George Will column - What if Texas goes blue?

  • DSK
  • 08-07-2016, 03:13 PM
The Republican party will either reinvent itself in the next 8, jettisoning the Thumpers and the neo-segrigationists or they will be as meaningful as Gary Johnson is today.

The necessary changes are not a secret. Demographics always wins (ask the Soviets). Quit being hostile to minorities and you will find many of them agree with many mainstream Republican ideas. But for now the venom and the Wackos chase them away.

Not that I expect most here are open brained enough to ever actually comprehend what Revenent and Jackie are telling you. Originally Posted by Old-T
I think this election will likely change the Republican party to make it less hostile to minorities - or we die.

Minorities as defined today are the future of the country - white women would rather work than raise more than one or two kids these days.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think this election will likely change the Republican party to make it less hostile to minorities - Originally Posted by DSK
I've said before I have always considered myself to be a Democrat, and still do. What has happened to the Democratic Party began with McGovern and a shifting away from the "middle of the road" politics. IMO Obaminable makes McGovern look like a conservative.

I was quite familiar with South Texas politics ... during the LBJ and Connally years. They were not liberals. On election day vegetable trucks would pick up the Hispanic voters who were assembled by their "block captains" and they were handed sheets in Spanish to tell them for whom to vote and after they voted they were taken to one of the PUBLIC PARKS in the area to eat and drink beer ... as their reward for voting ... "the right way"! I have seen elected Democratic officials accompany voters INTO THE POLLS to "assist" them with the burdensome task of selecting which "ticket" to select. Democratic Judges unopposed through election after election (from the fear of anyone wanting to run against them) and then when they decided to retire .. one more election ... then resign for the Governor to appoint the replacement for the next almost four years ... to be unopposed in the next cycle ... ad nauseam. A strong two party system is good for everyone, and IMO it keeps good candidates running ... when they have a chance of winning and can compete as far as a contribution is concerned.

If the Democrats take the Hispanic vote for granted every four years it will not happen .... with this transgender, pro-abortion, no-guns, and "open border" bullshit. If that is their strategy it is one for failure .... the Hispanic population in Texas (and elsewhere) gets the leftovers....and they did before the Republicans took control ...

Who knows why 290 was built leaving Austin to the West toward Johnson City?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
George Will is an erudited republican high end elitist critic who is very snooty. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I forgot to add prrogressive in my comments on Mr. Will.

it should thus read:
George Will is an erudited republican high end elitist progressive critic who is very snooty.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If the Democrats take the Hispanic vote for granted every four years it will not happen .... with this transgender, pro-abortion, no-guns, and "open border" bullshit. If that is their strategy it is one for failure .... the Hispanic population in Texas (and elsewhere) gets the leftovers....and they did before the Republicans took control ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
That makes sense.

if the democratic party blow horn that the republican party is being negative on hispanic illegal immigration aand they think its the winning ticket.

they ignore the obvious pitfalls in their calculation, "transgender, Pro-abortion and gay marriage will not fly well with the native hispanic americans as many are very religious.

LBJ & Connally period and earlier... there is a name for this type of democrats. they are generally referred to as "Jackson" democrats.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-07-2016, 06:11 PM
I think this election will likely change the Republican party to make it less hostile to minorities - or we die. Originally Posted by DSK
Spot on. Now why can't some of the resident redneck wackos see it.
  • DSK
  • 08-07-2016, 09:15 PM
I've said before I have always considered myself to be a Democrat, and still do. What has happened to the Democratic Party began with McGovern and a shifting away from the "middle of the road" politics. IMO Obaminable makes McGovern look like a conservative.

I was quite familiar with South Texas politics ... during the LBJ and Connally years. They were not liberals. On election day vegetable trucks would pick up the Hispanic voters who were assembled by their "block captains" and they were handed sheets in Spanish to tell them for whom to vote and after they voted they were taken to one of the PUBLIC PARKS in the area to eat and drink beer ... as their reward for voting ... "the right way"! I have seen elected Democratic officials accompany voters INTO THE POLLS to "assist" them with the burdensome task of selecting which "ticket" to select. Democratic Judges unopposed through election after election (from the fear of anyone wanting to run against them) and then when they decided to retire .. one more election ... then resign for the Governor to appoint the replacement for the next almost four years ... to be unopposed in the next cycle ... ad nauseam. A strong two party system is good for everyone, and IMO it keeps good candidates running ... when they have a chance of winning and can compete as far as a contribution is concerned.

