The truth behind the fake statistic...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I attacked John Lott because NO ONE that I could find who is knowledgeable in the field of statistics supports his statistical conclusions. When asked by those investigating his results for Lott's input data, it had been conveniently "lost". Your claim was that I put him "on a pedestal". Was I wrong, you didn't say that? Anyway, you did and I don't. You shouldn't be in the business of putting words in people's mouth unless you make it clear that it's a joke. Was it a joke? It's so hard to tell with some people.

From everything you have said about John Lott, you totally support his viewpoints. Okay, putting him on a pedestal may be a bit strong.
I really didn't think it would upset you so much.

Come on. If I misrepresent right-wingers then what you do with left-wingers is 10x more. To you, anyone left of center has the same beliefs and goals. Really? Is what you want to go with. You want to break down what (lets keep it mainstream) every democrat has publicly said about republicans:
They want you to die....and soon.
They want to make grandma eat dog food.
They want to kill you.
They want to put you back in chains.
They will throw grandma off a cliff.
They want to take away your social security.
They want to prevent black people from voting.
(remember, these are mainstream comments given by leading democrats)

You are simply proving my point. Every Democrat has said each of those things about Repulicans??? I am a little left of center. I have never said anything like any of those statements and never will. I would love to see exactly who said each of those 7 statements. You constantly lump ALL liberals into one category. Some of your categories make no sense at all. Black voters have consistently voted Democratic. Why would Democrats want to prevent black people from voting? Social security. Democrats got it passed. Who wants to take it away?

Regarding "forcing" . Remember your poll about a year ago. 6 respondents wanted NO gun control. 1 respondent wanted to ban guns. Investigating a person for mental issues is gun control. You are possibly keeping someone who want a gun from getting one. When I used the term "true right winger" I was referring to those like the 6 in your poll -- absolutely no restrictions on who can own a gun. No age limits. No ban of assault weapons. No restrictions on where guns can be carried. First, if what you say is true then you're talking about the fringe and not the massive middle. What I think the problem is the lack of flexibility of ideas in a poll. Not the best thing to do when trying to illustrate a point of view.

Here again, you are proving my point. I agree there is a fringe on the right. But there is also a fringe on the left. Whenever YOU talk about the left, you lump all those on the left into a single category. At least Jim lumped only 99% into the single category.

My company is considered one of the most conservative in the U.S. and every year employees must undergo training such as sensitivity training and harassment training. Excellent policy in my opinion. If you don't undergo such training then you can lose your job, your position, an advancement. Sounds like any totalitarian society to me. You'll go far if you only join the party and participate, otherwise.....

Everything you say is probably correct. I see nothing wrong with requiring employees to be sensitive to the feelings of others. Workers in the company are a team and work together more effectively when they respect each other. If you think it is wrong to do so, so be it.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDrunk's rhetoric is so unskilled that it's comical.

No wonder ecpverything is black and white with him! He studied logic in night school.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm glad you asked...

They want you to die....and soon. Alan Grayson (d) of Florida

They want to make grandma eat dog food. Nancy Pelosi (d) Speaker of the House
They want to kill you. Jacob Wiesberg (d) Slate Magazine
They want to put you back in chains. Joe Biden (d) Vice President
They will throw grandma off a cliff. democratic campaign ad 2011
They want to take away your social security. Russ Wellen (d) Daily Kos
They want to prevent black people from voting. Eric Holder (d) Attorney General, Jimmy Carter (d) home builder

(remember, these are mainstream comments given by leading democrats)

Some of these remarks have been made by more than one person. In the Reagan years it was fun to say Reagan wanted to put seniors on a dog food diet. Besides, according to the democrats, Reagan invented AIDS and crack cocaine.

I never said that every democrat said this but I pointed out a question about what every democrat is saying.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I attacked John Lott because NO ONE that I could find who is knowledgeable in the field of statistics supports his statistical conclusions. When asked by those investigating his results for Lott's input data, it had been conveniently "lost". Your claim was that I put him "on a pedestal". Was I wrong, you didn't say that? Anyway, you did and I don't. You shouldn't be in the business of putting words in people's mouth unless you make it clear that it's a joke. Was it a joke? It's so hard to tell with some people.

