If you've already done your research
on a provider
why before scheduling an appt
do I need to agree to the activity?
Why the discussion of any service?
Then when you feel I'm avoiding
your question(s)
you don't want to schedule.
I am not comfy discussing MSOG
or other descriptive sexual services
via phone convo, text or email
no matter If you've been cleared/verified
as legit.
Apologies but I am not discussing activities!!!!
Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
WHY? because 50% of the reviews written on this site are complete and total bullshit. They are totally made up and written so that the cheap asses can read the real reviews and not have to pay for the privilage. So the research you speak of can and will often be wrong. So there you sit dick in hand hoping for that BBBJNQNS you paid good money to get only to have her pull out a cover and explain oh i am CBJ only ... well you have 5 reviews that say otherwise. oh i never saw those guys. So, would you rather have me come back and write a no review on you, because i was not satisfied with a crummy $400 CBJ when i really wanted a BBBJNQNS? By all means dont answer our questions, if you feel you dont want to or need to or have to ... but expect your business to suffer accordingly. Either you put your personal comfort above that of your clients (which says something about your customer service mindset) or you are trying to protect yourself legally against entrapment and potential prosecution by being obtuse about the meeting.
A am sure you are comfortable discussing the correct donation and/or making sure you are clear on when and where you are meeting? Because the discussion of a donation is for time only and not contracting for servcies (something i bet has never held up in court) ... what happens on that "date" or escorting session is between two consenting adults and is not contracted for in any way the money is for time only ... yes we have all seen the disclaimers.
So, my assumption is your lack of wanting to have the discusion is not because you are very poor at customer service, but that you feel you are some how legally protecting yourself by only discussing rate, time and place - right? So, using the same pemise that allows for the discussion of Rate, time and place ... could we not extend that illusion to the response of a question such as "are you MSOG?" RESPONSE: "yes, if I am attracted to a man and I choose to have a relationship with him at some point I would certainly want to allow him to satisfy himself as often as he could within the time we had choosen to spend together ... i assume that answers your question?"
Likewise should a customer like to know before driving an hour to see you if he can "pop in your ass", "cover you with whipped cream", "wear your panties and dance around like an indian" your response would be .... "while you are paying only my time ... i will tell you that when i am attracted to a gentlemen and choose to have relations with him - I do enjoy it when he pops in my ass, covers me with whipped cream and dances around the room in my panties, so long as my neighbors don't complain"
Wouldn't that be the same thing? problem solved! ... either that or get used to guys canceling on you becaused they don't want to spend hard earned money and not get what they want in bed ... you do realize there is a whole group of women out there that are happy to waste both our time and money and give us very little of what we ask for in return that we DONT have to risk being robbed by or put in jail to see ... Right? And if we ask them if we can stick it in thier ass they tell us straight out ... "are you fucking crazy ... not just no but hell no!"
So, i dont think it is too much ask that if i want to know if you take it up the ass? that you might respond. "When i choose to have a physical relationship with a man i am attracted too i do enjoy a good butt fucking so long as his dick isn't the size of a baseball bat!" I think we could all figure out what that means ... much like all the other disclaimers that seem to offer you some comfort.