I used to use a small motel, not part of any chain. I rented for the day or week, not by the hour. I was always respectful to the staff, tipped the maids, checked out on time, didn't leave a mess. Never had any problems.
However, I am SO happy for the past 5 years to have had my private incall. I really appreciate the conveniences of stability, privacy, and a kitchen, as well as keeping a full bar, furnishing and decorating it to reflect my Celtic heritage, and having a nice garden area to sit a la natural in the fresh air and foliage if I so desire. LOVE my unique 4-poster antique iron bed, and plan on being sent to sea in it when I die, flaming like a Viking funeral pyre.
Hasn't made any perceptible difference in how often I entertain. I still just see one gentlemen in the afternoon, one in the eve, and not even that every day. I am thankful for the luxury of being low-volume.
I do think it best, when possible, for providers to keep incalls separate from their actual residences, especially if they have pets. (The chihuahuas tell me this, too. Nobody wants wee woofs underfoot or eyeing tasty ankles, nor do the wagging warriors wish to "defend" their territory from strange "giants." Plus, can be hard to explain to a perceptive significant other where the dog hair came from, especially since pet hair CLINGS way more than a stray strand of my fine red hair.) Originally Posted by Fancyinheels