From everything you have said about John Lott, you totally support his viewpoints. Okay, putting him on a pedestal may be a bit strong.
I really didn't think it would upset you so much.

Come on. If I misrepresent right-wingers then what you do with left-wingers is 10x more. To you, anyone left of center has the same beliefs and goals. Really? Is what you want to go with. You want to break down what (lets keep it mainstream) every democrat has publicly said about republicans:
They want you to die....and soon.
They want to make grandma eat dog food.
They want to kill you.
They want to put you back in chains.
They will throw grandma off a cliff.
They want to take away your social security.
They want to prevent black people from voting.
(remember, these are mainstream comments given by leading democrats)

You are simply proving my point. Every Democrat has said each of those things about Repulicans??? I am a little left of center. I have never said anything like any of those statements and never will. I would love to see exactly who said each of those 7 statements. You constantly lump ALL liberals into one category. Some of your categories make no sense at all. Black voters have consistently voted Democratic. Why would Democrats want to prevent black people from voting? Social security. Democrats got it passed. Who wants to take it away?

Regarding "forcing" . Remember your poll about a year ago. 6 respondents wanted NO gun control. 1 respondent wanted to ban guns. Investigating a person for mental issues is gun control. You are possibly keeping someone who want a gun from getting one. When I used the term "true right winger" I was referring to those like the 6 in your poll -- absolutely no restrictions on who can own a gun. No age limits. No ban of assault weapons. No restrictions on where guns can be carried. First, if what you say is true then you're talking about the fringe and not the massive middle. What I think the problem is the lack of flexibility of ideas in a poll. Not the best thing to do when trying to illustrate a point of view.

Here again, you are proving my point. I agree there is a fringe on the right. But there is also a fringe on the left. Whenever YOU talk about the left, you lump all those on the left into a single category. At least Jim lumped only 99% into the single category.

My company is considered one of the most conservative in the U.S. and every year employees must undergo training such as sensitivity training and harassment training. Excellent policy in my opinion. If you don't undergo such training then you can lose your job, your position, an advancement. Sounds like any totalitarian society to me. You'll go far if you only join the party and participate, otherwise.....

Everything you say is probably correct. I see nothing wrong with requiring employees to be sensitive to the feelings of others. Workers in the company are a team and work together more effectively when they respect each other. If you think it is wrong to do so, so be it.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It was just last week that we had someone in to give us workplace harassment training. She told us that it was wrong to tell people who were speaking a different langauge on the job to speak English for the benefit of everyone around. You know it was exactly the opposite when I was in the Navy. We were also told that in no way could you question anyone who identified as transgender and they must be allowed to use the restroom of their choice without regard to what they are packing. Is this what you support?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'm glad you asked...

They want you to die....and soon. Alan Grayson (d) of Florida

They want to make grandma eat dog food. Nancy Pelosi (d) Speaker of the House
They want to kill you. Jacob Wiesberg (d) Slate Magazine
They want to put you back in chains. Joe Biden (d) Vice President
They will throw grandma off a cliff. democratic campaign ad 2011
They want to take away your social security. Russ Wellen (d) Daily Kos
They want to prevent black people from voting. Eric Holder (d) Attorney General, Jimmy Carter (d) home builder

(remember, these are mainstream comments given by leading democrats)

Some of these remarks have been made by more than one person. In the Reagan years it was fun to say Reagan wanted to put seniors on a dog food diet. Besides, according to the democrats, Reagan invented AIDS and crack cocaine.

I never said that every democrat said this but I pointed out a question about what every democrat is saying.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I appreciate the links. First, your last statement "I never said that every democrat said this but I pointed out a question about what every democrat is saying." is a 100% wrong. Here is your statement from your previous post

"Really? Is what you want to go with. You want to break down what (lets keep it mainstream) every democrat has publicly said about republicans:"

The statements in your post were made by a single person which in some cases represent their views only, such as the statement on social security. And the "headlines" you posted are so misleading once you read the articles. Then they make perfect sense. The headlines you posted are simply taken out of context.

