These are the Syrians you want to reject?

I was having too much fun skull-fucking Womb Raider. His brains must have gotten in my eyes.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm not sure how you want Iraq to apply in this scenario. The two don't compute. You're simply using numbers and grasping at straws, per usual. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Are you really that dense? You're the one who started citing numbers, dipshit. You pooh-pooh the deaths of 5K Americans to terrorism over the past 15 years. Despite Paris and San Bernardino, you tell us we mustn't over-react to the risks. And yet, you libtards reacted to the deaths of fewer than 5K Americans fighting in Iraq from 2003-2011 by screaming and demanding a total pullout of our troops there. You were oblivious to the risks of such a policy blunder. Under Odumbo, you got what you asked for. Now the threats to our national security and homeland are multiplying.

Roughly the same number of dead Americans. One was a big problem to you, the other is no big deal. It's obvious you libtards can't even evaluate risks, let alone calibrate how we should respond to them.

Why would any perceptive American trust your cynically selective, politically motivated and demonstrably disastrous judgment?

You really are that stupid, aintcha?

bambino's Avatar
Yep, got my wires crossed.

Sorry pal. Originally Posted by Muscleup
No problem.
lustylad's Avatar
The fact you felt compelled to defend your intellect exhibits a wee bit of insecurity. You must hear you're stupid a lot. That's not how a smart person would respond. It's laced with insecurity. I would call your response more of someone who desperately wants to be thought of as smart. Smart people don't have to tell you they are smart. Originally Posted by Muscleup
Yep. You nailed it. Same with his dick size, his bank account, his education, his employment history, his sexual orientation.... the list is long - he's a complete mess!

You'd be an example of a lib-retarded jackass, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Your lying ass has yet to cite where Trump claimed he was going to round up American citizens and put them in a concentration camp because they are practicing Muslims, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas; yet, you continue to propagate the lie. BTW, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, there's been more than ONE event this year alone involving at least FIVE Islamic perps, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and there have been several more between now and the Twin Tower bombing -- which killed six and injured over 1,000 -- in 1993.

+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I never said he was going to round up muslims and put them in a camp. I said the two things were comparable.
The fact you felt compelled to defend your intellect exhibits a wee bit of insecurity. You must hear you're stupid a lot. That's not how a smart person would respond. It's laced with insecurity. I would call your response more of someone who desperately wants to be thought of as smart. Smart people don't have to tell you they are smart.

To pis on your point, knowledge and intellect are two very different things. You may know a bit about this meaningless libtard shit. Intellect is painfully lacking in your discourse. But Liberal Psychosis prevents you from accepting reality. Originally Posted by Muscleup
To 'pis' on my point? You wouldn't know the first thing about how an intelligent person would respond, jackass. I know that a psychologist would have a field day with a person who uses the particular avatar you employ. You must feel compelled by your insecurity. No one on here gives a shit what you look like. You must desperately want to be thought of as attractive. Here's a hint; no one gives two fucks. This is a hooker board. You can't even state the distinction between knowledge and intellect correctly. Knowledge is possessing the skill. Intellect is the ability to apply that skill to something.
Yep, got my wires crossed.

Sorry pal. Originally Posted by Muscleup
That happens a lot to fucking retards...

And then you apologize to the fucktard? What a fucking pussy.
Yep. You nailed it. Same with his dick size, his bank account, his education, his employment history, his sexual orientation.... the list is long - he's a complete mess!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Except some people do have a nice job, a big dick and money in the bank. It's just that none of those people happen to be you.

Go get gay rey, you're fixing to need an enforcer. Should I recount for your new friend how you appointed gay rey as your muscle man because you couldn't do the dirty work yourself? Cunt.
Are you really that dense? You're the one who started citing numbers, dipshit. You pooh-pooh the deaths of 5K Americans to terrorism over the past 15 years. Despite Paris and San Bernardino, you tell us we mustn't over-react to the risks. And yet, you libtards reacted to the deaths of fewer than 5K Americans fighting in Iraq from 2003-2011 by screaming and demanding a total pullout of our troops there. You were oblivious to the risks of such a policy blunder. Under Odumbo, you got what you asked for. Now the threats to our national security and homeland are multiplying.

