Fidel tells Obama, Go fuck yourself!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Total bullshit.

I've never heard of that site. And I'm nowhere near 225.

But keep looking, WaKKKo, aka Wacky the Wacko Emeritus!
here's your link. Enjoy!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's clear to see Obama went to Cuba for only one reason, that is to promote himself. Trying to make himself look like an uber humanitarian. After all Obama is a community organizer , AKA Troublemaker, that's what he does best. Fidel caught onto his gig and called him out on it. Nothing will change and we don't need your presents. Basically that's a nice way of saying "Now Fuck Off", lol. Fucking liberals will polish that turd till the end of time.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The term were looking for here is "Go fuck yourself."

Show us "Go fuck your self."

Survey says ... Zero.

But isn't he a good sport?
The term were looking for here is "Go fuck yourself."

Show us "Go fuck your self."

Survey says ... Zero.

But isn't he a good sport? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ok, Go Fuck Yourself. Satisfied now?

you ain't got no game Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

And Wacko explained it to you. Originally Posted by bambino
Even BimboIdiot refers to Wacky as a "Wacko"

The name has pizzazz!

Back on topic:

BimboIdiot, where's the link that verifies your (apparently false) claim that Castro told POTUS to "go fuck yourself"?

Perhaps BimboIdiot will find the link today! (It gives us something to look forward to)
bambino's Avatar

Even BimboIdiot refers to Wacky as a "Wacko"

The name has pizzazz!

Back on topic:

BimboIdiot, where's the link that verifies your (apparently false) claim that Castro told POTUS to "go fuck yourself"?

Perhaps BimboIdiot will find the link today! (It gives us something to look forward to) Originally Posted by bigtex
I get it now. You've been told to go fuck yourself since you were a little turd. The issue is, half the time you had no idea that they were telling you to go fuck yourself. I can't fix your stupidity. Because you're a Big turd now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How mature and relevant, Lardass!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How mature and relevant, Lardass!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you should listen to Mamboolah, he can count to

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, but BABOONO Lardass has yet to produce a quote from a credible link where Fidel Castro tells POTUS to "go fuck yourself."

And that's the issue here, isn't it?

Lardass just made that shit up. Period.

Typical RWW extremist rhetoric.
bambino's Avatar
How mature and relevant, Lardass!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I actually think you're a tad smarter than Big Turd. I know that's not saying much. But you know Castro told Obama to go fuck himself. I may have embellished, but I was simply translating what Castro meant for dumb shits like Big Turd. You know when someone tells you to go fuck yourself. You've been smarting from that since you were a young pig.
  • DSK
  • 03-29-2016, 08:08 AM
so .. Mamboolah ... are you about say ... 5'9" and about 225 pounds? that sounds like a pig to me!

it also sounds like ... this guy!!

who's the one pooping his pants now Mamboolah?


as you like to say ... with one click!

YAHAHAHHHAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That is one short fat little piggie! Fuck you, Mambrino!!
  • DSK
  • 03-29-2016, 08:12 AM
The term were looking for here is "Go fuck yourself."

Show us "Go fuck your self."

Survey says ... Zero.

But isn't he a good sport? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He was paraphrasing. Either you know that and are being deliberately obtuse, or you are a clueless moron.

Which is it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No he wasn't. He was embellishing the story to suit his spin.

Where's the quote, Lardass?
  • DSK
  • 03-29-2016, 08:25 AM
No he wasn't. He was making it up. Otherwise he would have said it in the headline.

Where's the quote, Lardass? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
OK - you are being deliberately obtuse. Fuck you, Mamboolah.
bambino's Avatar
No he wasn't. He was making it up. Otherwise he would have said it in the headline.

Where's the quote, Lardass? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You see Pig Fuck, murderous dictators even have to use tact when speaking publicly. But they know most people will know what they mean. It's like sarcasm. It goes right over their thick heads. Here's some more examples:

Hillary's reset button with Russia. They invaded countries. Putin essentially said, " Go fuck yourself"
Obamas red line with Assad. Assad gassed his people anyway. Assad told Obama to " Go fuck Himself"

Obama is going to degrade and destroy ISIS. ISIS is murdering Americans on a monthly basis. They told Obama, " Go fuck yourself"

Obama told the American people, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Obama told the American people, "Go fuck yourself"

I could go on, but if you don't get it by now, go fuck yourself.