Gabriel Giffords open to gun confiscation

Assup is considering transitioning back to a man. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Guess that means that his bull dyke lover will be hurt ! How can a eunuch like assup the pig transition back to being a man ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For a change, Gey Rey posts about his own confused sexuality.

I wonder ... who is on the most ignore lists?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Guess that means that his bull dyke lover will be hurt ! How can a eunuch like assup the pig transition back to being a man ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Where will Assup go? The pigs want rid of him as much as we do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where will Assup go? The pigs want rid of him as much as we do. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Didn't you hear? Hillary Blythe will spend over a million dollars recruiting people like Assup. He's probably hears the dinner bell ringing now.
Didn't you hear? Hillary Blythe will spend over a million dollars recruiting people like Assup. He's probably hears the dinner bell ringing now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How much will the Trumpster spend recruiting your ilk judy? Que up.......
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you fellas ready for the Muslim immigrants Trump says he will no longer ban?

Or would you rather talk about who's gayer?

Come in JDrunk! You're a loyal Drumpfster now.

WWE and JL? Nothing?

The wall will be the next thing off the plate

Gullible fucks.
Cap gun shoot a blank whiffy?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are you fellas ready for the Muslim immigrants Trump says he will no longer ban?

Or would you rather talk about who's gayer?

Come in JDrunk! You're a loyal Drumpfster now.

WWE and JL? Nothing?

The wall will be the next thing off the plate

Gullible fucks. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you don't understand how to get elected do you? you say what most people want to hear, then do what you intended to do all along.

Trump is altering his stance to look more moderate. then once it's clear Congress intends to keep the Status Quo, Trump turns back to hard line stance.

meanwhile, more Muslims will continue to burn Europe to the ground, and there's Trump's justification for banning these so-called refugees. you'll yell Racist! Islamophobia! did you say then when one of your favorite liberal presidents did exactly that?
Nope, you mope.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jimmy Carter looks better and better all the time.
Where you at? You can't display a gun in a pickup gunrack anymore here in Texas.

Bought a 9mm yesterday. Even though I have a LTC license it still took me 45 minutes to complete the paperwork, get approval and walk out the door. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What did you get?

Where you at? You can't display a gun in a pickup gunrack anymore here in Texas.

Bought a 9mm yesterday. Even though I have a LTC license it still took me 45 minutes to complete the paperwork, get approval and walk out the door. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Yes, you can... https:/

Thank God...
Unfortunately we live in a world of deception. Politics, MSM and the Entertainment industry all working in tandem to bring us the very best in manufactured news stories. Some of these shootings have been staged and the Gabrielle Gifford shooting could very well be one of them, and yes Gun Control was the main theme. But the video below brings up some very interesting points. If you're liberal don't watch it cause it's much too graphic for your pathetic little minds to handle. This video is only for real Patriotic Americans who are tired of the fucking bullshit.

Unfortunately we live in a world of deception. Politics, MSM and the Entertainment industry all working in tandem to bring us the very best in manufactured news stories. Some of these shootings have been staged and the Gabrielle Gifford shooting could very well be one of them, and yes Gun Control was the main theme. But the video below brings up some very interesting points. If you're liberal don't watch it cause it's much too graphic for your pathetic little minds to handle. This video is only for real Patriotic Americans who are tired of the fucking bullshit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
LMAO Staged