You will never know will ya' darlin? You have said time and time again you don't see old fat hookers and I can imagine that especially applies to the over educated and real world highly successful ones. And I for one don't see walking defeated human paunches who gaze out jealously to a vibrant, fun, humorous world that has left him behind as he stares into the mid-distance from behind hideously unfashionable but sensible bi-focals, still fighting with all his out of breath might to seem viable and significant but no one is listening because he has icky fart breath from having his head inserted into his asshole all the time.
I mean, you think my having earned an incredible grasp of the language is "offensive" haha! And I don't find a dick attached to a semi-sentient dollop of mayonnaise colored squidjizz with a wallet of any viable asset to me either.
We're just not in each other's demographic and that's totally ok.