The only ones I took exception to were Biden's statements on "They want to put you back in chains." and "They will throw grandma off a cliff." The first, IMHO, was politically incorrect. The second, though a very effective commercial which expressed its point effectively, I found a little strong.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It was just last week that we had someone in to give us workplace harassment training. She told us that it was wrong to tell people who were speaking a different langauge on the job to speak English for the benefit of everyone around. You know it was exactly the opposite when I was in the Navy. We were also told that in no way could you question anyone who identified as transgender and they must be allowed to use the restroom of their choice without regard to what they are packing. Is this what you support? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If I am in the cafeteria and 2 people are conversing in their native tongues I have absolutely no problem with that. If I am in a meeting and 2 people start talking in their native tongue to better clarify a point made by someone speaking English (not every foreign person in our country has perfect understanding of the English language. Hell, many people born in the U.S. have trouble speaking English) I have no problem with that. I have never been in a meeting in which English was the lead language where anyone tried to speak to the group in another language.

The transgender question is one that is difficult to answer. Since you brought it up, what is YOUR opinion? Should Caitlyn Jenner use the men's or women's rest room?
If I am in the cafeteria and 2 people are conversing in their native tongues I have absolutely no problem with that. If I am in a meeting and 2 people start talking in their native tongue to better clarify a point made by someone speaking English (not every foreign person in our country has perfect understanding of the English language. Hell, many people born in the U.S. have trouble speaking English) I have no problem with that. I have never been in a meeting in which English was the lead language where anyone tried to speak to the group in another language.

The transgender question is one that is difficult to answer. Since you brought it up, what is YOUR opinion? Should Caitlyn Jenner use the men's or women's rest room? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
JD' wants to check each person out to determine which rest room they should use.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"Really? Is what you want to go with. You want to break down what every democrat has publicly said about republicans:"

Okay, my mistake was not making it the question that I was thinking of. Try reading it again the way it was meant to be read.

Really? Is that what you want to go with? You want to break down what every democrat has publicly said about republicans?

My mistake was in punctuation and I dropped one word. You do know that this will cause NBK to rub against a door jam until he pops? (see that was a question too.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I am in the cafeteria and 2 people are conversing in their native tongues I have absolutely no problem with that. If I am in a meeting and 2 people start talking in their native tongue to better clarify a point made by someone speaking English (not every foreign person in our country has perfect understanding of the English language. Hell, many people born in the U.S. have trouble speaking English) I have no problem with that. I have never been in a meeting in which English was the lead language where anyone tried to speak to the group in another language.

The transgender question is one that is difficult to answer. Since you brought it up, what is YOUR opinion? Should Caitlyn Jenner use the men's or women's rest room? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

This isn't a social question. It was a work related question. People at the office, which is populated by mainly English speakers, wondering if they are being insulted. Now what was really interesting, we were also told that we can't be talking about someone who is gay or transgender and suddenly shut up if they arrive. Seems like two diametrically opposed policies (which is kind the definition of insanity) being taught at the same time.

What ever equipment someone is packing should determine which restroom they use even if they say it doesn't work any more.

If you want to labor the topic;

A trans woman walks into a women's restroom. "She" is packing heat. "She" goes to the stall and no one sees anything. It is up to "her" and "her" behavior what happens in the restroom. If "she" is a peeper then we have a problem. If "she" just does "her" business and leaves, okay.

A trans man walks into a men's restroom. "He" is not packing any heat. "He" can't sidle up to a urinal and do "his" business so "he" has to go into the stall. The problem is probably the other "men" in the room.

As far as bathrooms go, it is up to everyone keeps their own business private. So what is the problem. On the college campuses here is the problem. Too many men are pretending to be trans just to get into the locker room or bathroom. Just like it was predicted.
This isn't a social question. It was a work related question. People at the office, which is populated by mainly English speakers, wondering if they are being insulted. Now what was really interesting, we were also told that we can't be talking about someone who is gay or transgender and suddenly shut up if they arrive. Seems like two diametrically opposed policies (which is kind the definition of insanity) being taught at the same time.

