Question for the Gents About Eccie vs P411 Handles

Every P411 gent I have seen, I have also found out if they have an Eccie handle, just fyi.

You can't possibly know that for a fact unless you have not seen anyone off of P411 who did not also tell you their ECCIE handle.

I understand your view and don't blame you for desiring that information, but you are also perhaps giving yourself a false sense of security.

Let's say I contact you from P411 where I use a different handle from my ECCIE handle (a site on which I had to get verified to join and on which Providers have given me OK's) and I tell you that my ECCIE handle is "Dearhunter" ... So, I lie to you about my ECCIE handle. Unless you follow up and send a PM to Dearhunter on ECCIE requesting that "Dearhunter" verify our appointment that we made on P411 ... you have no proof that I am in fact "Dearhunter" on ECCIE.

Now, on ECCIE anyone with a computer can join and set up an account ... there is absolutely no screening, vouching nor verification ... all I need is a computer. And, I can easily set up different accounts (handles) each of which has "it's" own distinct posting "personality" ... So, what can you really learn about about someone's personality from an Internet Board persona ... nothing of real value ... unless, my posts are disturbing.

There certainly are people who used different P411 and ECCIE handles for nefarious reasons ... perhaps they could not pass screening based on their ECCIE history that has been linked to their P411 account. But, if that is the case, they could just as easily create a new ECCIE handle and you would not know the difference.

By the by ... perhaps you have seen me sometimes over the past couple of weeks ... think about it. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers

You are taking a lot of liberties supposing how I handle my screening.

If someone tells me they are so and so off Eccie, I always ask them to send me a PM from that handle.

Anyways, I would love to know if I have seen you in the last few weeks and therefore you lied to me about not having an Eccie handle....for some reason you seem to be gleeful at such a prospect as having been able to "trick" me in such a way...and that's just creepy.
Do you guys not realize that we can still read reviews minus the ROS info? I can still see the rest of the review. I never claimed to read ROS.*smh* Anyone who wants to challenge me having a mandle, go for it. A quick check of my log ins/IP etc will prove that I am one of the few, honest providers who doesn't engage in such malarkey.

A lot of gents will put certain info in the physical description parts and/or the comments that give you an idea of their attitude, etc, towards the hobby and providers in general.

Anywhos, back to the original topic....Thank you to everyone who has commented; you guys have given me the insight I was seeking behind why some gents may do this.

It's been... interesting to say the least, but then what else should I expect from the hobby? Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Last I checked there is little to no information contained of true value outside the ROS; nothing in the other info that is explicit or would be reasonable grounds for the Provider to not see a client. So, based on the info outside of the ROS, how do you determine if you like a review or not?
Last I checked there is little to no information contained of true value outside the ROS; nothing in the other info that is explicit or would be reasonable grounds for the Provider to not see a client. So, based on the info outside of the ROS, how do you determine if you like a review or not? Originally Posted by gtoman
If you're interested in discussing my screening methods and how I decide overall to see someone or not, etc, further, I would be happy to do so over PM or better yet, in person.
You are taking a lot of liberties supposing how I handle my screening.

If someone tells me they are so and so off Eccie, I always ask them to send me a PM from that handle.

Anyways, I would love to know if I have seen you in the last few weeks and therefore you lied to me about not having an Eccie handle....for some reason you seem to be gleeful at such a prospect as having been able to "trick" me in such a way...and that's just creepy. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Not so cock sure of your screening methodology anymore, are you?

If you ask someone if they are on ECCIE and they say "No" ... you simply have to accept "No" as their answer. It could be true, it could be a lie. Simple as that.

I am just pointing out to you the fallacy of your approach as regards using ECCIE handles as a screening tool.

Fear not ... I have no need nor desire to "trick" anyone into an appointment and I never, ever book an appointment off of ECCIE. Guess you learned a whole lot about my personality from my ECCIE persona ... see how valuable it is?!
citizen44's Avatar
I would be happy to do so over PM or better yet, in person. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Heh, so that troll screening bar isn't set that high it appears
Heh, so that troll screening bar isn't set that high it appears Originally Posted by citizen44
Boy if that isn't he pot calling the kettle black. Lol.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Allows Plausible Deniability on the Incognito tip. lol

I imagine the difference is like:

P411 vs. Eccie; here's a very good analogy in my view.
Why would I disclose my eccie handle if it's not listed as item for screening in your showcase? Maybe if you had a note along the lines of "please disclose eccie handle when contacting through p411", but you have no such thing. I have no problem giving you my eccie handle, BUT I'm contacting you through p411 which is screening itself.
This has always been a excuse we assholes use to keep our board traffic from affecting our ability to put our ding-a-lings wherever we want. I used to go this route but have since stopped caring. Anyone, provider or hobbyist, who takes the shit slung around here seriously enough to try to link accounts and bar someone from their snatch isn't likely to be my cup of tea anyway.
This whore is truly delusional if she thinks gents should link their P411 and ECCIE accounts. Thanks for the laughs
Then there is the matter of eccie vs eccie handles.

They don't tend to book with their troll eccie account. At least not very often.
They use their second eccie account that has milder posts, reviews, and vouches from ladies that speak well of them.

Case in point...there's at least one individual from this thread that does so.
This instance has not been a concern since he has proven to be a good guy in person...via his troll and good guy eccie accounts.
notanewbie's Avatar
^^ busted again
^^ busted again Originally Posted by notanewbie
Hehehehe. NaN, you're awesome.
citizen44's Avatar
Boy if that isn't he pot calling the kettle black. Lol. Originally Posted by gtoman
I freely jump on that wagon as I've already passed her screening also. Maybe she's concerned with a different type of troll than us. After all, theres internet trolling and then there's TCP.
I freely jump on that wagon as I've already passed her screening also. Maybe she's concerned with a different type of troll than us. After all, theres internet trolling and then there's TCP. Originally Posted by citizen44
So, you're admitting that you've contacted me through P411 as someone else and lied about who you are here? That's just fucking creepy.