Split Dallas and Fort Worth

TexTushHog's Avatar
The reverse is equally frustrating. And much more likely. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
And an equally compelling argument for splitting the forums.
TexTushHog's Avatar


Seriously, it's not that far of a drive.
I make the drive daily from the DFW airport area to Uptown...Daily.
I have been for years now.

If you find someone of quality to make the drive for, research her and her location, book in advance and I bet she'll be worth it.

Originally Posted by berkleigh
As Tin Man pointed out, it depends on how busy you are. I live 2.5 miles from where I work in East Texas and 1.5 miles from where I work here in town. And I wish I lived closer in both places. Time spent driving is wasted time that you could be working on cases or billing clients. That means you're wasting at least $5,000 a week driving even if you only have a 45 minute drive.

Downtown Fort Worth to McKinney is 58 miles, for perspective. 1 hour drive with NO traffic.

It is a significant hassle to some, to make the crossover to either part of town, and many have no intention of doing so, even if they feel like they can. Originally Posted by FireKitten
And speaking of things that should be done, remote northern counties like Collin and Denton Counties should be separated, too.
if i am not mistaken, isnt there already a "provider ads ftw" forum already in the dallas forum??? Hell i may be reading a different forum than you guys.
TinMan's Avatar
Yes, there is a Fort Worth ad forum.

Hope that helps clear things up.
I found a provider in Euless quite by accident. I don't know if she has an incall. I met her in San Antonio at a social. I have looked in vain for some one in the mid-cities area for years. There was a group incall in east Fort Worth but they no longer exist.
TinMan's Avatar
Ok, so let's accept the reality that we aren't going to have separate forums, and indeed there are a number of good reasons not to. That doesn't mean we can't make the existing forums work to our advantage.

For those of you who want to improve visibility of the Westoplex, I urge you to read and follow the request I've made in my sig line. I even changed to a bold font to improve visibility.

If more men and women would include location in the titles of their reviews and ads, the search for matches would be far easier than it is today. I don't even care if the Dallasites do it. If those of us in TC slow down our griping and take it upon ourselves to improve communication with the tools that are available, it will reduce the frustration we sometimes feel.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
The first thing a reviewer needs to figure out is whether he's writing his review to boost his ego or help those on either side of the hobbying community. If it's the former, feel free to continue to wrte subject lines such as "OMG! I just saw a PSE goddess and had the greatest fuck of my life!", which conveys little information of any use. If it's the latter, try simply, "Abigail Rosaland/Fort Worth/Yes." After conveying that essential information, you can then proceed to supplement the subject line with how great a cocksman your are, or provider she is.

It would also help to use standard names and spellings.

The name of the seat of Tarrant County is "Fort Worth," not "Ft. Worth" or "Ft Worth." Even if you want to bust my chops as a grammar Nazi, there's a good reason to use the standard spelling: It's standardized; if everyone did it correctly, only one search would be necessary. If you use anything else, whether it's "Ft Worth," "Ft. Worth," "Cowtown," "Panther City," "Mootown," or some other name, it makes searching more time-consuming and less productive.

I'd also suggest using "HEB" for any of the three cities along the 183 corridor, as it's sometimes difficult to know which one you're in. Hell, I've lived here for 30+ years, and I still don;'t know where Hurst ends and Bedford (or is it Euless?) begins.
Occulariam's Avatar
How hard could it really be? Seriously? I would imagine it’s a fairly simple addition to a table somewhere. What would be even better is a distance from zip code search. That way US cities at least are easier to search.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Fort Worth is the 15th-largest city in the United States, and Arlington is the 48th. But the Metroplex remains Dallas-centric, even moreso in the hobby world, and on this site. It's definitely a chicken-or-egg question: Is the board Dallas-centric because TC guys don't participate as much, or do guys not participate because the board is so Dallas-centric? We tried a private Tarrant County forum for a while, but, although we had more than 500 members, it was the same 10-15 guys who posted. The interest just isn't there.
I did not participate in the Tarrant forum much as it was mostly AMP centered. I have discovered that there are many providers that live in the mid cities that never get mentioned in either city.
Yes ! I think so..make room for HEB, Ft worth and other areas.. Got room for Mexico lol we got room for Ft Worth and surrounding areas.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I don't know what forum you were looking at, but it couldn't have been the same one if you thought there was too much emphasis on AMPs. For starters, I don't believe there are any AMPs (at least as people in Dallas ECCIE would define them) in Tarrant County; the Asian places here are generally considered subAMPs, have a different business model, and predominantly hire a different ethnicity.

But even if you were talking about subAMPs, I'd disagree with you. There were maybe one or two guys who talked a lot about subAMPs, but, by and large, the focus was on indies and the few studios.

I'd like to say that you would have found an appreciative and participative audience if you had shared much information, but the forum just never reached critical mass. I'm thinking we probably would have had to get at least 1,000 members, maybe as many as 1,500, in order to make it a valuable resource,
Sir Lancehernot perhaps you are correct I hav never had a desire to go to an AMP even when a lady I liked was working at one. Reminds me to much of going to a whore house full of Asians. Didn't do that in Viet Nam and damn sure not doing it here.
Yes definitely need a separate Ft Worth list. Dallas may only be 30 miles away but with the traffic & road construction and if you don't know Dallas it can take you two hrs to get there!!!!
TinMan's Avatar
The chicken-or-egg question is a legitimate one. Unfortunately, FW guys haven’t provided much evidence that a separate forum is supportable. Even on OH2, when I reminded one frequent reviewer that he could post his FW reviews in their dedicated forum, he responded that he in essence just didn’t want to bother.

Sadly, he’s been given little reason as to why he should.