Beggars ask for money and offer nothing, or something of little value, in return. For the most part, they don't offer a money back option if you're not satisfied with what it is they're offering you. In many instances, your money funds something that you may not agree with.
There's a whole world of difference between a beggar going up to you, and asking you for spare change, and a copywriter writing a sales letter, or fundraising letter, to get you to send money to their client. When it comes to sales letters, you're offered something that could help make your life better.
There's a certain class of freelance copywriters that do an in depth analysis of the target market, and came up with a psychological profile behind the target market's buying decision. The resulting sales letter offers the client something that they'll value deeply in exchange for their money. If they change their mind within a certain amount of days, weeks, or months, they have the option of getting their money back.
In the fundraising market, the writer offers the prospect an avenue they could take to help a cause near and dear to them. A conservationist, big on saving a species from extinction, for example, would send an X amount of dollars to purchase a piece of land for a bird species to use as a nesting ground. They may not see the results of their work, but they'll have the knowledge that they've actually done something to save the environment... unlike most the environmentally reckless people they despise.
A beggar doesn't offer that.
No matter how you try to spin this, you're WRONG in what you label as begging.
WTF: I did not realize our active military could/would do that though. Learn something new evey day...well not every day.
You do realize that we have these things called, how could I put this in "simple" terms, PASS, SPECIAL PASS, OFF DUTY TIME, etc, do you? Or we could use Marine/Navy terminology... Liberty, special liberty, leave, etc.
In the workforce, there's a set time when people work--then they go home. They could engage in one or more activities that's independent of their work. The military operates with a similar concept. We have "duty hours/duty day" and "guard duty." "Duty hours" describes the "work day," which ends between 4 to 6 PM (1600 to 1800). At the end of the duty day, we're released until the next work day. Even when we're downrange, there are days when we're not "working" 20 + hours.
Like our civilian counterparts, we engage in several activities that are unrelated to our work day. "Writing things" happen to be one of my off duty activities.
WTF: I think you meant prior to engaging his pie hole. You see had I disengaged my mouth it would not matter if my brain was engaged or not. Or for this exercise , had I engaged my mind there would be no need from the logic you were mistakenly using, to disengage my 'pie hole'.
I meant what I said; I still stand by my stating that you failed to engage your brains prior to disengaging your pie hole. Your pie hole is disengaged every time you say something stupid, wrong, idiotic, etc. It's engaged when you say things that are consistent with logic. When your brain is engaged, so is your mouth if you do open it. If your brain is disengaged, then your mouth would follow suit should you chose to open that pie hole.
The goal here is to engage your brain, which you consistently fail to do.
I do use my own versions of some "sayings," especially if I've heard different versions of that saying.
WTF: I'm assuming you are straight btw.
Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Think McFly, think!
Are you THAT immune to the facts that you're unable to recognize one when it's staring at you? Even someone like you would be able to trace the links to the reviews I've done, and notice that they lead to sites, and personal reviews, of FEMALE providers. No assumption needed, it's a given that I'm straight.
What part of this DON'T you understand?
Originally posted by herfacechair:WTF: You can tell me if I'm wrong, I promise I won't tell nobody.
WTF: Let me be the first to congratulate you on the repeal of don't ask don't tell. That has to be a relief.
WRONG. I opposed the repeal of Don't Ask Don't tell. It's not going to be a relief having to deal with people coming out of the closet and acting like you. Unlike this website, I can't log off from the military.
Someone, that has seen you in "action" on the old message board, (this board's predecessor), told me that you tend to accuse people of being gay when you get crushed in debate.
Based on seeing how you conduct yourself when you're defeated, I'd say he's right on target with that assessment. That's just you setting up stress shields as a reaction to the stress you go through when someone stomps you, or refuses to let off on you.