The longer I refrain from hobbying

I think I figured it out, the exchange of funds is too easy. I have found myself in a real world situation where I must/mustn't chase some "forbidden fruit", it's quite a thrilling ordeal for me! I guess it's "the hunt" that's providing the thrill factor for me.
turtle138's Avatar
That's so true.
It's like a drug.
suiram77's Avatar
The hunt is a must Darkeykong and you know the old saying the only thing better than pussy is new pussy lol!!!! So we always have to keep hunting
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
hey DM this will pass soon ,,,,
Dammit man! No one likes a quitter!! Now, get back on the!

Lol, seriously bro. I've been there. Often it seems, more sex leads to more, and less leads to less. I've known women who say it's the same for them.

Your replies should show you, you are not alone. I have experienced what several of these guys have said: having a fav, taking long periods of time away, monogamy with an SO, skirt-chasing civvies back in the day. Don't over-think it. Your dick will rise to the siren song once again, when the time is right. Hahaha

By the way, did rfork say it'll be 3 yrs this thanksgiving since he's had an orgasm of any kind?! Did I just skim that incorrectly?! If so, dude, stop. Go get laid, or just bang one tomorrow. That shits not healthy.

Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
I'm in agreement there nothing wrong with your T levels at all... I do believe that you get burned out and you like something new and different. But when you don't see anything your just not interested.. But at the same time you wish your relationship the other partner had the same sex drive as you... I believe we all go through phases sexually.. There's nothing wrong with that either.. I think it's rather normal
CG2014's Avatar
The longer you refrain from hobbying, the more severe a case of blue balls you will have.

Should we start taking up a collection to get you a wheelchair?
yerbman's Avatar
Or a good sucking...LOL... Originally Posted by Brandee69
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
The less I want to do it. Why do you think that is? I used to love the shit, now I can take it or leave it. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
If you share it with us as "sh*t", call it "sh*t", and associate it as "sh*t" then I do not wonder why you can take "sh*t" or leave it. ijs

Me? I am not a big fan of "sh*t". Therefore, I stay as far away from most forms of "sh*t" as much as I am able to. Whether it's pure "sh*t", simple "sh*t", stupid "sh*t", someone else's "sh*t", bull "sh*t", or any other kind of "sh*t" others seem to thrive on or even wallow in. That being said....I don't really mind funny "sh*t" as much. LOL

So, I understand why you might have the attitude that you do. LOL There's more to life than this "sh*t" you can take or leave.