Please don't push the ladies' boundaries.

Don't worry milfy. I understood your post! If I see you "notes" no biting and leaving marks, gagging I'm not too worried about unless I happen to grow another 4 inches overnight
Dear female dog in heat, I am not the center of all your hobby woes. To find the person responsible for them you will need to take a look in the mirror.

Please find some other lady who has menu items you are offended by and chase her around for a few days.

Sincerely, someone who doesn't give half a fuck about your opinion.

I am a bit confused about the burkha comment though! Not really, but it is good food for thought... Originally Posted by milfy2002
Milfy, you want to credit yourself with having an open discussion about guys pushing boundaries and won't even acknowledge how you are one of the main catalysts behind the boundary pushing that "the collective pool of providers" are dealing with.

For someone who doesn't do greek, you sure can fit your head up there with remarkable ease.

The only woe I have is with your hypocrisy. And that is your problem to live with. Not mine. You started this look at me threAD and I'm looking. Deal. With. It.
rcinokc's Avatar
ladies this eminates from ladies with ever changing bounderies and fake reviews. One day something is on the menu the next day it is not. Then there are the reviews that may or may not be embellished. It is difficult to know the bounderies.... couple this with the conquerers and well ....... Originally Posted by diddleman
It's not difficult to know what the limits are, they are whatever she tells you they are at that moment. They can change for a variety of reasons but the bottom line is what the provider is comfortable doing with YOU not the last guy or the next guy.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I don't see how it's possible to even argue with this hook, she has it completely together & I'm not being sarcastic at all.

I will say, I did have a couple of experiences with a hook with some unreasonably restrictive rules. One of them was no kissing. After the fourth time I saw her (very hot hook) while we were dead in the middle of being naughty boys and girls, she gave me a really dirty smooch right on the mouth. It was a superb experience and in that case, I wasn't even applying pressure.

Sometimes hooks with rules, when they bend them, it's the bestest.

Usually good policy to have a solid understanding going in, though. Some of this shit can deteriorate into borderline rape scenarios otherwise.
CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
AMEN wonderfully put and not bitchy at all.
CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
What bothers me most is not what you might see as a boundry but it bothers me alot. I clearly state that I am not near the computer all the time and that the best way IF you truly want to see me is to Call not PM.... sure PM if you want a session in a week,,, but not that day. I pride myself in making each session as perfect as I can, always being ready ontime and never standing anyone up.....but none answered on time pms make me look bad.

I love my profession and see it as an intimate art, and I love to be as professional as I can be..... so please call.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I also feel that it's the nature of these activities that you're almost inevitably going to encounter confusion and/or crossed signals when things start warming up.

A paying customer, or a hook, might get carried away or misinterpret body language.

I've had this happen in reverse more than once. A hook and I are pushing one another's happy buttons, having a classic experience, and the hook starts getting (and acting) on the wrong ideas - these can include touching, biting, scratching, pinching, etc - in the wrong place and all of a sudden it's not so classic anymore.

I am also 100% positive I have been guilty of this myself. How am I 100% sure? Because I've been told.

Sexual encounters with relative strangers are frequently going to result in one or the other party being on a different page in the playbook, no?

I'm pretty sure the original intent of the thread is that when one or the other gets the bright idea to push the limits and it doesn't work with the other party, don't push it as hard as you may want to?
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I'm trying to put this as nicely as possible so the meaning isn't lost.

Milfy2002, you offer a service that is outside most people's "boundaries".

In doing that, you attract a certain type of hobbyist into your bedroom.

They might think they can do anything with you since you're so openly willing to do what many others aren't. Or they might think you will agree to it since you agree to do something many others won't.

I'm sorry but offering what you offer just makes you vulnerable to the type of guys who want to have their way regardless of risk or protest.

I'm not saying it's right or fair, but that's just how it is.

I can't speak for others, but I rarely get anyone who pushes my boundaries because my boundaries are quite clear.

Being that you have so many of these incidents that you have to "marinate" on it, maybe it's time to rethink the type of hobbyists that you're marketing yourself to.

It also seems like you are feeling the effects of being bombarded by people trying to take advantage of you. It sucks for anyone to feel that way. But the fact is that BBFS often translates to desperation or poor management in this word. It's a hunter vs. hunted game for barebackers and you're already setting yourself up as easy prey. Again, not saying it's right. Its just how it is.