If the Democrats take the Hispanic vote for granted every four years it will not happen .... with this transgender, pro-abortion, no-guns, and "open border" bullshit. If that is their strategy it is one for failure .... the Hispanic population in Texas (and elsewhere) gets the leftovers....and they did before the Republicans took control ...

Who knows why 290 was built leaving Austin to the West toward Johnson City? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There was money in it for LBJ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think this election will likely change the Republican party to make it less hostile to minorities - or we die.

Minorities as defined today are the future of the country - white women would rather work than raise more than one or two kids these days. Originally Posted by DSK
Pandering to minorities is not the answer. Conforming to the Constitution is. Individual freedom, personal responsibility is what made the country great.
LexusLover's Avatar
There was money in it for LBJ... Originally Posted by DSK
No. LBJ had a nasty habit of wanting to drive after consuming copious amounts of alcoholic beverages and when he did in Austin 290 was temporarily "closed" and he could drive "home" ... it was wide enough for him to "drift" .... of course the benefit was the increased traffic, particularly later on.

In those days Presidents had more "privacy" than today.
LexusLover's Avatar
LBJ & Connally period and earlier... there is a name for this type of democrats. they are generally referred to as "Jackson" democrats. Originally Posted by DSK
An "issue" in media driven politics is to stick certain individuals into nice little "neat" pigeon holes for identification purposes in news stories and most of them are morphed into negative labels with derogatory remarks regarding specific undesireable traits assigned to them based on the labeling.

The Democratic Party in Texas, like in many Southern states, was "born" from the reconstruction period and many of the provisions in the Texas Constitution and statutes implementing those amendments and changes were crafted to shift the "control" of the state and local governments to the voters in order to stop or at least frustrate the "agenda" of the "Republican" carpetbaggers who administered state and local government in Texas like post-war dictators.

IMO any time one group or the other maintains a strangle hold on government for an extended period of time there is a trend to build into the system rules, regulations, and "standards of behavior" that "protect" the group in power to the exclusion of the outsiders. The result is most often "corruption."

In this election cycle the scope of that "strangle hold" transcends party lines and constituents from both major parties are revolting against the dominance imposed upon them by the "insiders" who seem content on maintaining the "status quo" than making changes that may benefit ALL of the U.S. citizens (recognizing of course that "ALL" means all groups as opposed to believing that 100% of the U.S. citizens will be satisfied or even can be.)

As to LBJ ... few people today recognize that JFK ... was initially opposed to the proposed Civil Rights legislation because it would alienate the South against him in his next election (for political reasons), which means to me at least that JFK in all the fantasies about him were distorted to put him in more favorable light than perhaps he deserved regarding his role as President. LBJ used his death to forward LBJ's agenda, but at the same time LBJ made "deals" to get the Civil Rights legislation passed and palatable to the Southern States ... one example ... concurrent jurisdiction between State and Federal courts for enforcement.
  • DSK
  • 08-08-2016, 07:32 AM
Pandering to minorities is not the answer. Conforming to the Constitution is. Individual freedom, personal responsibility is what made the country great. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I completely agree with you, but if you do not pander to minorities, they will not vote for your candidate.
  • DSK
  • 08-08-2016, 07:35 AM
An "issue" in media driven politics is to stick certain individuals into nice little "neat" pigeon holes for identification purposes in news stories and most of them are morphed into negative labels with derogatory remarks regarding specific undesireable traits assigned to them based on the labeling.

The Democratic Party in Texas, like in many Southern states, was "born" from the reconstruction period and many of the provisions in the Texas Constitution and statutes implementing those amendments and changes were crafted to shift the "control" of the state and local governments to the voters in order to stop or at least frustrate the "agenda" of the "Republican" carpetbaggers who administered state and local government in Texas like post-war dictators.

