Tis the season I guess

jaybee's Avatar
i didnt see this as outing any one. a guy in leessummit that worked for modot a couple of years ago. aguy whos name started with a ? dont really out any one. face it all of them,they ripped the girls off of their money------they stole from them. if you stole from me i would put your whole name out to the people especially others in the need to know group. Originally Posted by jaybee

ok sorry i messed up about the "out to the people" part. typing and changing directions in mid sentence doesnt come out right sometimes.

the need to know group ... was the powdre room or the black list site the girls have info too.

i do feel if you dont stand by your word and bolt with your money knowing you wasnt going to pay means you are a theif.

if you got your car fixed at the mechanic shop and drove off with out paying for it you would be arested for it. you agreed to pay when you met and you should.

"they stole from them. if you stole from me i would put your whole name out to the people especially others in the need to know group"

re wrote should of said "they stole from them. if you stole from me i would put you name out to the people who needed to know this imformation"
not a public posting........ private post only

i need to reed before i hit the submit button........ my fault

ok sorry i messed up about the "out to the people" part. ...

i do feel if you dont stand by your word and bolt with your money knowing you wasnt going to pay means you are a theif.

... if you stole from me i would put your whole name out to the people especially others in the need to know group"... Originally Posted by jaybee
Because it's Christmas, we'll let it slide...

Kidding. I do agree with the thief part. That is indeed what we're dealing with, a thief. The question becomes what role do these forums have in exposing a thief. If the forum becomes open to accusations and allegations of every kind, everyone will eventually be found guilty of something. I like your idea of exposing on a need to know basis, to protect those who could be hurt again by this individual. As for broad exposure, that is more or less just public vindication probably best left to board mods (who exercise it by reminding, admonishing, and banning if necessary. Sometimes they excise body parts but that's another story...).

Nice post. Merry Christmas.