BBCR = Bubble Butted Cock Rider
Strictly speaking, my list comprises abbreviations - not acronyms - since none of them are pronounced as words.
MILF is an acronym.
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Okay, CBAA - confused by acronyms & abbreviations!
I was mainly referring back to the title of this thread, with a tip o' my drink glass to your list. However you label it, the vocabulary of the Hobby can be a wee bit perplexing.
ECCIE can be an acronym, too. Some pronounce it "icky," while I lean toward what I think it would be in Gaelic, "eck-ee."
Okay so I'm going to be, "that guy".... While you're correct that they're largely not acronyms because they're not spoken as a single word, that doesn't make them abbreviations.
What you have here is actually a collection of acronyms and initialisms!
Originally Posted by philpot
And ECCIE can be that, too, like FBI or CIA, each member of the alphabet represented enunciated separately. (But according to Merriam-Webster and Oxford, an initialism IS an abbreviation formed from initial letters.)
Wonder what the owner and admins call this place? (A pain in the B-U-T-T?
PAWG = Phat Ass White Girl
FANCY = Funtastically Accommodating Naughty Celtic Yearner*
*Longing for lust!
So, what acronym/initialism can you make of YOUR handle?
Originally Posted by bigclitluvr
TCB - Take (or taking) care of business, a skill all providers should cultivate, aka responding to messages expediently; posting accurate ads and an informative Showcase; scheduling appointments and showing up for them; being prepared with fresh hygiene and supplies on hand; running their risque biz in a professional and dependable manner just like any other commercial enterprise that expects to make money off reputation and quality of service.
And you could call an attractive, experienced carnal companion who fulfills all of the above a Thoroughly Complete Booty, er, Beauty!
FANCY = Funtastically Accommodating Naughty Celtic Yearner*
*Longing for lust!
So, what acronym/initialism can you make of YOUR handle?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Sweet, Dulce! 
Ex. The girl made my BSC list
IOP yes I think some just make this shit up. So I pm'd someone so I wouldn't look like a fool. They indicated it means Illusion of Passion. So now I just need an explanation of what that means.
- pxmcc
- 10-12-2018, 10:45 AM
^^z it means the gal is pretending to enjoy herself. i've seen 1 or 2 gals who prbly weren't pretending tho..
THE ONES WHO CLAIM GFE BUT UPON START NOTICE NO KISSING NO CONVO ITS HURRY UP AND GO...has her manager drop her off or wait in parkinglot. Has horrible beside manner, not an intimate encounter but more of a rushed attitude
Cw- clockwatcher-constantly checks phone or clock during session.
Dns- do not see, meaning absolutely avoid at all cost..