If this has taught you nothing else Margeaux, you can now see that some hobbiests regard providers as a lower form of life. You have very few rights here other than posting ads. Speak your mind about anything, whether you're right or wrong, and theres a good handful of guys that are going to give you shit about it. When it comes to a dispute, the provider is almost always in the wrong according to some. Then the nicer guys that side with you are going to be called white knights. IDGAF if someone wants to call me that because I feel complimented regardless of whether it was intended that way. But I can live with myself just fine knowing that I'm not rude, insulting, or giving a girl shit because I "can", and feel like a big man about it after the fact. Oh, and I'm pretty sure this board is for you girls too. If it wasn't for you, the board becomes pointless.
Don't worry about that review. The guys truly interested in seeing you couldn't care less about it.