What ever equipment someone is packing should determine which restroom they use even if they say it doesn't work any more.

If you want to labor the topic;

A trans woman walks into a women's restroom. "She" is packing heat. "She" goes to the stall and no one sees anything. It is up to "her" and "her" behavior what happens in the restroom. If "she" is a peeper then we have a problem. If "she" just does "her" business and leaves, okay.

A trans man walks into a men's restroom. "He" is not packing any heat. "He" can't sidle up to a urinal and do "his" business so "he" has to go into the stall. The problem is probably the other "men" in the room.

As far as bathrooms go, it is up to everyone keeps their own business private. So what is the problem. On the college campuses here is the problem. Too many men are pretending to be trans just to get into the locker room or bathroom. Just like it was predicted. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where is your proof that this is happening on a widespread basis?
Where is your proof that this is happening on a widespread basis? Originally Posted by WombRaider
How about every truck stop men's room in Arkansas where YOU troll for "customers" ! Is that " widespread " enough for YOU woomby ? ! "Widespread " ( like your gorda nalgas !!! ) : woot_jump::woot_jum p:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is your proof that this is happening on a widespread basis? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Not going down the stupid with you. If I name one school, you'll want to know about two. If I name two schools, they you'll want me to name five. If I name five....
No matter how many I document, it will never be enough for you. So I'm not playing and don't you get enough peeping time at the local truck stop bathroom?
Not going down the stupid with you. If I name one school, you'll want to know about two. If I name two schools, they you'll want me to name five. If I name five....
No matter how many I document, it will never be enough for you. So I'm not playing and don't you get enough peeping time at the local truck stop bathroom? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You said it was a problem. I want to know the extent to which it is a problem. There are over 4K colleges in the US. You don't get to just throw something out there and not back it up. If it's truly a big problem, you should have no problem providing information that backs up that assertion.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Really? Is what you want to go with. You want to break down what every democrat has publicly said about republicans:"

Okay, my mistake was not making it the question that I was thinking of. Try reading it again the way it was meant to be read.

Really? Is that what you want to go with? You want to break down what every democrat has publicly said about republicans?

My mistake was in punctuation and I dropped one word. You do know that this will cause NBK to rub against a door jam until he pops? (see that was a question too.) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I certainly accept your explanation.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This isn't a social question. It was a work related question. People at the office, which is populated by mainly English speakers, wondering if they are being insulted. Now what was really interesting, we were also told that we can't be talking about someone who is gay or transgender and suddenly shut up if they arrive. Seems like two diametrically opposed policies (which is kind the definition of insanity) being taught at the same time.

What ever equipment someone is packing should determine which restroom they use even if they say it doesn't work any more.

If you want to labor the topic;

A trans woman walks into a women's restroom. "She" is packing heat. "She" goes to the stall and no one sees anything. It is up to "her" and "her" behavior what happens in the restroom. If "she" is a peeper then we have a problem. If "she" just does "her" business and leaves, okay.

A trans man walks into a men's restroom. "He" is not packing any heat. "He" can't sidle up to a urinal and do "his" business so "he" has to go into the stall. The problem is probably the other "men" in the room.

As far as bathrooms go, it is up to everyone keeps their own business private. So what is the problem. On the college campuses here is the problem. Too many men are pretending to be trans just to get into the locker room or bathroom. Just like it was predicted. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have to admit that when I've passed 2 people talking in another language, I have never thought about whether or not they're talking about me. Your statement about talking about transgender people and shutting up when one arrives -- that statement should not be limited to transgender people. If you and another person are talking about a co-worker I guarantee you will stop talking when that person walks by. I simply don't see a comparison between the 2 situations. In the first you are being paranoid. The second is reality.

I really don't want to belabor the transgender rest room issue either. I agree that the person's plumbing should be the deciding factor. I simply don't worry about it. I've said it before -- people on this forum worry about the most insignificant things in life, things that in all likelihood will never impact their personal lives or the lives of others close to them.