Since your retired hooker handle has been named multiple times, I googled you because I was curious, and found a video of you.
Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Your handler is going on the premise of the enemy of thine enemy. I'm not your handler's enemy. Therefore, they are giving you limited info about me. Very limited.
I almost said 5v2, but I don't think WTF is on my side, I just think he's against you.
Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
No, you are wrong. We like to bicker that's all.
Listen here little trollmuffin - the art of trolling requires that you give some semblance of truth or engagement into a subject.
Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Yes, this is true. And with that in mind:
Your record speaks for itself...
-Three of the women you reviewed have been banned.
-You've admitted to committing felonies.
-You've referred to drugging children.
-You admitted to getting Foxy drunk and taking pics. You are aware not all ladies allow that right?
-You wrote things in Foxy's review she'd rather been kept in the bag? Hmmmm, wonder what all that's about.
-You admitted having a whore board open on your computer when your fat wife is around and you were all chuckling and shit about whore humor.
-You're full of your fucking self. As in you never fucking shut up and apparently your review was just short of War and Peace from the comments.
-You claim to be this high-brow gentleman yet your grammar lacks; you try too hard; and you in no way behave like a gentleman. You actually behave like a bully.
What the fuck makes you think anyone would believe you when you claim, "What, me?"
And, more importantly, what have you done with all the other pics you've taken?
I'd like to know what other site this is! I encourage full disclosure. Links, shaming, the whole works...
Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Sure, like I'm going to put a link on this site no one in their right mind would go to without proxying. Pervert. Don't try to get me to do your dirty work for you. And don't fucking try to get a hold of me again. We don't speak.
Yes you only care about what was posted on another website
Originally Posted by WTF
No, he is taking unauthorized photos of ladies he sees and posting them elsewhere. No one wants to post an alert on him because of assholes like you shutting down Infoshare. Sit this one out. You don't have all the facts.
He's not as bad as the dude that outted his gf someone in her life every Sunday and to the feds that I told you about. Or at least I don't know that he's that bad. It remains to be seen.
Uhhhhhhh.........Merry Christmas?
Originally Posted by citizen44
Ah, C.44, err'body knows I'm good looking and not just for my age. Err'body also knows IDGAF what some random dude on the interwebs thinks of me. Err'body also-also knows the only men I will entertain caring about are predators like TG and men with buy in money. Understand now?
You two happy campers (TG and C.44),
Given the witch hunts of late, no working gal is going to come forward. But EVERYONE knows I don't post on the open board. Another thing everyone knows is I HATE predators, and you are a predator. (NOTE: Proper comma usage in a compound sentence.) Go ask around to all your "buddies" about me and my proclivities towards men like yourself. You aren't the first threat to our community that I've been involved in.
Good luck hobbying my friend; good luck.
Oh, and BBCR implies you have a dick that would have trouble filling a thimble. Moron.