IMO any time one group or the other maintains a strangle hold on government for an extended period of time there is a trend to build into the system rules, regulations, and "standards of behavior" that "protect" the group in power to the exclusion of the outsiders. The result is most often "corruption."

In this election cycle the scope of that "strangle hold" transcends party lines and constituents from both major parties are revolting against the dominance imposed upon them by the "insiders" who seem content on maintaining the "status quo" than making changes that may benefit ALL of the U.S. citizens (recognizing of course that "ALL" means all groups as opposed to believing that 100% of the U.S. citizens will be satisfied or even can be.)

As to LBJ ... few people today recognize that JFK ... was initially opposed to the proposed Civil Rights legislation because it would alienate the South against him in his next election (for political reasons), which means to me at least that JFK in all the fantasies about him were distorted to put him in more favorable light than perhaps he deserved regarding his role as President. LBJ used his death to forward LBJ's agenda, but at the same time LBJ made "deals" to get the Civil Rights legislation passed and palatable to the Southern States ... one example ... concurrent jurisdiction between State and Federal courts for enforcement. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Very well put.

As for JFK and the fantasies about him, I'm not sure the true record will ever overcome the myth making.

All my Cuban friends certainly hate his guts, though.
LexusLover's Avatar
Very well put.

As for JFK .....

All my Cuban friends certainly hate his guts, though. Originally Posted by DSK
They probably have to hate someone and hating those in power "back home" can result in being incarcerated or worse ..... so hating him, even though it was the Russians using them as puppets that stirred JFK to action, is better for them, even if JFK can't defend himself anymore.

I remember that DAY. It was quiet and the streets were empty.

That was no myth.
I won't waste my time digging up old news, but Little George was boldly predicting Trump will never get the nomination ....

.... and he wants to stick his nose in Texas politics?

He's got to get it out of his ass first! Kinda like Reverent Dallas!

He calls this "bullshit"?

"McGovern and the liberal Democrats in the State pretty much cooked the Democratic Party in Texas. As the Democrats move farther to the left it becomes less likely they will recapture the State has a whole ... the strong hispanic vote is in South Texas ... and about all that does is assure local Hispanic politicians ( who do little for them) return to office."

Bexar County:
Anglo Republican Sheriff and Anglo Republican District Clerk!

Two county wide offices!!!!! in a county with probably 60% Hispanic. Originally Posted by LexusLover
A sheriff and a clerk? Is that the best you can do? You must be desperate. Every big city in the state has gone blue and the minority population is exploding and all you can cite is this bullshit?

Just wait until there is an organized, state-wide election with a concerted get-out-the-vote drive. Then you will find out how SLIM the GOP hold is in Texas. Thumpers can't save the GOP forever.

it should thus read:
George Will is an erudited republican high end elitist progressive critic who is very snooty. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
George Will is a progressive? I can only assume you are being ironic. Nobody can be that stupid.

He has been a non-stop and intelligent critic of Obama, Democrats and progressives for years and years. But because he cannot stomach a vile piece of shit like Trump, you think he is a progressive.
gfejunkie's Avatar

George Will is a progressive? I can only assume you are being ironic. Nobody can be that stupid.

He has been a non-stop and intelligent critic of Obama, Democrats and progressives for years and years. But because he cannot stomach a vile piece of shit like Trump, you think he is a progressive. Originally Posted by Revenant
And you are that stupid if you think he's on your side. George Will is just throwing a temper tantrum because his guy didn't win. He'll be back. There's no place else for him to go.
LexusLover's Avatar
A sheriff and a clerk? Is that the best you can do? Originally Posted by Revenant
Both county wide elected officials .... not desperate at all.

You obviously don't get out much ...

..... dismissive of the Sheriff? And the District Clerk?

Both females. Both Caucasian. Both Republicans. 60% Hispanic county?

You are the one who is struggling with your overwhelming ignorance.

You don't know shit about SA or South Texas! And the way you sound off my guess is your just another transplanted carpetbagger whining about Texas.

Stick with Little Georgie ... you all make a fine couple.

Again, did he proclaim last year .... Trump won't get nominated?