Roughly the same number of dead Americans. One was a big problem to you, the other is no big deal. It's obvious you libtards can't even evaluate risks, let alone calibrate how we should respond to them.

Why would any perceptive American trust your cynically selective, politically motivated and demonstrably disastrous judgment?

You really are that stupid, aintcha?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The fact that you think the two things are comparable shows your utter lack of understanding on the subject. You are comparing two numbers, but the situations have nothing to do with one another. Those troops were in a combat zone, you fucking idiot. How can you compare deaths in a combat zone to deaths from terrorism? And don't you EVER say I dismissed the deaths of Americans, you got that, shitstain?

They are both a big problem, dumbass. The difference is that if you apply rational thought and not fear mongering idiocy, you realize that a knee-jerk response like Trumps is fucking idiotic. History will judge you a fucking moron. The decision to withdraw troops from Iraq was carried out over two presidencies and was not an immediate withdrawal. You continue to be disingenuous because without it you cannot even begin to win the argument.
I was having too much fun skull-fucking Womb Raider. His brains must have gotten in my eyes. Originally Posted by Muscleup
Calls himself muscleup and uses a gay avatar... yeah, you're a real catch. Mommy not give you enough attention? Not enough time at the nipple?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Calls himself muscleup and uses a gay avatar... yeah, you're a real catch. Mommy not give you enough attention? Not enough time at the nipple? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Does he bring back memories of "Big Sir"?
lustylad's Avatar
Should I recount for your new friend how you appointed gay rey as your muscle man because you couldn't do the dirty work yourself? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Have at it, dipshit. Except I never appointed Rey to anything. He was just a lurker until you showed up. He started posting because he hates your fucking guts. He hates all "lyin' libtards" - and you're the slimiest example of that species on the planet. He enjoys getting under your skin. Just like you enjoy being a complete asshole to everyone on this board. Or like you enjoy taking those "ropey loads" down at the 'holes. Why do you call Rey a "muscle man"? Are you using that term to flirt with muscleup? He already told you he's not interested. Stop drooling over his avatar, you stupid fag!
lustylad's Avatar
The fact that you think the two things are comparable shows your utter lack of understanding on the subject.

Says the dipshit who just made the preposterous “comparison” between a temporary moratorium on immigration and putting people in a concentration camp!

You are comparing two numbers, but the situations have nothing to do with one another.

Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism? Really? Is that why the head of ISIS is named al-Baghdadi? Good luck with that argument. You do know that a large chunk of western Iraq including the city of Mosul is currently in the hands of terrorists, right?

Those troops were in a combat zone, you fucking idiot. How can you compare deaths in a combat zone to deaths from terrorism?

Wow. Talk about desperately grasping at straws! The terrorists are at war with us, you blind imbecile. And in case you didn't notice, in waging this war they make no distinction between combat and civilian zones. It doesn't matter to them one whit. They just want to kill as many of us as they can, wherever they can.

And don't you EVER say I dismissed the deaths of Americans, you got that, shitstain?

Fuck you! I'll say whatever I want to say, cocksucker. And you can go choke on your own words:

How many Americans have been killed by terrorism in the last 15 years? Less than 5K people... And yet, based on that, you are willing to give in to irrational fear. 40K people die each year in auto accidents. You still drive, don't you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
That sounds soooo wonderfully EMPATHETIC of you! I can tell your heart just BLEEDS for those 5K Americans who lost their lives to terrorism! And that's why you insist on (dis)honoring their memory by letting thousands of people from the terrorists' host country (Syria) flood our shores!

History will judge you a fucking moron.

Fat chance, you ignorant cunt. History will judge the American people to be far wiser and more prudent than you and the fool who currently resides in the White House. Originally Posted by WombRaider
LexusLover's Avatar
You wouldn't know the first thing about how an intelligent person would respond, .... Originally Posted by WombRaider
But when you post ... it is obvious how an UNintellgent person would respond!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I never said he was going to round up muslims and put them in a camp. I said the two things were comparable. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"Internment" and "moratorium" have distinctively different definitions, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. And when you and the lame-stream media claim "That's what happened to the Japanese" during WWII, you are, in fact, making a direct reference to FDR's Presidential Proclamation No. 2537 interning the Japanese, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. You're a disingenuous liar when you pretend otherwise, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.