You're a dime a dozen lady. We see escorts for a variety of reasons, one of them being not wanting to be judged about our choices. I'm certain we're not missing anything we couldn't find anywhere else, so I can assure you your stance only costs you money.
Originally Posted by redbeard087
Never ceases to amaze me how people can be so hypocritical. There is no need to be rude to her, telling her she's worth a dime a dozen is rude, just because you disagree with her. I'm guessing she made that statement as a personal health choice. She didn't make hateful statements about the activity, just expressed her comfort level related to it.
Everyone is all about being open minded as long as that means you agree with them. People should stop and think about how arrogant it is to say that someone with a different opinion is hateful or close minded. Maybe she was open to all points of view and just disagrees. That would fit the definition of open minded, you know? Hard to believe, right?
I don't know enough about it to even take a side, but I did a quick look at the statistics and it was easy to see her position. Statistically, the odds of encountering an STD infected person is much higher among homosexuals. You, and the majority, may be comfortable with that risk because you use protection...others may have a different comfort level. I haven't considered the issue personally, but if it was my interest I would likely accept the risk also with the protection of a condom. What I would never do is insult someone else for choosing differently.
When we reach true tolerance it won't look like the modern projection of it. We won't ridicule Christians because we find their beliefs silly just as we won't tolerate them doing it to us. The 'tolerance' and 'open minded' crowd today are the most intolerant, hateful people I know. I agree with them on most gay rights, etc., but can't get on board with hating those who disagree. The irony and hypocrisy is too much for me.