Just my thoughts. Worth what you paid for them.

I hope you accept my feedback respectfully since that's how it's intended. Goodnight. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
This post makes no sense in relation to the original post, on top of being petty and vindictive.
Milfy, you want to credit yourself with having an open discussion about guys pushing boundaries and won't even acknowledge how you are one of the main catalysts behind the boundary pushing that "the collective pool of providers" are dealing with.

For someone who doesn't do greek, you sure can fit your head up there with remarkable ease.

The only woe I have is with your hypocrisy. And that is your problem to live with. Not mine. You started this look at me threAD and I'm looking. Deal. With. It. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
With all due respect, this is a clear case of you looking for your keys under a streetlamp because the light's better there. Milfy and bubbles are not the only providers who offer bbfs (far from it), they're just the only ones you know about because the others don't advertise here.

Let's say for the sake of argument, that 10% of providers offered bbfs (though from personal experience I'm sure the number is higher), and that they listed it as ymmv on their profiles and that everyone as a result knew for sure who offered it and who didn't. Do you really think more people would ask you for bbfs in that situation? If not, that would suggest, at least to me, that the problem isn't the providers who are open about it; the problem is the providers who keep it a secret.
I'm very busy today with real life so I'm just gonna copy and paste my post from another area of the board and omit any info shared in that private area.

It's not that simple. Ya she openly does bareback. Ya lots of people do. Ya we should all protect ourselves as if it goes on all the time because it does. Those are givens.

What I'm calling her out on is crying about her boundaries being pushed when not only does she invite it, but she's helping cause the majority of boundary pushing that's going on these days.

I don't give a fuck if she barebacks every douche in Dallas for $20, but don't come on here bitching about a problem you directly cause. That's what I'm calling her out on.

And I'll say another thing, getting asked for Greek is not the same thing as getting asked for bbfs. One activity is markedly more at risk healthwise than the other. So saying you wanna complain about chicks that do Greek is not even remotely close to being on level with complaining about girls that do bareback. One is a limited activity. The other is overall health and safety. So I can certainly see why so many providers are pissed at her. I just think she's fucking gross and incredibly dense about her role in all this boundary pushing. So I called her out. And I'll do it again.

I do think there is a code of conduct in the hobby and it's the reason why this website even exists. Some people break it and sometimes it's more obvious than others. One of the most important rules is pay the rate or perform the service. Another is not to physically harm others and that's where the bareback issues falls because there's a cause for concern that some are knowingly trying to harm the health of others. Fortunately for them there's enough distance, activity and time that it's next to impossible to be found out. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
milfy2002's Avatar

This definitely isn't a BBFS's truly a thread intended to make some of the guys rethink their behavior.

For the record most gentlemen that come to see me do not try to push my boundaries. It infuriates me all the same when I hear and see other providers report it happening though, so much so that I wanted to start a conversation about it.

I definitely like the comment that was made stating a lady's menu is what she is comfortable doing with you right now, not what she may have done with someone else. What an enlightened thought!

This post makes no sense in relation to the original post, on top of being petty and vindictive. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
That is true, but consider the source of that post and it will become clear.

Just being a provider is all it takes for guys to push the envelope of BCD activities and because she allows, even encourages BBFS in her sessions, that does not mean she does DT, CIM, TUMA or any other activity. That is why it is a good idea for a provider to list what she will and will not do in her menu of activities, that way a guy can move on or move forward in contacting her for a session. If a provider does not list an activities menu, then she has no leg to stand on when a guy asks her to do something outside her comfort zone and she bitches about being asked about it.
I give one warning once my boundaries are pushed, when it happens a 2nd time i ask them to leave. simple solution.
Hercules's Avatar
For the record most gentlemen that come to see me do not try to push my boundaries. It infuriates me all the same when I hear and see other providers report it happening though, so much so that I wanted to start a conversation about it. Originally Posted by milfy2002
So this whole thing was based on hooker gossip?

The ladies tend to embellish their complaints as much as we embellish our dick size.
milfy2002's Avatar
So this whole thing was based on hooker gossip?

The ladies tend to embellish their complaints as much as we embellish our dick size. Originally Posted by Hercules
Lol that's one of my favorite smileys!

Only some of the ladies. For others it is a real struggle. The newer ladies, especially the young ladies, have to put up with a higher percentage...even those with reasonably extensive menus.