A straight diet of latinas . . . . .

Guero69's Avatar
LMAO!!! haha

You're silly. Yes, we know Latinas are the best lol.

But I say that you should take a turn or two outside of your regular "thing" because trying new things only enhances your sex life, I'm sure. Why not?? Two things can happen, you can find out that you may have another race or style captivate you also or you will enjoy the Latinas you return to that much more.

You know, like the whole ... would Pooh enjoy the honey as much, if he was always eating the honey and didn't have the time away to want the honey during his search. Or something like that, you know what I mean. Originally Posted by Gorgeous_Boriqua
I'm glad you saw the humor, or at least my attempt at humor. I think I offended some. This site is mostly about sex and my tastes are inappropriate. Not my intention. Hope their Fruit of the Looms aren't too wadded up.

And you are absolutely correct. Same ol' same ol' kind of gets dull (I can't believe I just said that about latinas . . . never dull those ladies). But taking a break from something is probably good from time to time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, or so they say. Then again, there are so many types of latinas in the world, that it probably would be impossible to get bored.

Honey . . . good one! Reminds me of the lyrics to Black Dog by Led Zeppelin, "Hey, hey, baby when you walk that way . . . watch your honey drip . . . can't keep away" And yes, I know what you mean. Pooh and I are having the same problems. We are jonesing for some honey, but when we finally do get to eat some . . . it will be like nectar from the heavens. And yeah, you're also right . . . I'm silly. You can'r always depend on someone else to crack you up, right?
Guest010619's Avatar
LMAO!!! haha

You're silly. Yes, we know Latinas are the best lol.

But I say that you should take a turn or two outside of your regular "thing" because trying new things only enhances your sex life, I'm sure. Why not?? Two things can happen, you can find out that you may have another race or style captivate you also or you will enjoy the Latinas you return to that much more.

You know, like the whole ... would Pooh enjoy the honey as much, if he was always eating the honey and didn't have the time away to want the honey during his search. Or something like that, you know what I mean. Originally Posted by Gorgeous_Boriqua
I also old the Pooh reference, especially knowing how many times he got his head stuck in the jar.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
That is the reason the remote control is one of the greatest inventions known to man . . . you don't like what you find on one channel you are free to move on! Originally Posted by Guero69
That is corrected.

What channel are you on now?
Guero69's Avatar
That is corrected.

What channel are you on now? Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
What is corrected?

No tv right now. Listening to music.
Guero69's Avatar
How do these threads get their ratings? Only 2 stars?!!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!

Just with the word Latina in the title makes it an automatic 4 star thread. Just sayin'
Guero69's Avatar
Just jumped to three stars . . . the fix is in
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
What is corrected?

No tv right now. Listening to music. Originally Posted by Guero69
Ok. What kind of music did you listen too?

How do these threads get their ratings? Only 2 stars?!!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!
Everybody can rate the thread...I can't give you anymore stars.

Just with the word Latina in the title makes it an automatic 4 star thread. Just sayin' Originally Posted by Guero69

Did you say Latina or Latinas?

Just jumped to three stars . . . the fix is in Originally Posted by Guero69
Wee! Yay for the fix
Latina, variety, whatever...there is someone for everyone!

As with anything, take in moderation lol. Or not!
Guero69's Avatar
Ok. What kind of music did you listen too?


Did you say Latina or Latinas?

Wee! Yay for the fix Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Just a variety. smashing pumpkins, U2, the usual suspects.

I meant Latinas. Can't have just one. .Am I making your head spin Sonya? Where are your eyes?

yes! stuff the ballot box
Guero69's Avatar
Latina, variety, whatever...there is someone for everyone!

As with anything, take in moderation lol. Or not! Originally Posted by Dr. Grey
Sonya, you wouldn't turn into a blood sucking vampire on me, would you? I promise I won't turn into a werewolf. Unless you are into that sort of thing.

No moderation when it comes to Latinas. Excess is the way to go.
Im latina deprived!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Just a variety. smashing pumpkins, U2, the usual suspects.

I meant Latinas. Can't have just one. .Am I making your head spin Sonya? Where are your eyes?

yes! stuff the ballot box Originally Posted by Guero69
Cool! (Yay for Latinas!!) Maybe, your making me head spin a little. Let's see my eyes are on my face next to my little nose haha!
Guero69's Avatar
Im latina deprived! Originally Posted by Chosincannon
Man, I feel your pain. But it is always darkest before the dawn. Don't
Guero69's Avatar
Cool! (Yay for Latinas!!) Maybe, your making me head spin a little. Let's see my eyes are on my face next to my little nose haha! Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Don't get dizzy, fall and hurt yourself. What are you gonna do when you finally meet

And I was just checking to see if your eyes had rolled toward the top of your head.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Don't get dizzy, fall and hurt yourself. What are you gonna do when you finally meet

And I was just checking to see if your eyes had rolled toward the top of your head. Originally Posted by Guero69
I'm not dizzy just yet.. Humm. What to do?

Nope, hehe!