizes.....

After those are awarded...Each Lady Participating will draw a ticket....... and annouce their winner!

Help us hit that $1250 Goal Guys and Gals!

Shouldn't be hard at all....

jimmers's Avatar
...and buy your best hobbyist friends this for Christmas. Intercourse between men and women is supposedly down significantly due to the Tenga fliplite.


I invite all to review the quick infomercial for an informative look at the mechanism to cause the destruction of the hobbyist lifestyle.

By the way (and to get back on subject), I simply donated a remote control helicopter and a gift card. I'm hoping to win Sophia AND Natalie! Can one person win more than one prize????

Happy Holidays and hope to see everyone next week!