The Great Debate

bambino's Avatar
Dumb as a stump bamboozled If your brains were made of C4, you couldn't blow your nose. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are a punk retarded Lenny. What a pussy "she started it" bullshit retarded Lenny. Does verbally abusing women make you feel like a man retarded Lenny. Just because women know you're a stupid cocksucker doesn't give you the right to insult them retarded Lenny. Only punks do that retarded Lenny.

But she started it!

A quote from Retarded Lenny, punk cocksucker
You are a punk retarded Lenny. What a pussy "she started it" bullshit retarded Lenny. Does verbally abusing women make you feel like a man retarded Lenny. Just because women know you're a stupid cocksucker doesn't give you the right to insult them retarded Lenny. Only punks do that retarded Lenny.

But she started it!

A quote from Retarded Lenny, punk cocksucker Originally Posted by bambino
Facts really fuck you up stumpy.

But then you wouldn't have anything to piss and moan about.

By the way ever found the link stumpy? Go suck your sisters dick, she has more balls then you do.
Still trying to figure 0brobros pseuˇdoˇnym (ˈso͞odnim/


a fictitious name, especially one used by an author.) email addy...

Could it be


Hillary couldn’t be proven guilty without proving the president guilty as well. ‘How is this not classified?” So exclaimed Hillary Clinton’s close aide and confidante, Huma Abedin. The FBI had just shown her an old e-mail exchange, over Clinton’s private account, between the then-secretary of state and a second person, whose name Abedin did not recognize. The FBI then did what the FBI is never supposed to do: The agents informed their interviewee (Abedin) of the identity of the second person. It was the president of the United States, Barack Obama, using a pseudonym to conduct communications over a non-secure e-mail system — something anyone with a high-level security clearance, such as Huma Abedin, would instantly realize was a major breach.

Abedin was sufficiently stunned that, for just a moment, the bottomless capacity of Clinton insiders to keep cool in a scandal was overcome. “How is this not classified?”

She recovered quickly enough, though. The FBI records that the next thing Abedin did, after “express[ing] her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym,” was to “ask if she could have a copy of the email.”

Abedin knew an insurance policy when she saw one. If Obama himself had been e-mailing over a non-government, non-secure system, then everyone else who had been doing it had a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Thanks to Friday’s FBI document dump — 189 more pages of reports from the Bureau’s year-long foray (“investigation” would not be the right word) into the Clinton e-mail scandal — we now know for certain what I predicted some eight months ago here at NRO: Any possibility of prosecuting Hillary Clinton was tanked by President Obama’s conflict of interest.

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bambino's Avatar
Facts really fuck you up stumpy.

But then you wouldn't have anything to piss and moan about.

By the way ever found the link stumpy? Go suck your sisters dick, she has more balls then you do.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You wouldn't know a fact retarded Lenny. You're too stupid. My sister could kick your ass limp dick retarded Lenny. Go call some hookers names and beat your chest somewhere else punk Lenny.
What my friend zerodahero and I do for we truly feel about Hillary!
LexusLover's Avatar
What ..... I do for we truly feel about Hillary! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
The neighborhood just got upscale and pleasant!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
LMAO a hillbilly WKing a idiot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bambino's Avatar
Facts really fuck you up stumpy.

But then you wouldn't have anything to piss and moan about.

By the way ever found the link stumpy? Go suck your sisters dick, she has more balls then you do.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You just can't read, and comprehend Retarded Lenny. You are a punk.
Atta boy no stones.
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You wouldn't know a fact retarded Lenny. You're too stupid. My sister could kick your ass limp dick retarded Lenny. Go call some hookers names and beat your chest somewhere else punk Lenny. Originally Posted by bambino
You just can't read, and comprehend Retarded Lenny. You are a punk. Originally Posted by bambino
Well banbeano you gas bag, you finally did find a article showing Soros funds BLM (which was general knowledge). However there was nothing in it showing he or BLM hired the buses . Keep sucking your sisters dick.
bambino's Avatar
Well banbeano you gas bag, you finally did find a article showing Soros funds BLM (which was general knowledge). However there was nothing in it showing he or BLM hired the buses . Keep sucking your sisters dick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Again retarded Lenny, it's the 3rd link I've provided your retarded ass. If I had Soros stand in front of you and tell you he funds mayhem, you wouldn't believe him because youre retarded. Keep jerking yourself a soda and verbally abusing the ladies here you fuckhead. It's what you do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Still trying to figure 0brobros pseuˇdoˇnym (ˈso͞odnim/


a fictitious name, especially one used by an author.) email addy...

Could it be Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

The bitch and the half-breed are co-conspirators in crime.
Again retarded Lenny, it's the 3rd link I've provided your retarded ass. If I had Soros stand in front of you and tell you he funds mayhem, you wouldn't believe him because youre retarded. Keep jerking yourself a soda and verbally abusing the ladies here you fuckhead. It's what you do. Originally Posted by bambino
Yah bambeano, it is the third one not proving Soros hired the buses like you stated. Just a fucking gas bag. where is the link?
Again retarded Lenny, it's the 3rd link I've provided your retarded ass. If I had Soros stand in front of you and tell you he funds mayhem, you wouldn't believe him because youre retarded. Keep jerking yourself a soda and verbally abusing the ladies here you fuckhead. It's what you do. Originally Posted by bambino
bambeano the gas bag, you are such a moronic parrot. Gimme some fries if you can remember that. If you looked up loser your pic would be by it.
bambino's Avatar
bambeano the gas bag, you are such a moronic parrot. Gimme some fries if you can remember that. If you looked up loser your pic would be by it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Keep posting retarded shit, it's what retards do. You have an IQ of a rock Retarded Lenny. Who said anything about buses Retarded Lenny? George Soros isn't Ralph Cramden Retarded Lenny. He's not a bus driver. "But Bambino, she started it". Go fuck yourself you punk ass retard.